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28 Feb 2005 Ex-Korn guitarist Head speaks about leaving the band to re-dedicate his life to Christianity.


Speaking to MTV, Brain 'Head' Welch said the following:


"I love everybody in the band - I was afraid to leave. It made me sad to think that I would be hurting the band if I left. For the last year and a half, I wanted to leave, but someone would always talk to me and convince me to stay," Welch said. "But I've had a problem with the way things were going since the second record. I mean, we would do things, and I would be like, 'Oh, this is metal! This is the rock and roll life!' But inside, I thought they took it too far. It was a little too crude for me.


"I have a 6-year-old daughter, and I want her to be able to look me in the eye. I'm a single dad, that's what it comes down to," he said. "And the guys were really accommodating when I would tell them that. They'd be like, 'Bring your daughter on tour! We'll work the tour around you.' But that's not the place for a 6-year-old. She would be sitting backstage sometimes, just counting dollars. Because Fieldy would tell her, 'Every time you hear a curse word, you'll get a dollar. It will help us stop cursing.' And at the end of the day, she'd turn to me and be like, 'Look at all my money, Daddy!' "


Speacking about his bandmates' reaction to his leaving, he said, "I think it made the guys mad. It confused them. I left at the worst possible time. We got off Sony, and all the money was there, we were going to own all of our songs, but I had to prove to myself that money wasn't my God," he said. "I talked to Jonathan [Davis] and he said, 'I don't get it, man, you're all happy and we're sitting here grieving because our band is breaking up. And I wanted to tell him, 'Well, for years, you guys were out partying while I was sitting on the tour bus wanting to die.' "





Tja... Oduvek je Head bio najmanje dechak u bendu... Ja sam to uvek osecala u njemu... tu ravnodushnost i dosadnu odraslost... on je bre maskirani suit-man... meni uopshte nije chudno da se on smorio... I skroz verujem da se jeste smorio vec posle drugog albuma.. mislim da iskreno govori o razlozima... respect za to...


A takodje verujem da je to Jonathanu nepojmljivo, kao shto bi i meni bilo... (sunce moje, vodolija moja infantilna.. wub.gif )... shifra: jebesh cerku ph34r.gif


"We love you, buddy," Vietti responded, followed by a loud cheer from the audience, a group of all ages that seemed enthralled in everything Welch had to say.


The guitarist, who showed off new tattoos on his neck ("Matthew 11:28") and fist ("JESUS"), took the stage after a 20-minute set of Christian worship songs from a rock band, as well as a 20-minute sermon from Vietti, who talked about his coming to God and surviving leukemia after being told he would die from the disease.


Welch said he now works for the Lord and announced that he would be joining Vietti on a trip to Israel this week, where the pastor plans to "dunk me in the Jordan River" — meaning to baptize the new Christian.


"This is the book of life right here," he said, pulling a Bible from his back pocket. "It's not about religion, it's not about this church, it's not about me. It's about the book of life and everybody needs to be taught this. It's crazy, it's gonna do stuff like this, like change a guy in a rock band."


At the end of their discussion, Vietti asked non-Christians interested in "being saved" to come forward, and at least 40 mostly young people followed suit. In the end, the pastor said more than 200 people came to Christianity throughout the services, including members of the media there to cover Welch's talk.


"More people came up and gave their lives to God than I anticipated, but that's good," Welch said after the services — and after signing hundreds of autographs. "I'm tripping out a little bit, but it's cool. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me."


"Do you guys think I'm crazy?" he added, gesturing to reporters. "Everything on MTV is 50 Cent, Eminem, diss this, diss that. This is something positive."


When he returns from Israel, Welch plans to launch a solo career, with music about his experiences as a new Christian, and then give the money to charities and to Valley Bible Fellowship's plan to build "rock and roll churches" across America.


"Every dime I make is going back to the people in a positive way," he said. "I'm gonna change the world or die trying."


Welch said he tried to convince the other members of Korn to come to the church, but had no luck. However, he stills considers them his best friends. "I love them so much," he said. "I'm happy. I just want to do good. I'm not doing nothing wrong. I don't want to hurt the band Korn. I don't want to hurt anyone. My music is about love; it's love without saying it.


"With Korn, I got the money, all kinds of drugs of choice, everything, but this is my life now," he added. "I'm never gonna change. That drug [meth] is known for making people crazy, but I'm in my right mind. This was all His plan. You were supposed to be here talking to me."





Kad pogledate ovaj lik je u pravu...Pa on ima 30 i kusur godina...Da li bste vi mogli sa tolko godina da imate energiju kao sa 20 ...Teshko...Krivo mi je ...Ali sve ima svoj kraj...I ovi poslednji albumi su im bili sve loshiji...Jebi ga stare ljudi... no.gif


Jonathan je pre neko veche bio na netu(chatu)...

malo je prichao sa par ljudi oko stvari vezane za "Head-a"...


Molili su Head-a da ostane...da se predomisli...medjutim on je samo tako,jednstavno otishao...

Vishe nisu u nekom znachajnom kontaktu sa Headom...shokirani su totalno sva chetvorica...

Sve vreme pokushavju da ga nagovore da se varti...ali Head svaki dan shalje mailove Jonathanu kako vishe ne zeli ikada da bude u KoRn-u...

