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Slažem se sa čovekom 100%, da ne bude zabune, ali mi se ova izjava nikako ne uklapa u sliku koju sam imao o njemu.


Nije loša ova nova pesma od Nefandus. Prethodni albumi mi se nisu nešto posebno svideli koliko se sećam, moraću da ih preslušam još jednom.


A evo i intervju sa Reverorum Ib Malacht ako nekoga zanima.



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Ja se apsolutno slažem sa izborom koji je načinio, samo ne znam da li je trebao da meša Ofermod u to ali na kraju krajeva njegov je bend, neka radi šta hoće sa njim. Čuo sam iz prve ruke da je lik bio apsolutni ludak, očigledno se dozvao pameti.

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Ово је написао:


As co-founders of the so called "orthodox" movement within Black Metal, Ofermod claim the right that all bands in this movement oppose all acts of violation against children, meaningless violence and other appalling phenomenon this subculture has come to embody. Join us in the battle for a more "civilzed" form of spreading the Metal of Death, Black Metal, Heavy Metal...the Devils music in general.

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As co-founders of the so called "orthodox" movement within Black Metal, Ofermod claim the right that all bands in this movement oppose all acts of violation against children, meaningless violence and other appalling phenomenon this subculture has come to embody. Join us in the battle for a more "civilzed" form of spreading the Metal of Death, Black Metal, Heavy Metal...the Devils music in general.


Pa onda kreće diskusija o tome kako je svašta lupetao u mladosti i propagirao razne ideje, između ostalog kroz Ofermod, sa kojima se danas ne slaže.

Edited by oʞɾoƃ

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