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Ovo je sve shto sam tada iskopao, nisam preterani ljubitelj ovog sastava, pa ni ne znam koje pesme imaju, takodje ni da li su ovi tekstovi odgovarajuci. Igrom sluchaja sam naishao na to davno. Evo:




Act III Lyrics



My time hath come again my beautiful sister!

I allow thee to rest unrecognized

Painlessly thou shalt sleep

As death creep into pale flesh of fertile golden bliss

We shall not think of thy awakening

As long as I rule... my bitterness shall reign

And my frost shall reflect the night

Falling upon Summer's withering remain


7.Spring Requiem


Sping... My youngest sister as well as the oldest

Thou--but a mere child thyself art the mother of each beginning...

So naïve and innocent!

Why art thee so persistent?

To birth anew what I hath avenged, what hath deserved to die?


8.Summer Requiem


Oh, Summer... Blissful one

Our disparate souls are fated

To eternal separation

Thou could turn the earth into dust

If it were thy desire

But thou art too careless and too oblivious

To see our mother's ruins... Upon it's surface!


9.Autumn Requiem




10.Winter Requiem


Alas, Autumn... Do not fear, my dearest

We are both misunderstood

Thou art the one who welcomes me

As I sweep through thy portals

I shall now relieve thee

From thy colorful melancholy and sorrowful fatigue

From every word of betrayal

Hangs upon an icicle of misery

A collection of tears of my past, now frozen

I mourn man's false dreams

And the ones who think me a fool...

Shall lay before me bleeding red crystals

Upon my frigid smile...

Into my wet, white grave

So I can touch their suffering

Yet feel no remorse

They pray to Summer...

But they sacrifice unto me...







Act II Lyrics

5.Commiseration in Mourning


...And her name was...

Forever a beauty lost

Oh how I loved her my despair

She existed in death

A tireless endeavor as she could love me but once

Yet not painlessly no peace is there for one endless


Shattered dream my dearest

Unto thee, I give my final words

Seek my heart amidst thy restless minds

Find me within thy passion and misery

A shroud of tender visions

Removed illusions of ascensions

Within thy bleeding eyes


Alas, one brief moment of forever

No tender mercy shall I give

As they plea for us without remorse

I shall take their lives silently

In chaotic passion from their impending, mindless presence

Reaping the emptiness within my blackened eyes

The last horror they shall see


Damned am I...

No for there is no damnation my soul hath not taken

Shall I be swayed in my vengeance

As time tears open wounds?...

I think not!


The beautiful thy sole

Forbidden desire shone

Deeply within mine eyes

Archaic visions awakened

Hidden beneath forgotten memories

Seemingly endles phantoms parading

Musing devilish apparitions dance

Amidst the folly of my sleeping drama


I await their beckoning cries bathing in moonlight

This lascivious breed I scorn

My raven skies embellished

With traces of bloodless depravity

I speak of celestial adoration

Divine lamentation and tears of infinite mourning...


My utopia so I covet

Hate being my truest form of love

My nemesis unmasked

My own face do I see torn

In silence I hath seen the majestic beauty

Of darkened landscapes and ivory gates

Gaze upon me only with passionate eyes

Each breath from thy beautiful lips...


I take this empire we shall create together

My love, upon the broken bodies

Of those who would take us

Take their lives swiftly for my tender release


Alas who is there...

Who calls my name?

We must awaken now, my dearest,

Sink thy blade deeply within my dying heart

Shed for me one final tear... my love

Farewell and the dream is cast away...

Forever seek but only the garden for me...

My dark angel... my savior

I shall await thy mourning dream

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

dobar neoklasical,etheral,dark ambient band ...no ništa što već nije viđeno(odslušano od nekih starijih bandova)...love poems for a dying children 1,2 i 3 su zaista uredu albumi..i tu nema prigovora...imaju ok i covere

  • 6 months later...

Do children ever this, do children ever that biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Koliko sam skapirao ona zhena je majka priroda, ono Do you love children? Yes I love all of my children but I'm afraid children cannot love me. ZATO JA ZHELIM LYRICSE DA BI PROVALIO O CHEMU SE ZAPRAVO RADI NA TOM ALBUMU biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

ja mislim da je zena smrt i da uzima dete jedno po jedno. prvo pada kisa i onda ga uvede u odaje i na kraju se cije secivo (dete umire). a kad pita "do you love the children?" "da volim ih sve al se plasim da oni mene ne" znaci ona voli svako dete koje mora da uzme i zao joj je ali se nje deca plase i ne vole je zbog toga.

Imam sva tri njihova albuma.Muzika im je prelepa...Moj brat je manijak za njima pricao mi je o cemu se radi nego sam zaboravio icon_mrgreen.gif .Uglavnom ovo "Do the Children ever sing" radi se o Vampirici koja nemoze da ima decu pa krade iz obliznjeg sela i vodi ih u svoje odaje i tamo ih ubija.Ako ste primetili na kraju se cuju koraci kako ulaze u neku tamnicu ili sta vec,i kad na kraju kaze "Sleep now as we enter this endless memory together,all in a moment..." i cuje se kako vadi neko secivo icon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gif .Toliko sam ja zapamtio,pitacu brata pa cu vam reci

e vidis mozda je i ovako!!


posle se valjda nagodi sa djavolom pa onda na kraju (u Black Heaven) djavo kaze "o what precious mistake now is made..." nesto ju je zajebo. ne mogu sve da razumem jer mnogo ima glasovnih prelaza a i pravo da vam kazem moracu i malo vise paznje da posvetim kad imam vremena.

