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Heavy/Stoner bend za koji prvi put chuh preko splita sa nasim dragim Lord Weird Slough Feg-om, te se uputih u dalja proucavanja na Goxyevu preporuku. Ameri, 5 albuma, 2 solidna, 3 vrhunska.


Prvi album, okayish, dosta punk-a u zvuku...nwobhm+punk a da nije thrash, eto :D

Drugi, a turn for the better, vec se formira zvuk koji ce carovati na narednim albumima, kad sam cuo "Kicking Birth" prvi put to je definitivno krenulo da me navlaci na bend.

"Brutality • Majesty • Eternity" - Taslachina od albuma!! "Cocaine Years, Cocaine Tears" - pravi hit :] Album prek' koga i definitivno privoleh bend. U principu, skok u odnosu na prva dva. Melodicniji, twin-guitar solos, stoner/punk feeling jos uvek tu, ali u manjoj meri rekao bih. Sve u svemu, zrelije izdanje benda. Ako ste u sumnji da li uopste da isprobavate Bible Devil, samo krenite odavde...

"The Diabolic Procession" - Ako sam ih preko BME zavoleo, preko ovoga sam pozeleo da ih gledam live i da im poseudjem diskografiju na originalima. Proslogodisnji "Freedom Metal" tek treba jos da slusam, ali "TDP" mi je najverovatnije za ubuduce najbolje izdanje benda. Za dlaku bolji od "BME", blago unapredjenje zvuka, songwritinga u odnosu na isti. Damn catchy album.

Mislim, ko voli nwobhm zvuk, stoner, klasicni heavy....ovo morate overiti.


http://www.myspace.com/bibleofthedevil - ima pesama za cuti, pre svega sa liste overiti "Cocaine.." i "Kickin' Birth"


A ko je slusao, nek' se pridruzi komentarisanjem :rockdevil:




A ko ti je dao link za split sa Slow Fag? :P

Super bend! Nisam slusao sve albume, ali ispravice se, polako...


Ne znam ja ni za kakve linkove :P

Nema nista polao chicha, vreme gazi.


najvise volim rif sa guns,germs,steel,kad pocne sa pevanjem ,posle uvodnog dela.kako sabija sunce ti...taj i sledeci su vise heavy,dok je ovaj poslednji,freedom metal,vise rokerskiji i zauzima mi drugo mesto u diskografiji..diabolical mi je najomiljeniji,nema loseg momenta.pesmu slaves najvise volim,zbog drugacijeg vokala i onog jebackog prelaza pri kraju.taj im je tamatski album i govori o poluistinitom dogadjaju-children's crusade(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children's_Crusade).

  • 1 month later...

Malo da dignem temu o ovom cudesnom bendu. Dakle, sleze mi se "Freedom Metal" fino, pustao ga pre par dana opet, odlican album, no nije mi as tight as Dijabolicka Procesija, niti epicly awesome kao B•M•E. Odlican je album, samo ne dovoljno odlican da bude odlican od ova dva :] Sto rece Goxy, vise rocky (adriiiiaaaaan) nego raniji materijal, a opet ima taj duh BotDa. Apsolutni favorit mi je "Hijack The Night", plus "Heat Feeler" koja mu opet dodje neka poppy-catchy pesma poput "Cocaine Years", definitivno imaju "feeling" za ovakve pesme.

  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

Kakav je skirveni heavy metal dragulj ova albumcina koja se zove "The Diabolic Procession"! :rockdevil:


Carry out this destiny as noble as it seems...

Edited by Angelystor
  • 2 weeks later...

Kakav je skirveni heavy metal dragulj ova albumcina koja se zove "The Diabolic Procession"! :rockdevil:




ako ikada budem prodavao taj original,tebi prvom javljam :mrgreen:

  • 1 year later...

Bible of the Devil is set to have its sixth album FOR THE LOVE OF THUGS AND FOOLS released on Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, via Rome, Italy based label Cruz Del Sur Music.


