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Uli Jon Roth

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Sta reci o Uli Jon Roth-u koji je bio stub Scorpions-a 70-tih i koji ih je napustio jer nisu hteli da evoluiraju u muzickom smislu, a ne govoriti u samim superlativima? On je Shredovao na gitari kada niko nije ni znao da je to moguce!!! Po odlasku iz Scorpions-a osnovao je bend Electric Sun i svirao sa njima tokom 80-tih. Kako on kaze tada je poceo da trazi dimenziju koja nastaje spajanjem zvuka i vizuelnog prikaza. On je muzicar (svira gitaru i klavir podjednako dobro), slikar i pisac - kompletan umetnik.


U tom periodu je poceo da svira klasiku na heavy nacin (jedan je od glavnih Malmsteen-ovih uzora) i bio je brzo primecen. Pocetkom 90-tih otisnuo se na turneju po evropi koja je trajala 5 godina svirajuci razna klasicna dela i komponujuci slicnu muziku kao i Evropsku simfoniju. U toku te turneje je shvatio da ga gitara kao instrument sputava tj. toliko je dobro svirao da je prevazisao instrument. Zato je poceo da radi na usavrsavanju gitare da bi na kraju izmislio najsavrseniju gitaru na svetu - Sky Guitar. Ona ima 7 zica i 32 praga!!!! Zajedno sa tim osnovao je Sky orkestar koji ga prati (violine, violoncela, timpani, itd).


Takodje zbog njegove zabrinutosti za ocuvanje umetnosti u muzici zbog ubrzane komercijalizacije osnovao je udruzenje umetnika koje bi trebalo da sacuva prave vrednosti. Udruzenje se zove Sky Academy i clanovi su mnogi umetnici medju kojima su Satriani, Paul Gilbert, Gus G i ostali najbolji svetski rok muzicari. Naravno Uli je predsednik akademije.

  • 1 month later...

Covek ne moze ni na svojoj temi da napise nesto, a da ga ovi moderatori koji verovatno gotive haus muziku ne sabotiraju. E pa ja sam tvrdoglav, a ako treba mogu i da bijem. Nista, da se vratimo mom poslu opismenjavanja ovdasnjeg nepismenog zivlja.


Evo ga link za jedan deo njegovog opusa. Do ovog linka stvarno nije bilo lako doci (valjda jos radi).


01. The Tempest

02. Bridge To Heaven

03. Pegasus

04. Tod Und Zerstörung

05. E Lucevan Le Stelle

06. War Of The Winds

07. Thunder Cadenza

08. Cry Of The Night

09. Starlight

10. Air De Bach

11. Why?

12. I'm A River

13. I'll Be There

14. Sehnsucht - Mazurka

15. The Heart Of Chopin

16. Dance Of The Water Spirits

17. Transfiguration

18. Venga La Vita

19. Aqua Vitae

20. Still So Many Lives Away

21. Winter Days

22. Burning Wheels Turning

23. Fire Wind

24. Enola Gay - Hiroshima Today

25. Vodoo Chile

26. Little Wing

27. White Room

28. Sky Overture

29. Rondo Alla Turca

30. Aquila - The Eagle And The Rainbow

31. Lethe - River Of Oblivion

32. Amadeus [bonus Track]




Inace ja sam i moderator Oficijelne grupe Uli Jon Roth-a na Facebook-u i u stalnom kontaktu sa njim. Lik je legenda i intelektualac kakav se retko srece. Pokusavam da ga nagovorim da dodje ovamo. Ali, kako to da mu predlozim kad niko od morona ovde ne bi dosao, a verovatno niko iz Srbije????????? Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Hvala za link. Ovo je odlično.

Nego, zna li neko šta sve svira na koncertima Scorpionsa kao gost?



Svira njihove stare stvari kao Sails Of Charon, Speedy Is Coming i slicno. Mada ima i svojih solo momenata.

  • 1 month later...
Pokusavam da ga nagovorim da dodje ovamo. Ali, kako to da mu predlozim kad niko od morona ovde ne bi dosao, a verovatno niko iz Srbije????????? Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!


