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I meni jer opet izgubis pare a nisi ni krenuo u realizaciju koncerta... da ne pricam o poverenju kod naroda ....


Managera sam pitao , juce sam naleteo na neki info na njihovom forumu + na drugim forumima i pitao majmunka... ne vredi sa tim covekom ne treba nista raditi ... on je zaduzen i za onu Cradle/Moonspell turneju pa ko zna sta ce sve biti na kraju balade...




Frubi, sto se tog poverenja tice, ti znas da ga neces izgubiti kod mene kao i kod velikog broja onih koji su upuceni u tvoj rad i sve sto si ucinio da dovedes brojne metal bendove ovamo. Takodje znamo da si mlion puta bio spreman da rizikujes i to ti se vise puta obilo u glavu, ali po meni je to samo jos jedan razlog da imas dobru reputaciju.

A sto se tice ovoga... sta da se radi... desava se... ja danas kupujem kartu za CoF/Moonspell i nadam se da ce to da protekne kako valja...


Bas smor... a eno plakati krenuli da se lepe po gradu, bilbord stigao ... sve naopako... kada treba stampari malo da zakasne oni urade za 24h sve :)hahhaha... a kad je nesto hitno otegne se :) . Marfi je keva :).


Ali ova budaletina je smorila za medalju, znaci koj je kurac zakazivao turneju kada nije bio siguran da ce se odrzati, jebem ga u usta .




his month is getting embarrassing, for us and the people who we work with.


"We are sorry to announce that for circumstances and reasons beyond our control, we are forced to cancel the scheduled EVERGREY European tour in April.


"We would like to apologize to all the fans of both bands for the last-minute decision and promise to work on getting new dates set up as soon as possible.


"It's always hard to let people down and both bands [EVERGREY and support act NOVEMBRE] were extremely excited to play for all of their fans in Europe but sometimes things apparently don't go as planned. Which makes us in the band really frustrated and mad.


"I hope all of you understand that we are a band — nothing more. This is what we live off and for, to play and tour, therefore we can promise that we are more sorry than anyone.


"This might not ease the disappointment for some of you, but as said, it's out of our control and involves so much details that none of you would be wiser of knowing.


"As with the cancelled date in Atlanta, we promise to make up for it as soon as we can and get a chance.




"We decided that we would just rent a fucking van and travel the in total 2500 km to at least play for some of you as all things surrounding these two shows are up to standard and still possible to do. Which the other ones aren't.


Apr. 04 - Biebob, BEL @ Vosselaar

Apr. 05 - Boerderij, NETH @ Zoetermeer


"We understand that people might think that if they do those shows, they can do it all — unfortunately, that's not true. We would do it all in a van, if possible, but so many circumstances prevent us from it.


"What can we say more than that we are sorry."




Jbg. ovo sto su rekli da ne zelite da znate , to vam je ovaj pametni manager majmunko itd. itd.


Nije ni bitno...


od ponedeljka 29.03 mozete vratiti karte gde ste kupili .







U neku ruku mi lakše (uz nadu da će biti koncerta kasnije tokom godine), jer ću 99% morati da radim 18. aprila, ne znam kako bih se izvukao za koncert.


E u kurac!!! A ja resio da prodam kartu za Hammerfall samo da bih otisao na EG. :udri:


Pa jel postoji sansa da oni ipak dodju? Makar malo kasnije? :( :( :(


:( :( :(



U neku ruku mi lakše (uz nadu da će biti koncerta kasnije tokom godine), jer ću 99% morati da radim 18. aprila, ne znam kako bih se izvukao za koncert.


Ne radiš valjda kao noćni čuvar, crni Slobo? :mrgreen:

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