Telcontar Posted December 26, 2008 Report Posted December 26, 2008 Daklem, josh jedan relativno nepoznat noviji bend. Sviraju Melodic metal dakle neki mix Hard Rock / Heavy / Power mada ovo Power shvatite uslovno to su samo trenuci. Ali opet nekako mi se ne otvara tema tamo, a imaju dovoljno uticaja da mogu da ih nekako uguram na ovaj podforum. Elem... Eden's Curse Michael Eden - Vocals Thorsten Koehne - Guitars (Code Of Perfection, Attack (Ger), Aterial) Ferdy Doernberg - Keyboards (Axel Rudi Pell, Dezperadoz, Rick Renstrom, Roland Grapow, Rough Silk, Shock Machine, Taraxacum) Paul Logue - Bass Guitar (David Readman) Pete Newdeck - Drums (Grim Reaper, Paul Di'Anno, The Steve Grimmett Band) Diskografija: Eden's Curse Full-length, 2007 Seven Deadly Sins EP, 2008 The Second Coming Full-length, 2008 Ima na myspaceu Serbian Street Team njihov, mogao bi gazda da se javi Preporuka svima koji vole fazon recimo Allen-Lande, Winterborn, The Codex, Leverage, Dignity, Pink Cream 69, Brother Firetribe, Royal Hunt, Mehida... ma uzmite i slushajte sta i ja smaram. Quote
Jovan Cvijic Posted December 27, 2008 Report Posted December 27, 2008 Daklem, josh jedan relativno nepoznat noviji bend. Sviraju Melodic metal dakle neki mix Hard Rock / Heavy / Power mada ovo Power shvatite uslovno to su samo trenuci. Ali opet nekako mi se ne otvara tema tamo, a imaju dovoljno uticaja da mogu da ih nekako uguram na ovaj podforum. Elem... Eden's Curse Michael Eden - Vocals Thorsten Koehne - Guitars (Code Of Perfection, Attack (Ger), Aterial) Ferdy Doernberg - Keyboards (Axel Rudi Pell, Dezperadoz, Rick Renstrom, Roland Grapow, Rough Silk, Shock Machine, Taraxacum) Paul Logue - Bass Guitar (David Readman) Pete Newdeck - Drums (Grim Reaper, Paul Di'Anno, The Steve Grimmett Band) Diskografija: Eden's Curse Full-length, 2007 Seven Deadly Sins EP, 2008 The Second Coming Full-length, 2008 Ima na myspaceu Serbian Street Team njihov, mogao bi gazda da se javi Preporuka svima koji vole fazon recimo Allen-Lande, Winterborn, The Codex, Leverage, Dignity, Pink Cream 69, Brother Firetribe, Royal Hunt, Mehida... ma uzmite i slushajte sta i ja smaram. Preslušah prvenac ovog benda, imam ga poodavno po diskovima, svuči veoma prijemčivo! Nisi pogrešio kada si bacio poređenja tipa Allen-Lande, Leverage, Brotherz.... Elem, krajnje prijatan i melodičan heavyć. Ujuriću i novije izdanje pa eto mene s utiscima. Quote
Jovan Cvijic Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 Ki što sam obećao onomad, preslušah i novi album Kletve koja stiže pravo iz.. raja. Zadovoljan sam! Još ne mogu da izvagam na mojoj slušalačkoj vagi koji je album bolji - oba su prekrasan melanž melodije, višeglasnih bridgeova, lepih melodic-heavy gitarskih delova, i pesme zaista imaju dosta "udica" na koje sam se upecao kao svaki melodic metal som. Šta ćete. Somčina. Šalu na stranu, neko će se požaliti da je ovo krajnje šablonski bend, ali - što pa da ne? Barem je glazba sprovedena dosledno principima aor-heavy-melodic podžandra i oni koji vole da kusaju takav ajvar, kao ja, biće zadovoljni. I cediće im se zejtin niz bradu dugo dugo nakon slušanja. Vrrlo dobro momci! Još samo da pojurim onaj EP! Pre-po-ru-ka! Totalna. A ovaj đavolak Telkontar, za kaznu što je preporučio note ovih dečkića iz raja, ima pivo od mene kad se vidimo na koncertu Ajron Mejden. Ili dva. Quote
Ајлин Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 u bre ovo je mnogo mekano al slatko baš lepo slušati za novu godinu lepe gitare nema šta. Quote