Ako me sjecanje ne vara, koncert Uli Jon Rotha u Beogradu je bio najavljen za jesen 2006. godine, cini mi se za novembar mjesec. Koncerta ipak nije bilo, a kao razlog otkazivanja su spomenute odredjene logisticke poteskoce, tako nekako. Cak se spominjao i neki novi datum, ali nista nije bilo ni od toga. Imam utisak da je ovde ionako bilo slabo interesovanje za taj koncert, pa nisam primjetio da se neko iz publike dalje raspitivao oko toga.


Pa slabo brate. Ja sam otvorio ovu temu odavno i niko skoro da prokomentarise, a kamoli da se zainteresuje ozbiljnije. Covek bi pomislio da posle njegovog zadnjeg albuma koji je blago receno remek delo da ce dobiti bar kakvu takvu fan bazu ovde. Na primer posle ovog zadnjeg albuma ljudi u Americi su poceli da ga slusaju masovnije i vec se oformljuju neki fan klubovi i slicno. Sad kada kod njega peva Mark Boals koncerti su pravi spektakl.

Posted (edited)

Under A Dark Sky 2008


Evo kritike uploadera:


Hard rock, heavy metal, and pop-metal fans still associate the name Uli Jon Roth with the Scorpions, which is certainly understandable when you consider how popular they were in the 1970s and '80s. Back in rock's pre-Nevermind era, the German band reigned supreme as one of Europe's top headbanger attractions, and even though Roth actually left the Scorpions before 1980s smashes such as "No One Like You" and "Rock You Like a Hurricane," his name continues to be preceded by the phrase "former Scorpions guitarist." But Roth's solo output has by no means been an exact replica of his work with the Scorpions; Under a Dark Sky, in fact, has very little in common with Roth's former band stylistically. This 2008 release clearly falls into the progressive rock category -- not hard rock, not heavy metal, not pop-metal or even progressive metal, but progressive rock. Roth (who is heard on guitar, keyboards, bass, and some of the lead vocals) draws on influences like Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Asia, and Kansas, and elements of European classical music and European church music are used prominently. Under a Dark Sky is as grandiose and self-indulgent musically as it is lyrically; instead of downplaying prog rock's excesses, Roth celebrates them. And that is a big part of the album's charm. Someone who has a casual interest in prog rock but is critical of its excesses -- for example, someone who likes a certain amount of Pink Floyd and Yes but cites ELP's excesses as a perfect example of why the Sex Pistols, the Clash, and the Ramones were absolutely necessary -- might find Under a Dark Sky to be pretentious and dated. But for the die-hard prog rock enthusiast who finds those excesses endearing, this album definitely has its charms. Excesses and all, Under a Dark Sky is an enjoyable listen.


Ja bih dodao da je ovo stvarno unikatan album koji se ne vidja cesto u rok muzici.

Edited by HEFEST
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Evo malo stiva za muzicare. Mali izvod iz ucenja Ulijeve Sky Akademije tj. kako on kaze filozofije muzike.




An Attempt To Teach The “Unteachable”


 There are five main stages which constitute the teachings of SkyAcademy: 


We shall name these “The Five Spheres of Sky Academy Knowledge”.


These are:


I) The Principles of Music


II) Man and Music


III) The Way of the Guitar - The Instrument as a Bridge 


IV) The Light of Art - From Inspiration to Creativity


V) Achieving Oneness - Mastery 





Sphere I:

The Principles of Music 


In the context of Sky Academy teaching, the first sphere of knowledge is that of MUSIC herself. This pertains to the very fabric of music, as well as to its metaphysics. Music is seen as a mirror image of the principles of creation.

We are looking at the main building blocks and constituents of music like through a prism of light and are evaluating our findings. Music – and particularly its inner workings and guiding principles - are explored in a novel and inspirational way. This is aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the unwritten laws of music. We are trying to uncover some of the profound mysteries and secrets, as well as taking a hard and new look at the foundations – meaning - the basics.


Key Subjects:


The Metaphysics of Music 

The Principle of Gravity in Music

The Golden Section Principle

The Three Pillars of Rhythm, Melody and Harmony 

Fathoming the Fabric of Music

Music is Light 

Waves, Frequencies – The Sonic Fabric of the Universe

The Texture of Sound - Sonic Images and their Surfaces

The Colors of Music

The Twelve Orbits of Power

Musical Archetypes

Re-evaluating the basic Principles while moving towards the Advanced



Sphere II:

Man and Music - The Principles of Man 


The second sphere of knowledge is concerned with man, especially regarding the human experience of interacting with music. 

