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SLIPKNOT vocalist Corey Taylor has told Billboard.com that he has little doubt that the band's as-yet-untitled fourth studio effort, tentatively due Aug. 12 via Roadrunner Records, will appease its loyal fans, the Maggots.


"It's going to rip your face off," Taylor told Billboard.com. "I don't think the world will be ready for this album."


Taylor described SLIPKNOT's forthcoming set — which is being recorded in the band's home state of Iowa — as a "very dark" cross between "Vol. 3" and 2001's "Iowa". "It has so much power in it and yet there are so many great spots for melody," he explained. "It's a controlled chaos that hits you right out of the gate."


Lyrically, "Instead of bitching about what went wrong in my life, I'm bitching about what's wrong in life, period," Taylor said, noting that his vocals are much more melodic than before. "I got to the point where I was tired of pretending that I couldn't sing every time I made a SLIPKNOT album, so this time I'm going all out."


Kad god je neki bend koji slušam ovo rekao, album je završio kao sranje. Ali videćemo.

Posted (edited)
  Gojko said:
"I don't think the world will be ready for this album."


as a "very dark" cross between "Vol. 3" and 2001's "Iowa". "It has so much power in it and yet there are so many great spots for melody," he explained. "It's a controlled chaos that hits you right out of the gate."


Owo ne smrdi na dobro.

Edited by luciDream

Stvarno ne valja kada pričaš ovako, prizivaš baksuz bespotrebno. Kori je paljevina "all the way" ali ovaj put mu ga je baš dao...ne valja to.

Kako god, ostaje da se nadam prejebanom albumu! :rolleyes:


Idu koracima Metallice, toliko dizu u nebesa taj novi album, da ce garant da bude njesra, sem mozda onim uber core fanovima.

Samo da vise ne zalaze u akustiku i sve ce da bude u redu...


Momci moji, lijepi moji momci.


1. St. Anger je najbolji album.

2. Darthmaul je najljepši momak.

3. Nešto mi se čudno koža smežurala između malog i domalog nožnog prsta na desnoj nozi.


Samo tolerantno i drugarski bez psovanja ženske familije van prvog koljena.

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