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Da krenem odma' kratko i jasno, pa cu posle da se raspishem. Bend koji (meni) zvuchi kao mix ranog Black Sabbatha i Jethro Tulla (though najvise se navodi Pentagram kao uticaj kako vidim, ali njih nisam slusao) koji ima 3 izvrsna albuma iza sebe gde je doom/stoner prevailing zvuk, ali gde ima puno i prog-rock i blues i heavy momenata, dakle za sve pare. Ukratko, pa kome ovo ne odgovara nek prestane da chita.


Sta je u stvari najgenijalnije kod ovog benda? Kada kazem da bend zvuci kao stari Black Sabbath/Jethro Tull/Pentagram/(moze i Cepelin) bend stvarno ZVUCHI kao navedeni bendovi! Ja ovako dobar zvuk gitare odavno nisam chuo, a da je snimljena u poslednjih 10..blah, 20 godina, ne znam. Pure hearing delight. Prvi album je npr. snimljen u podrumu, sve analogno, a cenim da su tako (ili sl.) snimljena i druga dva s obzirom na zvuk i sve. Magnus Pelander, gitara/vokal, ima kul vokal, nista za prebacivanje, ali lega muzici k'o puter na vruc 'leba. Krosover izmedju Brianrossish NWOBHM, Danzig i Ozzy vokala. Recimo :) Na "Alchemist"u zvuci najozbiljnije, i uopste, ovo mi je vrh album, najbolje od benda do sada. Nakon toga prvi, pa onda drugi. S tim shto bih svakako preporuchio da se krene od prvenca ("Witchcraft"), jerbo je tu "najstariji" zvuk heh.




^Ovdi mozete cuti par pesama, pustiti pre svega "Samaritan Burden" i "No Angel Or Demon", pa se nadam da ce se bar nekome svideti, bend vredan paznje, i jedva chekam neko novo shtivo, moglo bi pasti ove godine!

Posted (edited)

Ne mogu da verujem da vec nije bila tema...

Dobar bend, skinuo sam ih sad vec davno. Slusam ih i sad povremeno.

Ono - nostalgija! :) Ili bar tako meni zvuce... Znaci kada bi ih neko cuo ko ne zna mislio bi da su mu pustili nesto iz 70ih...

Edited by KinSlayer
Ono - nostalgija! :) Ili bar tako meni zvuce... Znaci kada bi ih neko cuo ko ne zna mislio bi da su mu pustili nesto iz 70ih...


To mi je najjace kod benda, bas taj feeling stvaraju. Kad pustim "No Angel Or Demon" k'o da sam pustio neki NWOBHM bend sa kraja '70tih :)


Jebote ovo je genijalno el imas ovo?


Ima se normalski, recnem ti oba tri albuma :pivopije:

  • 1 month later...

volim rane Sabbathe i Pentagram, taj fazon, generalno...

odslusao sam jednu pesmu, i super je. stavjam da se skida.

hvala Angelystoru :pivopije:


posto rece da nisi slusao pentagram imas ovde na tom postu linkove, ako ti se ovo svidja obavezno preslusaj i ova cetri albuma pentagrama. meni su sva ceti odlicna, a pogotovo prvi i treci.

Imam 3 Pentagrama :)

ja imam samo 2 :(

onaj najpoznatiji, i onaj antolijski pentagram :)

koji je taj treci?



upravo sam provalio da sam pre 2 godine citao o ovom bendu u BV-u ali sam zaboravio kako se zovu. secam se intervjua momci su zesce nalozeni na pentagram, sabbathe su tek kasnije poceli da slusaju



E da, onda imam 4, s tim sto te Turke imam zavedene pod Mezarkabul, heh. Odlichan bend! 4. su Shvedjani.



np. Witchcraft - Queen Of Bees :rockdevil:



Is it true do I really sing about you

It could might as well be about someone else

Look around you're not the center of the world

They say truth lies within this word


Evo na preporuku Viggera sam krenuo i ja ovo da slušam i vrlo sam zadovoljan. Zasad sam svukao debi, split sa The Sword, If Crimson was your colour EP i Firewood, koji mi dođe i najbolji. Još da svučem ovaj poslednji, ali polako - treba vremena da se sve slegne. Produkcija je fantastična, predivan 70s zvuk gitare, prosto toplo čoveku oko srca kada sluša. Fav pesme - Chylde of fire, Sorrow evoker sa dojajnom frulom, Queen of bees, Her sisters they were weak... ali ni ostale nisu daleko. Preporuka :da:

  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)




Nuclear Blast Records feels honoured to welcome Swedish doom metal kings Witchcraft to the family!

After a five-year hiatus, the band is currently recording the follow up to 2007's 'The Alchemist' together with renowned producer Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios (Kreator, Opeth, Amon Amarth).

The album's working title is Legend and will feature the band's new guitarists and drummer for the first time:

Simon Solomon – guitars

Tom Jondelius – guitars

Oscar Johansson – drums

Furthermore, band leader Magnus Pelander will from now on focus on his unique vocals without playing guitar anymore.

Commented Pelander: "There's magic going on in the studio and we can hardly wait to eventually give something back to our loyal fans! We know you guys have been waiting for this!"

Edited by Grobodan

To sam i ja pomislio :haha: koja šteta što se nisu pojavili pet godina kasnije kada je trend divljao, realno samo im The devil's blood može prismrdeti u ovom retro pravcu.

  • 1 month later...

Swedish doom metal kings WITCHCRAFT have set "Legend" as the title of their fourth album, due on September 21 via the band's new label home, Nuclear Blast Records.

  • 4 weeks later...

Swedish doom metal kings WITCHCRAFT will release their fourth album, "Legend", on September 21 via the band's new label home, Nuclear Blast Records. The follow-up to 2007's "The Alchemist" was recorded with renowned producer Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios (KREATOR, OPETH, AMON AMARTH, PARADISE LOST, KATATONIA) in Örebro, Sweden. The CD marks the recording debut of the band's new members Simon Solomon (guitar), Tom Jondelius (guitar) and Oscar Johansson (drums). Going forward, WITCHCRAFT leader Magnus Pelander will focus on his unique vocals without playing guitar anymore.


Commented Pelander: "A friend of mine had an idea about a cover for 'Legend'. I developed the idea and gave it back to my friend who then passed it on to another friend who happened to be a designer. The designer then pushed it in a new direction. The result is already legendary."


Added bass player Ola Henriksson: "The album cover is meant to reflect the music and I think it does that with its heavy, dark and clean design."




Mamu mu, nisam znao da je celu postavu promenio. Kako bilo, fantastican cover.

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