In Sky Academy teaching, man is an instrument. We are designed according to the same principles as is music – in many respects we are music. Music uses man as an instrument – and man uses instruments to create music – this seeming dichotomy can serve as a powerful mirror and a touchstone for our personal development. 


It is U.J.R.'s conviction that the spirit of music can teach us a lot more about ourselves and our identity than was hitherto realized. Music does hold vital and as yet unfamiliar keys to the spiritual evolution of the human race. It is the aim of Sky Academy to play a vital role in unlocking and utilizing some of this enormous potential. 


This second stage of the teaching is concerned with ourselves. It aims to deepen our awareness of body, mind and soul. It explores the psychology of the self in the context of how we are experiencing and how we are making music. It looks at how we relate to music; it looks at how to learn most effectively and how to avoid mind-traps. 

We are probing our emotions, our senses, our selves and – ultimately - our egos. This may lead us to establishing a completely new and much deeper, more fulfilling “relationship” with the spirit of music, cleansed of misperceptions, misapprehensions and opinions. This may also lead us to start walking through our lives in a different, much more meaningful way. 

We are also looking at ways of sharpening our powers of musical judgment.

A crucial goal is to “get in tune” with ourselves, our instruments and the music. This is very close to the essence and purport of Sky Academy.


Key Subjects:


The Psychology of Music

Body, Mind and Soul in relation to Music

Explore your Personality through Music

The Art of Listening

Tuning Your Mind

Super Learning - Practising

The Inner Clock

The Listening Experience

The Art of Performance 

The Art of Interpretation

The Art of Lead-playing

The Art of Ensemble playing



Sphere III:

The Way of the Guitar - The Instrument as a Bridge


In the third sphere of Sky Academy teaching, music is working through man, who uses an instrument.

The third key stage is dedicated to the instrument of our choice – in our case usually the guitar, which is supremely suitable for this task at hand. In the context of Sky Academy teachings, we are essentially treating the guitar as our direct bridge to the heart of music, as well as to that of the listener. For Sky Academy purposes, the guitar is almost like a magic wand of some sort; but virtually any mature instrument - be it bowed or percussive - can be used for teaching these principles. 


This is U.J.R.’s personal guide to achieving mastery of the instrument.

Practical, hands-on approaches alternate with metaphysical aspects of guitar playing. Drawing from just about the whole gamut of his experience and insights, U.J.R. looks at all the angles, both in musical as well as in practical terms. Much emphasis is given to the centerline of ergonomics of guitar playing. The technically most proficient and most organic, direct approaches are favored, while always keeping in mind that musical and aesthetic considerations should be given the dominant priority. Economy of motion and harmony of execution - is one of the key concepts here. Ergonomics in specific and in general, are also playing a vital role in this. Furthermore, this stage includes teaching about practical insights, such as achieving a good tone and sound production, amplification, microphones and guitars.


Key Subjects:


The Story of the Electric Guitar as seen through the eyes of U.J.R.

Guitar Techniques and Tools of Expression

Guitar Styles and Approaches

Transcending Technique 

The Importance of Achieving a Great Tone

Left Hand – Right Hand – One Hand

Study Pieces and Exercises

The Art of Phrasing

Roadmaps – Do’s and Don’ts

Guitars, Amplification and Effects

In the Studio and on the Road


Sphere IV:

The Light of Art – From Inspiration to Creativity


The fourth sphere of teaching is dedicated to the result of man’s conjunction with music and the instrument. Music “creates” man and man “creates” music. According to Sky Academy’s definition, the most advanced and highest form of human music making is Art.


This key stage deals with all the artistic creative aspects of music making. The creation of art is the highest, most transcendental aspect of music making. This is where we are potentially closest to the divine aspect of our craft, if we know where to look for it, and if we are granted access. 

We are also focusing strongly on the elusive subjects of inspiration and creativity, which are the parents of Art.

We are talking about the importance of Art in our lives. Furthermore, we are learning about the crucial distinctions between the approach of the skilled craftsman and that of the true artist. Art is the higher octave of craftsmanship.