Dogovorili su se kako ce biti postavljeni od sada na stage-u...

Fieldy je pustio Munky-ija da se prebaci na desnu stranu...a shto se tiche Headovih deonica,Jon je rekao da ce ubacivati semplove...

Rekao je da im je Head rekao da ce od sada praviti neku vrstu hrishcanske muzike...i da ce nastaviti svoj solo projekat...

Na neki nachin kaze da su veoma ljuti i besni na njega...ali da on lichno poshtuje njegovu odluku...i taj njegov stav...ioako smatra da je to besmisleno!












E, samo nastavi da postujes kad naidjes na nesto interesantno !!!



Inace, Head je sve cudniji...poceo je da kenja, mnogo.Jel ste gledali Deuce DVD? Ne izgleda mi bas kao neko ko sedi u bus-u dok se ostali zezaju.Ili, jos bolji primer, jel' ste gledali mozda dodatni DVD koji se dobija uz poslednji album? To je bilo relativno skoro.Ja se vrlo dobro secam scene kad se Head zeza i kao jebe ono ogromno plisano jagnje...

Meni je cak, uvek delovalo da se Head najvise zajebava od svih iz Korna.Apsolutno se NE slazem sa onim sto je Ajsha69 gore napisala.Meni se cini da je Head naglo prso.Zali se na word up video a ne zali se na ostale??? A, sta cemo sa Right now, ili Thoughtless npr. (na kraju kad onaj lik povraca po svima, izmedju ostalog se vidi i kad mu povracanje pada po krstu koji nosi oko vrata...). Kako mu to nije palo na pamet nego bas Word Up koji objektivno nije nista specijalno (just a funny video...), u kome se on skoro i ne pojavljuje...

Lik je naglo prso sa mozgom, i koristi tu celu pricu sa hriscanstvom kao izgovor. IMO




Ma ne znam...Pukli su na Untouchables-u sto se tice para,zna se zasto(da ne smaram) ,za talitm je reklama bila nevidjena,pochev od andjeline, do raznih secanja na proslost itd znaci zajebali su i MB pivo sto se tice reklame...sad i best of...


Ne bi me cudilo da je ovo jos jedna reklama....


al necu da preterujem,samo kazem da me nebi iznenadilo da vuglija naprasno odluci da ostane jos malo sa njima...


Head je javno rekao da ce prestati da se drogira i da pije...

rekao je da je sve to proshlost...i da pochinje sa novim zivotom...

Vishe ne nosi kikice...na obracanju se pojavio u novom fazonu...

vishe nije "sick" obuchen kako su naveli Ameri...

bio je u fensi lonama i tikama sa krstom oko vrata...imao je ogormnu bradu (Isus Hrist)...

smejao se i zajebavao u pojedinim momentima...KoRn uopshte nije pominjao!!

rekao je da je imao puno para i riba...i mnogo toga...sve shto svaki tinejdzer pozeli da ima...on je to imao...ali da to nije poenta zivota...

sledece nedelje putuje u Izrael...zajedno sa nekim likovim iz crkve...

posle nastavlja da radi sa svojim novi bendom pod nazivom "Mainairb"...

bend ima 2 chlana...u pitanju je neka pop-elektronika sa elementima crkvene muzike...

Head pravi muziku i pishe textove a drugi lik peva...vec imaju 2 pesme koje mogu da se chuju...

njegovo novo umetnichko ime sada je "Brian Daeh"...(Daeh-kao obrnuto od Head)...





He he bezveze...

Sekte su ti cudo! icon_smile.gifph34r.gif

Ma snacice se oni i bez njega. Nisam preterano upucen koliko je on imao kompozitorskog udela u bendu ali se iskreno nadam da nije bitan faktor po tom pitanju.

Krscanski rock... ql! icon_mrgreen.gif


No mo'e mo for Head!

user posted image


Chini mi se da u jednom delu teksta koji je fieldy postavio on kazhe da ga je smorila ta lazhna mrzhnja...u Kornu...da su oni dobri momci i da su mrzeli ,pravili pesme zbog love (ne ljubavi) od 1999...


pazi....oni su o pravoj mrznji pevali na prva 2 albuma kad su bili na speedu i propratnim materijama...a kad su poceli samo da piju...onda su se isfolirali...al nema veze..svejedno su do jaja... alkos.gif


hehe...do jaja su mi one dve slike gore...ne zna se koja je bolja... icon_smile.gif

Head u cool varijanti ili Head u Jesus varijanti...

...O Boze......sta se to desava sa ovim svetom..... icon_uhoh.gificon_uhoh.gificon_uhoh.gif




Slika koju si postovao boli icon_cry.gificon_cry.gif ... bolje je zaboraviti.. Krijem od sebe po Maynardu (kompu) foldere sa starim Korn live-ovima i spotovima... ph34r.gif ... i povraca mi se malo...


taj njegov novi 'projekat'... iz ove Darkove price sam zamislio kao jedan od onih gej duet-bendova iz 80-ih (e.g. Wham! i sl.) icon_smile.gif


mislim- droga, alkohol, zene, novac- sve je to zlo ali mislim da je sve to zajedno smejurija u odnosu na sektu sa kojom se on spetljao.... no.gif




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