Ајлин Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 ala sam se prepala! pazite šta mi se desilo. slušam eden's curse i razmišljam o steelheart. najednom počinje we all die young a ne peva je matijević lepo iznenađenje Quote
Jovan Cvijic Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 u bre ovo je mnogo mekano al slatko baš lepo slušati za novu godinu lepe gitare nema šta. Cenim da je Eeeeelenka u pravu. Slatkiš novogodišnji. Quote
Apeiron Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 Sasvim je OK bend, ali nije nista revolucionarno (ako je danas ista revolucionarno u ovim vodama)... We All Die Young, to znam iz Rock Star filma, jaka pesma, iako mi je Steelheart (tj. Steel Dragon verzija ) ubedljivija poprilicno... A ostalo, da, mekano do Bon Jovi granica, ali pristojno je za slusanje, strofa-refren-catchy solo, i to je to, sve preko bilo bi i suvisno... Quote
Ајлин Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 pa ne, nije bon jovi. sorry. ima malo jačih rifova na oba albuma pogotovu na second coming. preslušati ponovo sad sam sa njih uskočila pravo u children of bodom pa mi čudno. ko da sam u ladan bunar skočila posle đakuzija. Quote
Jovan Cvijic Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 @ Apeiron Dakako da ništa revolucionarno nije to, naglasio sam već to u priči sa ajvarom u nekom gornjem postu. Ali itekako dosledno sprovedena formula uspešnosti u tom aor-heavy-whatever podžanru. Ili, kao što već volim da kažem, dah svežine. A onu provalu za Bonžovija neću ni da komentarišem (tj, evo, samim tim i jesam) Izdvojiću i naslove par pesama gde ima i malo težih rifčića kad se bacim ponovo na albume, sad sam zaglavio na Stuck Mojo, Still Remains i Rokeri s Moravu. My bad. Quote
Ајлин Posted January 4, 2009 Report Posted January 4, 2009 mene iskreno malo iritira edenov tenorčić. dobro peva čovek samo mi je nespojiv glas sa njegovom pojavom. a mislim da se apeiron našao u zamci kad ih je poredio sa bon đokom, upravo zbog tenorčića. nego gle njih: Quote
Apeiron Posted January 4, 2009 Report Posted January 4, 2009 Ah vas, pa necemo biti tako ostri sada, rekoh "do Bon Jovi granica", a ne da su presli granicu, zar ne? Ma premekano je i preslatko na momente, to pomenuh, ali da moze da se slusa, moze. Mada, Stuck Mojo mi je mnogo bolja opcija u svakom pogledu, kad vec kolega Cvijic pomenu. Jos ako je Declaration of a Headhunter u pitanju... Quote
Ајлин Posted January 4, 2009 Report Posted January 4, 2009 na second coming mu glas stvarno u pojedinim momentima iritantno njače. otprilike ko motley crue samo nema opakasti spicy prizvuk specifičan za vince neila nego je nekako devojčičast i to onako unjkavo dakle definitivno nije za slušanje na ipodu. može na zvučnike. sa takvim tenorom nije ni čudo što peva matijevića bez po muke. kad bolje razmislim ima opseg koji je više postavljen od mog koja sam žensko bog te smazo. pjeva ko djevojka. inače ima sjajnih pesama baš živahnih rifova i dobro dođe za opuštanje i zaljubljivanje slušaće se još a sad: spektakl. angel of death. jopet. Quote
Apeiron Posted January 20, 2009 Report Posted January 20, 2009 OK, uzeh ja to konkretnije da preslusam nakon recenzije Heaven Rain na Metal Observeru u kojem covek rece: "HEAVEN RAIN is easily the pick of the Melodic Metal releases this year and I rate it as highly as EDEN’S CURSE ‘’Second Coming’’. That, my Melodic brothers and sisters, is praise indeed", i mogu reci da je album u tom melodic metal fazonu stvarno super, i da me bas bas podseca na Balance of Power u Book of Secrets fazi (jedinoj koju i gotivim). Melodicno, strofa/refren precizno, pamtljivo, moze za svakodnevnu upotrebu bez problema. Quote