The main subjects are covered in-depth:


The Way of Inspiration

Getting Into The Zone

From Craftsmanship to Transcendence 

The Light of Art 

The Principles of Creation

The Judgment of Quality

The Creativity Principle

The Stages of Creativeness – The Process

From Idea to Form

The Art of Composition

The Art of Improvisation

The Art of Recording – Producing an Album



Sphere V:

Sky Academy Applied: Achieving Oneness 


The fifth key stage of Sky Academy is the sum total of all its elements.

Music is not only of divine design and origin – it is an active and powerful aspect of Creation and the Creator.


Sphere Five pertains to what we can learn through music, and how we can evolve into more advanced, more spiritually sound beings. 

Sphere Five is about getting in tune with the Alpha and the Omega.

To be in touch with our past, present and future and at one with our destiny, which is for us to search, find and fulfill.


Stage Five also deals with some of the more advanced concepts, such as synaesthesia, transcendence, paradoxons. This is the spirit of Sky Academy applied in action. We are also talking about the healing force of music and what this means for us. Furthermore we are looking at various concentration and visualization exercises, which can help us to put all these concepts into action and to achieve the necessary states of mind. This is about connecting deeply with the heart and soul of music and with the benevolent part of mankind. 


Key Subjects:


Mastery of the Self – Achieving Oneness

The Magic of Synaesthesia

The Beauty of Symmetry

In Search of Identity – the Road to Destiny

Synchronicity, Serendipity - Paradoxon 

The Senses of the Higher Octaves

Concentration, Visualization, Meditation

Visions of a Potential Future

Plato’s Theory of Forms and Ideas

The Healing Power of Music

The Spirit of Music Speaks

Credo and Ethics of Sky Academy


------------------------------------------------------------------------------During the seminars all five spheres of knowledge are touched upon, not necessarily in consecutive order, but they are seen and treated as an organic whole –

 a pool of ideas, concepts and knowledge, which are always regarded as a unity.


 About the consecutive order of Sky Academy Stages:


It is assumed that all students of Sky Academy already have a fair amount of working knowledge 

of either the guitar or another instrument.

Sky Academy teaching is not designed for beginners. 

It is not a traditional course of studying a subject from A to B.

Sky Academy is a concept designed to inspire serious minded musicians. The idea is to help them attain higher levels of “mastery” - to help them get in touch with their inner selves by connecting more deeply with the very spirit of music. The teaching seeks to remove mental blockages - as well as physical ones - with the aim that the student is gradually guided to a point where he is becoming one with the music and the instrument.

This is achieved by approaching music making in a very natural and organic way; a way, which many a professional musician has not yet found real access to, despite spending years of honing their craft. This way involves the discovery of a person’s self, which is ultimately leading to self-knowledge. It is achieved by using music as a mirror, while at the same time revealing some of the most important inner workings of music itself, both on a practical, as well as on a metaphysical level.




Znaci ako ima onih koji stvarno zele ozbiljno da se bave gitarom ovo je jedno od najboljih izvora znanja na svetu!!! Treba i love takodje!!!

Edited by HEFEST
  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

Majesty & Passion


Evo ovde gostuje Uli Jon Roth kod Viktora Smolskog u obradama Baha.

Malo detaljnije o projektu ovde: http://www.rage-on.de/content/en/studio/majesty.html




Password: www.mediaportal.ru

Edited by HEFEST
  • 11 months later...

Не могу да верујем! Коме ли је ово пало на памет, да одем да га изљубим и донесем гајбу пива. Е сада имам разлог да одем на ово чудо од фестивала. Само, било би боље да су га ставили да свира мало раније, пошто не бих да се напијем пре концерта

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Kako sam saznao nastupace bez pevaca. Znaci bice klasicna gitarska svirka. Najbolje bi bilo da smo zakacili koncerte sa Mark Boalsom i Liz, ali nema veze.

Edited by HEFEST
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Uli je jebo kevu svima. Pokazao je kako se svira i napravio odlican sou!! Malo je reci da sam odusevljen. :rockdevil:


Samo ko je onaj gitarista sto je povremeno pevao? Znaci covek peva ubija!!! Nisam cuo lepsi glas odavno!!! Ubica!!!!

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...



Kakav trio. Oni bi trebali da opice jedan G3.



Samo ko je onaj gitarista sto je povremeno pevao? Znaci covek peva ubija!!! Nisam cuo lepsi glas odavno!!! Ubica!!!!


To je inace Niclas Turman koji ima i svoj progressive bend Crystal Breed.

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