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Guest kArLo

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pa dobro....ti si matorac koji se lozi laugh.gif

Otkud ti znas? Mozda imam 13 godina, nizak, mrsav, bled i slabasan, ne izlazim iz mracne sobe ukrasenom raznoraznim Nu posterima, downloadujem porn i mp3 po ceo dan, svetlost danima nisam video, osim sa ekrana igrajuci CS ili WC3....mislim da sam opasan zato sto slusam Cvor i osecam se odbacenim i neshvacenim od strane ovog 'jadnog' sveta.... ph34r.gif

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Otkud ti znas? Mozda imam 13 godina, nizak, mrsav, bled i slabasan, ne izlazim iz mracne sobe ukrasenom raznoraznim Nu posterima, downloadujem porn i mp3 po ceo dan, svetlost danima nisam video, osim sa ekrana igrajuci CS ili WC3....mislim da sam opasan zato sto slusam Cvor i osecam se odbacenim i neshvacenim od strane ovog 'jadnog' sveta.... ph34r.gif

pa doooooobro....sta god da si, lozhish se na Slipknot pivopije.gif

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moras icon_da.gif


jebote koji je to zvuk (ma kakva metalika, kakav machinehead...)


znaci jedna je stvar kad se sve to snimi pa ti onda pustis na stubu, a totalno druga kad njih devet pravi tu buku uzivo i kad ih gledas sve kako mrdaju na stageu a masa u transu, aaaaaaa


expirence of a lifetime...

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Za taj chuchanje trip se uvek zapitam da li Corey voli ili ustvari mrzi svoju publiku... verovatno ni jedno ni drugo,.. zato i ponavlja istu foru over&over again = bolE ga kur*c



E da... heh icon_exclaim.gif ..... Vermilion part 2 video je lepshi od svih lepih stvari ovoga sveta zajedno!!.... Umal' se ne shlogirah!!

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da ja bash jako mnogo vrlo volem slipknot


a propo skoka, ja sam nekoliko meseci pre certa gledao na tvm kad to neki snimak iz nemacke kad su radili to,i reko sam sebi ako opet bude radio istu foru da necu da cucnem, ima da stojim i da ga gledam. onda sam otiso na cert i kad je poceo 'I want all you motherfuckers to get down on the ground...' prvo sam stajao i smejao se ali kad je poceo da se dere, i da ponavlja 'don't be afraid to make history, we,re gonna make the biggest fucking mass jump here', i kad ljudi pocese u krugu od 50 metara oko mene da se spustaju ja reko ajde, jebes ga, da ucinim i ja njemu malo kad je on meni vec toliko ucinio. I tako, jeste glupo sto se ponavlja, al opet ponese te atmosfera na certu, i lep je osecaj kad svi skoce odjedanput...


btw malo su dobili na kredibilitetu zato sto su kad im prvi put nije uspelo (glupi madjari su skocili pre vremena) stali i ponovili ceo taj deo sa skakanjem

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Ne znam da li je ovo vec bilo do sad ali Which Slipknot member are you? biggrin.gif




Me > Corey! icon_rockdevil.gificon_mrgreen.gif


You're Corey, the lead vocalist and #8. You can be sort of irritable and angry, but that's what makes Slipknot so great! You channel that energy into the music, and it's what make's the songs so emotional. With out you, Slipknot just wouldn't be the same.



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Hahah... ja sam Pinokio... laugh.gif


You're Chris. He is #3 and does some drumming and back up vocals in Slipknot. He's also known as "Perverted Pinochio" because he "jacks off" his long nose on his mask. Even though not many people have seen his face, he is supossedly a hottie!


khhmmm.... he is suppossedly a hottie! ... there IS a connection, alright... mhihi.gif

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Throw them off a 90 story building! *SPLAT* And then I would poke them with a stick. *pokey pokey* Tee hee hee! It's squishy... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif



ok..You're Sid. He's #0 and the DJ of Slipknot. And he is...a tweaker. He used to set himself on fire onstage in concerts, but he had to stop because it was a fire hazard to the audience. He is also known to jump off the stage from high up on set peices into the crowd. Once he landed on a gaurd rail and broke some ribs, but he didn't leave the concert.

wuuuhuu...I'm the freak

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iskreno sam se nadao ovome...ispadoh umetnik i baja... icon_rockdevil.gif



You're Joey (my personal favorite). He's the lead drummer in Slipknot, and #1. His real name is Nathan, but somehow became known as Joey. He's also in the band Murderdolls where he switches off and on playing drums and guitar. He is the artistic one of the group, and has designed all the logos for Slipknot.



buahahaha sad mogu da spavam mirno...

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You're Corey, the lead vocalist and #8. You can be sort of irritable and angry, but that's what makes Slipknot so great! You channel that energy into the music, and it's what make's the songs so emotional. With out you, Slipknot just wouldn't be the same.

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