ErliK Posted January 20, 2009 Report Posted January 20, 2009 E i ja bas htedoh da kazem da nisam davao preterano sanse ovom Eden's Cursu pogotovu s pominjanjem bon jovija na istoj temi Al eto setio sam se da imam prethodni album koji je bio OK i iznenadio se da je novi čak bolji. Sto rece Apeiron, prepoznatljive melodije koje cak i posle par slusanja ne dosade. Nikakva filozofija ali u jednostavnosti lezi lepota... jbm li ga. Quote
Ајлин Posted January 21, 2009 Report Posted January 21, 2009 ne znam za vas, ali mene mnogo nervira edenov glas na nekim starima. unjkav je brate mnogo. inače im je muzika baš dobra, kvalitetno odsvirana, produkcijski mi zvuči dosta upeglano. bombonica. Quote
Telcontar Posted January 23, 2009 Author Report Posted January 23, 2009 E i ja bas htedoh da kazem da nisam davao preterano sanse ovom Eden's Cursu pogotovu s pominjanjem bon jovija na istoj temi Al eto setio sam se da imam prethodni album koji je bio OK i iznenadio se da je novi čak bolji. Sto rece Apeiron, prepoznatljive melodije koje cak i posle par slusanja ne dosade. Nikakva filozofija ali u jednostavnosti lezi lepota... jbm li ga. E opet ko zna koji put, totalno se slazhem. Ja zaista jako cenim bendove, koji mozda nisu najoriginalniji ali umeju da onog vec poznatog naprave dobre i slusljive pesme, a Eden's Curse mi svakako spada u tu grupu. Quote
Chicken Little 420 Posted July 19, 2013 Report Posted July 19, 2013 Nikola Mijić novi pevač benda Eden's Curse! Quote
Guest HEFEST Posted July 19, 2013 Report Posted July 19, 2013 (edited) E jebes mu mater. Zar sve u muzici mora da propadne? Gde moj tenorcic Eden??? Kako bre Eden bez Edena?? Sta je bre ovo? Kokosko mrtva si ako je ovo zajebancija neka. Aha nije Eden nego pevac. Pomesao sam. Ali opet tenorcic je cinio ovu grupu onim sto jeste. Bez tog vokala ja ovo ne slusam. U stavru vidim jeste Eden jbt. Ovo vec druga promena. Koji je onaj Sandron??? Jedan od najboljih bendova trenutno u power metalu meni je doziveo preranu smrt. Moje saucesce svim powerasima. I understand my English was not clear enough for a few people to understand in my press release so I'm updating it a bit. In the USA we have a children's television show called Sesame Street. So let me break it down Big Bird style with the Barney flash cards for readers that are asking themselves, what is this Eden guy going on about. I wanted to sling no mud but it seems you guys want a few facts so you can understand more clearly. Let me help you understand and make it perfectly clear. Eden's Curse became a band that was about trophy's. Didn't I say that once? You know, an award made of metal and It became a situation filled with people wanting to de-value the band! Still not following? That means Eden's Curse would play sometimes cheaper than the most god horrible band playing Lynyrd Skynyrd cover songs. In other words cheap!!!! Dirt fucking cheap! Some question my credibility? Feel free to question anything you want as the only opinion that matters at this point to me is my own. James Labrie questioned plenty and then he recorded our album. That is after he found out we were not full of shit, that I was not full of shit. James and I just shared stories the other night face to face. As far as being compared to Mike Portnoy, I'll gladly take the comparison. Do your homework before throwing insults about people you don't know. The bottom line.... Eden's Curse wanted me to