  • 1 month later...

dali postoji dosadniji bend na svetu?


mislim da je odgovor ne.


Sad im svira Terran Olson iz maudlin of the Well-a...ali im to nije bilo dovoljno jer su ocigledno maznuli dizajn za majce od starih motW majca.



  • 1 year later...

Autumn Tears su jednom recju-PREDIVNI!

Sjajna gothic/ethereal muzika-one elektricne orgulje i zenski vokal su pun pogodak...

I zaista-nigde da se skinu tekstovi od pesama-trazio sam po netu,ali uzalud...

Posted (edited)

I zaista-nigde da se skinu tekstovi od pesama-trazio sam po netu,ali uzalud...

Mislim da su O V D E svi tekstovi, tj. sa svih albuma...

Trazila sam sto godina njihove tekstove, ne znam ni sama kako li sam ovo iskopala, i to pre par dana... Jedna malo zajebana stvar : vlasnici ovog sajta uklanjaju tekstove ukoliko im to autori pesama zatraze. Posto Autumn Tears na zvanicnom sajtu (bar kad sam ja bila, pre par meseci) imaju, u "lyrics" delu samo jednu recenicu tipa: "Nasi tekstovi se nalaze na omotima nasih albuma", ovaj link moze postati beskoristan ako bend zatrazi da se tekstovi uklone.

Tako da - navalite!!!


Sto se njihove muzike tice.... hm....

Nesto zaista prelepo...


Evo, upravo slusam The Dance... musik20.gif

( Tekst, tj. oni delovi na francuskom, imaju jednu gresku: ne pise se, i ne kaze se "la honte", jer Francuzi ispred samoglasnika nikad ne stavljaju samoglasnik, bar u ovom slucaju ne, a H tretiraju kao samoglasnik, tako da ide L'HONTE.... A to znaci stid, tj. sramota...)

Edited by Beauty In Black

( Tekst, tj. oni delovi na francuskom, imaju jednu gresku: ne pise se, i ne kaze se "la honte", jer Francuzi ispred samoglasnika nikad ne stavljaju samoglasnik, bar u ovom slucaju ne, a H tretiraju kao samoglasnik, tako da ide L'HONTE.... A to znaci stid, tj. sramota...)



Znaci, od svih mogucih reci na francuskom koje pocinju slovom H, HONTE spada u onaj jedan procenat koji se ne tretira kao samoglasnik i ide LA HONTE kao sto i stoji u pesmi... A toga sam se tek kasnije setila. grrrrr.... wallbash.gif


Ma, ionako ovde malo ko zna francuski... icon_spava.gifmusik20.gif

Posted (edited)

Ja znam francuski (ne bas najbolje ali...)!


Ovo mi je najomiljeniji bend.

Ja sam par godina trazio njihove tekstove i nikako nisam mogao da ih nadjem sve do pre tri nedelje kada sam slucajno nasao taj sajt koji si ti sada postovala, i bio sam presrecan!!!

Mada ja nisam siguran skroz da li je to prepisano iz bukleta ili je neko slusao pesme ma zapisao sam i postovao na taj sajt...




E da, fali mi Elcipse, jel ima neko mozda?

Edited by GothicWraith
  • 2 weeks later...

Pokusala sam da skinem neke preslusavajuci musik20.gif , ali ne da mi se... Pronasla sam na netu Ophelia's crown, ali sam malo skepticna po pitanju izvesnih delova. Ako hoces, mogu da napisem sledeci put taj text? Steta je sto nisu hteli da nastupaju... A i raspadose se... To je izgleda neki trend u poslednje vreme... no.gif Dosla je neka druga pevacica, i super je, ali opet... Too bad...

  • 3 weeks later...

Pokusala sam da skinem neke preslusavajuci  musik20.gif , ali ne da mi se... Pronasla sam na netu Ophelia's crown, ali sam malo skepticna po pitanju izvesnih delova. Ako hoces, mogu da napisem sledeci put taj text? Steta je sto nisu hteli da nastupaju... A i raspadose se... To je izgleda neki trend u poslednje vreme...  no.gif Dosla je neka druga pevacica, i super je, ali opet... Too bad...

Raspali su se? Steta... icon_cry.gif


Meni je uspelo da provalim jedan stih iz The Broken Doll - "A smile which to me reveals only a mask, a mask... icon_confused.gif "

I to je SVE...

Ali, s obzirom na to koliko lose raspoznajem reci u tekstovima, ni ovo nije lose....


Ja nemam Eclipse, pa ne bih mnogo da mudrujem, ali ovo je tekst za Ophelia's crown koji sam ja nasla na netu...

E, sad... Pitanje da li je to uopste taj TO - posto nisam cula album, nisam ni pesmu...



Hand in hand she walks with me

and the shame, it's burning my eyes

etching each memory

in time, just to be by her side


her face carved deeply in innocence

she walks and she secretly smiles

taunting with a lover's grin

and she laughs, and watches me die


now we are here and there is no forgiveness

empty words are the promises within

without a passing thought, I shed my life to join them

Eden is bruning and lovers delve in sin



empty words are the promises within

Eden is burning and lovers delve in sin


hand in hand, we walk in shame

mother is dying and we are to blame


Svidja mi se tekst.


Ima neko taj album?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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