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The long wait is coming to an end: Amorphis will release their first-ever live DVD in the spring of 2010, in time for the band's 20th anniversary. The full-length gig will be filmed this coming Friday...


Jea! :rockdevil:

  On 11/17/2009 at 11:26 PM, Grobodan said:

The long wait is coming to an end: Amorphis will release their first-ever live DVD in the spring of 2010, in time for the band's 20th anniversary. The full-length gig will be filmed this coming Friday...


Jea! :rockdevil:


Divno. :wub::rockdevil:

  On 11/17/2009 at 11:06 PM, Jarac said:

Poslusah album i moram reci da me je oduvao. Kako posle svakog slusanja imam zelju da ga obrcem non stop. Izgleda da sam postao gay. :no:

ovo smatram svojim najvecim uspehom :)

  On 11/17/2009 at 11:26 PM, Grobodan said:

The long wait is coming to an end: Amorphis will release their first-ever live DVD in the spring of 2010, in time for the band's 20th anniversary. The full-length gig will be filmed this coming Friday...


Jea! :rockdevil:

TOOO ! :pivopije:

  On 11/13/2009 at 9:37 PM, Talvi said:

Nisam Rus nego Ukrajinac sa caletove strane, a bradat jesam. :mhihi:

Seresh ? Do jaja :rockdevil:


Nego da se vratim na prichu od pre 2 strane .. Gledah Amorphis 2004 na Szigetu .. i Moram da kazem da je meni Tomi bolji od Pasija iz nekoliko razloga .. za pocetak ima mnogo bolji kontakt sa publikom. Dobro koliko je fer suditi o tome na 2 koncerta koliko sam puta gledao bend, ali ono .. Pasi je bash bio smor. Drugo i mnogo bitnije Tomi lichi na Genghis Khana :bigblue:


A inace bila je neka pricha, ne znam koliko je tacna, da je Pasi otishao/izbachen iz Amorphisa jer je poceo mnogo da sere o nekim White Power sranjima i tako neka proseravanja ...


Btw, DVD je snimljen u klubu Teatria u Ouluu. :D




1. Silver Bride

2. Sampo

3. Towards & Against

4. The Castaway

5. (Smithereens) / The Smoke

6. Majestic Beast

7. Alone

8. Silent Waters

9. Divinity

10. Against Widows / Cares / On Rich and Poor / Against Widows / Better Unborn

11. From the Heaven of My Heart

12. Sky Is Mine

13. (Magic & Mayhem) / Black Winter Day


14. (Karelia) / Sign from the North Side

15. House of Sleep

16. My Kantele


Snimak sa certa:




Ovo ce da bude do jajca. :D

  • Upvote 2

Trebali su da stave Thousand Lakes za intro koncerta, to bi onda bio pravi dozivljaj, mada i ovako jebu kevu.

I po ovome shto vidim nisu mi bolji od dt live, talvi dont hate me :bigblue:, mada sachekacu dvd pa onda pravo mishljenje.


ne, meni je ovako super, a uvod u Skyforger je takodjer fenomenalan


Inace u Teatriji u Ouluu je snimljen i cuveni "Buried Alive" od Sentenced, fenomenalan DVD. E sad, cudno da oni nisu snimali u Helsinkiju jer ipak je to njihov kraj, a umesto toga su otisli na daleki sever. Izgleda da Teatria ima odlicnu atmosveru i nije bas teatria (pozoriste) :D

  On 12/1/2009 at 10:11 PM, Talvi said:

Meni samo krivo sto se ovaj intro stvarno ne pretvori u "Skyforger"-a nego krene "Silver Bride". :(


baš glupo

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