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  • 2 weeks later...

Korn - My Time (New Song 2010)



However, soon after this announcement, the rockstarmayhem's YouTube channel released a video featuring a song from the new album titled, "My Time". In less than an hour, it was abruptly removed and efforts were then made by KoRn's representatives to stop the leak that began spreading quickly over various social and Korn fansites. Ross Robinson later stated on his Twitter that the leak was "rough mix" that was missing guitar parts and vocal fixes.


- nova pjesmaNazor pokusavaju da se vrate starom zvuku, mozda se cak i trude ali dzaba..Bubanj je horor (ne kazem da je los, nego nije korn bubanj na koji sam navikao..)Ali uzecu u obzir da to nije finalni master i sacekacu da izadje oficijalno izdanje.Ipak nestrpljivo ocekujem novi album...(Fildi ima iste patike (circa) kao ja hahah)Jedna molba :Nisam bio na exitu jer mi je bilo bezobrazno skupo i molio bih nekoga da postavi linkove ili torrent za snimak nastupa i neka bude sto kvalitetniji (sto video, sto zvuk)ZAHVALJUJEM!

  • 4 weeks later...

Ne mogu ja taj bend više ozbiljno shvaćat otkad su široke hlače zamijenili običnima i otkad su počeli svirat za Lil Wayne-a, općenito su propali ko bend i ko ljudi.


No nova stvar nije loša. Lijepo je s vremena na vrijeme čut neki stari nu metal..

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Na prodaju 6 original CD albuma grupe Korn:

Life is peachy

Follow the leader





800 dinara komad,komplet za 4200.

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