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Na vas dvoje sam i mislio :wink:


Ja mislio na Tuborg, the beer of the Danish knights, al OK je i Apatin...dok nije Zoffman biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Vidimo se uskoro...

  • 10 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Evo vesti o tom DVD-ju...


On 15th of November 2004 the RAGE concert, which was recorded live at Bochums Zeche on 25th of January 2004, will be released in 3 different configurations at the market. Beside the double DVD, called "From The Cradle To The Stage", there will be a double CD with an extra track and a Limited Edition Box, which will cover both, CD's and DVD's. All versions are provided with an large-scaled designd booklet.

  • 8 months later...
da vrnem temu na vrh icon_biggrin.gif

odlicno su obradili troopera icon_cool.gif

Kao i sve ostalo sto su ikada radili,...ja ne verujem da od ovog benda moze da se ocekuje nesto lose,.... icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Rage-Trooper mi se ne svidja icon_wink.gif




German power metallers RAGE will enter producer Charlie Bauerfeind's VPS Studios in late September to begin recording their new album, tentatively due on March 20, 2006 via Nuclear Blast Records. The band will spend much of August in pre-production before guitarist Victor Smolski records the orchestra parts for a "Suite Lingua Mortis" in Minsk. The 20-minute band/orchestra piece, for which Victor is currently working hard on the notation, will be the main part of the new RAGE album. The recordings will be completed by the end of November, with the mix tentatively scheduled to take place in December.



Ovi ljudi su neumorni!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

user posted image



German power metallers RAGE have finalized the track listing for their new album, "Speak of the Dead", tentatively due this spring via Nuclear Blast Records. The follow-up to 2003's "Soundchaser" (SPV/Steamhammer) was recorded at the VPS studios in Hamm, Germany.


"Speak of the Dead" track listing:


01. Mortituri te Salutant

02. Prelude of Souls

03. Innocent

04. Depression

05. No Regrets

06. Confusion

07. Black

08. Beauty

09. No Fear

10. Soul survivor

11. Full Moon

12. Kill Your Gods

13. Turn my world Around

14. Be with me or be Gone

15. Speak of the Dead



najjaci su...imam sve njihove albume osim unity i nikako da ga nabavim...

nisam ga ni cuo...jel su oni izdavali i pre albume za nuclear blast, nemogu to nigde da proverim?



Jel bolji unity od sounchasera?

nebi me uopste cudilo da im ovaj najnoviji album bude mnogo losiji od prethodnih...

nuclear blast daje bolje materijalne uslove za izdavanje od vecine, ali traze da se svira ono sto oni (nuclear blast) hoce

oni su recimo promenili inflames i evo sad se i kai hansen svadja sa njima...


  • 2 weeks later...
oni su recimo promenili inflames i evo sad se i kai hansen svadja sa njima...

mogao bi da gostujes u insider-u, ja se najezih od ovih tvojih poverljivih informacija...

  • 3 weeks later...

jebote, stvarno su urnisali ovaj promos, ne mogu da preslusam album kako treba ni cisto onako profesionalno, da bih znao sta peavy-a da pitam icon_mad.gif


deluje mi da je bas dobar, ali na svakih 30 sekundi ide "you're listening to rage" icon_rolleyes.gif dakle, stay away svi vi koji ne morate sad.gif

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