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Tri Albuma:


* Of Wind and Weeping (Red Stream Inc., 2003)

* Carriers of Dust (2006)

* Gangrene (2008)


Prvi i drugi album su fenomenalni, treci vec malo slabiji ali nije da je losh. Fantastichna one-man grupa za sve vas koji volite malo eksperimentalniji black sa dosta atmosfere. Preporuka samo tako:


Meni je najdrazi drugi album.


Of Wind and Weeping (2003):





Carriers of Dust (2006):





Gangrene (2008):






Vladimir jedini clan ove grupe:



I evo neki notice ako nekog interesuje:


The lyrics to "A Scream to Express the Hate of a Race" were frequently misinterpreted as being racist. As a result, Vladimir issued the following statement on Mirrorthrone's website:


This is an answer to the polemic which is current at the moment on the Internet. No, Mirrorthrone is NOT racist, nazi, white pride or whatever you call it. The lyrics of the song "A Scream to Express the Hate of a Race" target the human race in its entirety. It attacks what is called the "nihilism" of a certain form of society that has been spreading around the globe and that envelops the "moral, social, religious and scientific" paradigms. I am not going to develop more for my aim is not to offer text analysis of what I have written; I only want to clarify the situation. Please read and understand at least a minimum before commenting.


Jes da imaju simfonija, mada mene nekako bash i nepodsecaju na Limbionic Art . Ima tu dotichnih tachaka ali je Mirrorthrone nekako vishe avangardnniji/eksperimentalniji .

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