Veteran Chicago Rock n' Roll band Bible of the Devil have announced the completion of their sixth full-length album and third for Rome,

Italy, based label Cruz Del Sur Music. Entitled For the Love of Thugs and Fools, Bible of the Devil's eagerly anticipated follow-up to their

2008 release, Freedom Metal, is an assembly of raging Rock n' Roll songs that encapsulate the band's saga musically and personally over

the years since the last full-length. Returning to Phantom Manor studios in Chicago to work with engineer Mike Lust, who has engineered numerous BOTD recordings in the past, the band sought to emphasize their trademark bludgeoning two-guitar attack and mammoth hooks withan increased attention to soaring, anthemic vocals.


For the Love of Thugs and Fools is viewed by the band as a document of the many characters they have encountered through the life of the

band, whether it be in love, loss, friendship, or hatred. Having toured extensively throughout the United States and Europe since the band's inception in late 1999 and living in the volatile urban environment Chicago, where encounters with crime, violence, and 'street justice' are unavoidable, there has been much subject matterfor the band to draw from. Embracing the philosophy that a bottle of whiskey and some loud guitar is often the best cure available forthese challenges and ordeals, Bible of the Devil have chosen to document their grievances in the form of one devastating Rock n' Roll

platter. Said singer/guitarist Mark Hoffmann, "The few years since the last full-length have been like a dare. A dare to create a soaring, punishing Rock n' Roll record of this magnitude. It is a dare that we have been forced to answer ourselves." Fans of Bible of the Devil can expect yet another collection of fist-pumping heavy guitar classics-in-the-making, For the Love of Thugs and Fools.

Track Listing:


1. Sexual Overture/While You Were Away 6:02

2. Out For Blood 5:28

3. Anytime 4:20

4. The Parcher 5:28

5. (I Know What Is Right) In The Night 5:16

6. Raw & Order 4:31

7. Can't Turn Off The Sun 5:14

8. Yer Boy 4:52

9. Night Street 5:07


Running Time 46:08



Posted (edited)

TOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :rockdevil:


Prozvao sam ih bio na OGoblin temi :]


ako ikada budem prodavao taj original,tebi prvom javljam :mrgreen:


Nego, ima nekih vesti o ovome? :D

Edited by Angelystor
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Ne znam za Goxya, ali meni album fantastican. Bas mi izvlaci ovaj period. Ubica, vrlo zarazan, i glavni trip mi je da bih voleo W.A.S.P. ovako nesto da je izdao umesto nekog od prethodna 2-3 albuma, bukvalno na par pesama mogu lagano Blekija da zamislim kako peva.


Jedino sto mogu da zamerim albumu, tj. jedino kako bi mi bio jos bolji,, a i to mi vise ostalo iz prvih slusanja, je kad bi bio malo metalisticniji, opet je malo vise rocky prilaz, kao i na "Freedom Metal", ali opet taj prilaz donosi u isto vreme i aranzmanski "opustenije" stvari, par pesama mogu komotno u 15ominutnim live jam verzijama da zamislim. A opet ,i zarazniji i precizniji je nego prethodni, o graviranju vokalnih i gitarskih deonica u mozak da ne pricamo... Ali kako bilo, voleo bih da vrate malo nekad muda koja su imali na BME i Procesiji.


Recimo da su mi slabije pesme: Raw And Order, Can't Turn Off The Sun i Night Street. Ostalo sve dusu dalo za bezglavi repeat.

Edited by Angelystor

Meni nešto produkcija ne leži, nešto suvonjava i najviše mi vokal progutala koji baš zvuči slabašno. Slažem se da je materijal rockier Thin Lizzyer ali catchy je i širi dobro raspoloženje kako god okreneš.


Gitare 'ajde i božpomozi, mogu proći (ionako je cela slika retro) ali vokal stvarno kao da se bori da se čuje.


Zašto nema Slough feg fanova na ovoj temi? U prevodu, gde je još azal :haha:

  • 6 years later...

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