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Pa nisu se raspali! violent.gif




@ajsha69 Hafsa bint Umar

Get over it... icon_da.gificon_wink.gif

nisu...rade novi album njih cetvorica...izaci ce u septembru,,,, mrred.gif

Krijem od sebe po Maynardu (kompu) foldere sa starim Korn live-ovima i spotovima... ph34r.gif ... i povraca mi se malo...

pa ti si bog!!! zovesh komp Maynard icon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gif




elem, stvarno mi je zao zbog ovog sranja koje se desava sa Headom, ali zaista dosta ljudi se naprasno okrene religiji posle skidanja sa neke (ili vise) teske droge..............jebiga, life goes on, mozda ce taj njegov novi 'bend' za koju godinu raditi turneju sa KoRnom icon_smile.gif





Bog se pishe velikim slovom icon_biggrin.gif


a ono chudo koje hoce da pravi... no.gif

bolje im je da se skroz raspadnu kako ne bi vishe skrnavili sliku koju je svet

imao o njima.


pa jbg to za raspadanje su neki ljudi govorili josh odavno...to, da ne skrnave sliku...


ja mislim da je sve to njegovo naprsnuce rezultat mesanja pica... icon_da.gificon_smile.gif


prokleta glupa jebena seljacka drljava hriscanska sekta....izludeli dabogda svi njeni vernici....dabogda im macke po glavama svrsavale.... icon_mad.gif


Upravo takvu reakciju su i hteli da postignu... satanizacija omladine c c c...

Head se okrenuo hriscanstvu i izabrao za svog vodju Isusa Hrista, i onda ogorceni KoRn fanovi (kojih ima stvaaaarno mnogo) pruzaju otpor Hriscanstvu i postaju satanisti. Head je dobio veliku svotu novca da se povuche i glumi velikog hriscana, KoRn truje decu i eto to ti je Amerika.
































ma nece da se vrati...a to sa trovanjem omladine jeste istina....otiso covek negde gde ga bolje placaju a tu izmislja price o hristu za obrijane pickice..... evotigana.gif


icon_rockdevil.gif tooooooo!! musik19.gifpivopije.gif


btw. za sada meni ne izgleda kao da ce da se vrati ali onda, i Wes se vratio u LB sto mnogi od nas nisu ocekivali....


pazi....oni su o pravoj mrznji pevali na prva 2 albuma kad su bili na speedu i propratnim materijama...a kad su poceli samo da piju...onda su se isfolirali...al nema veze..QUOTE]







Upravo tako


Head se juche ponovo obratio javnosti:


"When it was first announced that I was leaving the band and rededicating my life to Christianity, I thought it was weird that people thought it was weird," he said. "And rather than maybe giving Christ a chance, people just start trashing my decision, because they're afraid of taking that chance. If people cared about me, they would sit down, talk to me, and come out and experience everything I've been experiencing lately. Then maybe they'd open their ears and hearts and try it for themselves."


Welch is quick to add that he's not trying to "preach" to anyone about his newly discovered spirituality, despite taking to the pulpit last weekend at a church in Bakersfield, California (see "Brian 'Head' Welch Talks God To 10,000 In California Church"). He said he just wants to reach out to people who are in the same spot that he was in four months ago — depressed, addicted, even suicidal.


"I had nothing to lose. I remember lying in bed, thinking, 'Take me home, Lord.' But he helped me through it. He made me the happiest man alive," Welch said. "And anyone who makes fun of me for it, I welcome them to try it out. So many people just don't want to try, and I want to reach out to them."


One way Welch plans to reach out to his naysayers is through his new music, which he had previously described as "an extension of the Korn family" (see "Brian 'Head' Welch Explains Why He Left Korn"). Initially he was tight-lipped about the details, but after reading his first interview with MTV News, he was quick to clear a few things up. Primarily, he was concerned that it was reported that his new songs wouldn't be "Christian music."


"My music is going to have a Christian, spiritual edge to it, for sure. I didn't mean to be confusing earlier," he said. "I mean, I have a song called 'Kry,' which I feel is like God talking to me. I mean, it's not heavy Christian music. It's just a reflection of how I feel now. It's about life experiences. It's happy, uplifting, fairy tale music."


Welch is writing more songs now while he is in Israel with members of the Valley Bible Fellowship, the Bakersfield church where he spoke last weekend, and he's confident that the music will speak for itself. "I want to make music that will help people. I want to use every dime of the money I make off the songs to build skate parks for kids," he said. "My life now is about helping kids."


Welch said he plans on recording a cover of U2's "With or Without You," done "very different from the original." And he's also working on a politically inspired tune tentatively titled "Bleeder." But he's not just working on new tunes — he's also taking his mission of helping to another medium: TV.


"I want to do a reality show on my life change. I'm going to be writing checks for a quarter, a half-a-million dollars at a time on big business deals," he said. "People will tune in to see what kinds of things I'll be buying for them with our money we make from my solo career. I don't like money unless it helps people. ... We'll make TV history."


And just to put any lingering doubts to rest, Welch wants his fans to know that while he wishes his former bandmates all the best, there's no way he'll be returning to the Korn camp anytime soon — if ever.


"If I went back, that would confuse my kid. I don't ever see myself going back. I'm not going to change. I finally was able to stand up for myself and quit being addicted to money," he said. "I don't want to pollute the world anymore. I want to spread a message of love and understanding, and that's what I'm going to do."





"If I went back, that would confuse my kid.


That's OK... Za dete...


I finally was able to stand up for myself and quit being addicted to money


Toliko o tome da stvara muziku zbog ljubavi prema istoj...


I want to spread a message of love and understanding, and that's what I'm going to do.


Niko do sada nije uspeo, pa nece ni on...


Sve u svemu, radi isto sto i mnogi drugi, a nas ostavlja da se i dalje pitamo zbog cega je sve to tako. Mi cemo nastaviti da se prepucavamo oko odlaska, a on ce mirno voditi svoj zivot icon_cry.gificon_cry.gificon_cry.gif

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