play for free or next to nothing. This ain't Disneyland and if it was the ride costs money and somebody has to pay. A few weeks back Paul Logue without my consent booked the band onto the PPM Festival overseas, as well looking at other dates. For two years I've made it clear due to my insane travel and being needed "weeks" overseas I could not do gigs for free. They (Eden's Curse) booked dates without me on board and if that that isn't shady I'd like to know what is. When I wanted to get paid a few hundred in USA cash for the trouble they said no, and then informed me another singer would be doing the gigs if I refused. Thanks for the brotherhood! The loyalty! The dedication. Damn right I refused to play the gigs. Any thinking man with any shade of integrity would have refused and then added Go fuck yourself to the mix!~ Is that easy enough to understand? Hopefully this clears things up. The haters that never listened to the band are the ones with the biggest mouths talking shit and I crave that like a fat lady craves Peanut Butter and Jelly. I don't play for free and neither do millions of other musicians. I don't get cornered by anyone and my hand does not get forced! As far as finding other musicians to play with from the start.....These guys are world class players. There was no need to find other players and yes I was involved with choosing all of them but one guy who was chosen by Paul. They are moving on in a band called Eden's Curse without Michael Eden. How does that work exactly? I wonder if the next guy works for free? He better or his ass will not even be considered. Mr. Rogers called.......Said my trolly would be here soon and to hang tight! I'll do that! O BOZE SPASI EDENA I ZGROMI OVE IZDAJICE. MIJIC PLACA IZ SVOG DZEPA DA BI BIO U BENDU. Edited July 19, 2013 by HEFEST 1 Quote
Guest HEFEST Posted July 19, 2013 Report Posted July 19, 2013 Много сам се изнервирао. Сви бендови одоше полако у курац. Quote
Chicken Little 420 Posted August 7, 2013 Report Posted August 7, 2013 Multinational Melodic Metallers Eden's Curse return with their highly anticipated brand new fourth studio album "Symphony Of Sin", due October 4th on AFM Records. Produced by Paul Logue and mixed and mastered by the groups long term engineer, Pink Cream 69 and Unisonic bassist, Dennis Ward, "Symphony Of Sin" is the first release with new Serbian vocalist Nikola Mijic (Alogia/Dreyelands) and former Powerquest mainman and keyboarder Steve Williams, alongside original members Paul Logue, Thorsten Koehne & Pete Newdeck. Tracklisting : 1. Symphony Of Sin 2. Break The Silence 3. Evil & Divine 4. Unbreakable 5. Fallen From Grace 6. Losing My Faith 7. Rock Bottom 8. Great Unknown 9. Turn The Page 10. Sign Of The Cross 11. Wings To Fly 12. Devil In Disguise 13. Where Is The Love? The album artwork was created again by another of the groups long term collaborators, Thomas Ewerhard (Edguy, Avantasia, Jorn), and marks the return of a familar face in "Eve" who graced the bands debut album cover. "Symphony Of Sin" will be preceded by a single and promo video for "Evil & Divine" on September 12th. Quote
StarbreakeR Posted September 12, 2013 Report Posted September 12, 2013 Nije sto je nas, al svaka mu cast! Quote
Guest HEFEST Posted September 12, 2013 Report Posted September 12, 2013 (edited) Znao sam da mi se nece svideti. Vokal se jedva cuje dok je Eden grmeo. Nije lose za neki drugi bend ali ovo vise nisu oni. Edited September 12, 2013 by HEFEST Quote
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