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Има пар солидних песама, ал превише просечних. Тамо где је добра солажа је очај рефрен, где је ок рефрен убаце неке друге непотребне ствари или превише клише рифове, тако да је ретко која песма потпуно успела, од почетка до краја. Under the Radar и Night After Night, рецимо.


Krajnje je vreme da recenziram album, pesmu po pesmu.

Na prvo slušanje, očajan, kasnije sve bolji, sada bi se već reklo pristojan album. Doduše, daleko od onog pravog Primal Fear, ali i od posrnuća hammerfall-ovskog tipa. Ocena 7/10.


Riding the Eagle - pesma bi fino uklopila, da je recimo Avantasia autor, no ja od Primal Fear-a više volim da čujem čistokrvni heavy od onakvog veselog powera. Ipak, za slušanje s vremena na vreme, simpatično.


Six Times Dead - najslabija pesma na albumu, dosadna i nimalo inovativna.


Black Rain - ambiciozno zamišljena, u fazonu Seven Seals, ali ni blizu uspela kao ona.


Under the Radar - e, ovo je već pravi Primal Fear, uzbudljive sve deonice, brzina, melodija i snaga spojene u kvalitetnu celinu.


Torn - ova pesma mi je na prvo slušanje bila smor, kasnije sve jača. Zanimljiv intro i vrlo zarazna melodija. Ipak zaslužuje pozitivan komentar.


Soar - Takođe loša na prvo slušanje, odudara od standardnog Primal Fear zvuka, ali sada ipak ne mogu reći da je tako loša, kao pomenuta Six Times Dead, recimo.


Killbound - jedna od pesama koje vade album, što nije baš pohvalno, jer je prilično šablonski urađena, kao recimo Psycho na prošlom albumu.


No Smoke Without Fire - ovo je mogla da bude bomba, da je samo malo duža i kompleksnija, ovako nekako brzo i neprimetno prođe, a valja.


Night After Night - ovo je već valjana power metal numera.


Smith and Wesson - moj favorit, malo fali da kažem da je u rangu najvećih Primal Fear hitova. Odličan refren u sinnerovskom maniru i dobri heavy rifovi.


The Exorcist - Još jedna power pesma, iz drugog plana mi se nametnula, ima potrebnu energiju, rekao bih uz Smith and Wesson i Under the Radar najjača na albumu.


Hands of Time - opet ću pomenuti Avantasiu i njenu pesmu Lost in Space, jer mi se čini da su se poveli tim primerom. Eto, i Primal Fear je napravio jednu emo baladu, nije baš da im to treba (ja više volim nešto u fazonu In Memory), ali mislim da je simpatična.


Uglavnom, slušaću ih i dalje, malo više starije albume doduše. Ovaj, kao i prethodni, ne nameravam da kupim na originalu. Ipak, album mora da bude stvarno vrhunski da bih tako nešto isplanirao.





prvi im je bio najbolji...dalje su poceli da padaju...posle treceg je sve sranje...


prince,trazi posao u rok ekspresu...ako uopste i postoje...tako su i oni recenzirali...




Preslusah album...i sta ja znam,onako...osrednja zalost.Definitivno bolji od proslog,ali daleko od onoga na sta bi Primal Fear album trebao liciti.Mislim da su oni upali u zescu reciklazu samih sebe.Dokaz za to je bas pesma Smith and Wesson,onaj intro rif su imali na svakom albumu.

Sto se tice pesama koje mi se dopadaju,izdvojio bih Six Times Dead (meni se bas svidela,thrasherska je do bola),Night After Night i

The Exorcist.Ima tu jos momenata,ali ove tri pesme su mi se onako svidele u globalu.Preslusacu jos koji put,pa onda konkretnije.


Evo spot za Six Times Dead...los je do bola.Al' pesma je dobra.




Kako se tebi najviše svidi pesma koja je meni najgora... Mislimk da je ono što ovaj album izvlači upravo reciklaža. Jednostavno, njima ide taj fazon pesama o vatrenom oružju i rifova koji se ponavljaju. Na onim pesmama gde su pokušali da zvuče originalno su najviše podbacili.


Pa ok,ali trulo je reciklirati rifove.Ajd',kada recikliras ideje u kompletu...jebem li ga,svaki bend to radi.Dok je dobro,samo nek' se pila.Ali kod Primal Fear-a je bas vidno,pogotovo na poslednja dva,da presviravaju iste rifove.Jebiga.

A ova stvar se meni svidja zato sto je u principu thrash metal pesma.Cepanje.


Utisak nakon nekoliko preslusavanja je ostao isti.Srednja zalost.Iako ima nekoliko dobrih stvari...pored tri koje sam vec naveo,dodao bih i "Killbound" i "Smith And Wesson" (dobra stvar,iako smo taj riff culi vec milion puta).Najjaca stvar na albumu je definitivno "The Exorcist",opasna pesma.

Sve u svemu,bolje nego prosli,ali i dalje slabo.Nekoliko dobrih pesama ne cine album dobrim.


Ljudi zar vas nije sramota da slusate Primal Fear. Oni nose kozne pantalone!!! Juuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!! :redface::redface::redface:


evo linka za album sa bonus pesmama (ako nekoga uopste zanima :) )


01 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead 00:49

02 Riding the Eagle 04:59

03 Six Times Dead (16.6) 04:00

04 Black Rain 06:07

05 Under the Radar 05:26

06 5.0, torn 07:14

07 Soar 04:17

08 Killbound 04:13

09 No Smoke Without Fire 04:52

10 Night After Night 05:01

11 Smith & Wesson 04:46

12 The Exorcist 04:47

13 Hands of Time 04:22

14 Cry Havoc 04:00

15 Scream 04:39


SiZE 117,2 MB



  • 1 month later...
Sve u svemu,bolje nego prosli,ali i dalje slabo.Nekoliko dobrih pesama ne cine album dobrim.


Ukratko, slazem se. Izvukli su se nakon proslog fail-a, ali ni blizu da su me zaintrigirali kao sa "SS", poslednji odlican album. Mislim, zvuce dobro, pre svega Ralf, jedan od retkih kome jedva da cujes razliku u godinama u vokalu, doduse ovo je studijski, nemam ideju kako zvuci live trenutno...ali bitno je da je ovako jos uvek vokalcina.

Prve dve pesme su OK, "Torn" zanimljiva, "Smith And Wesson" prolazi i hit je "Under The Radar", bas paljevinska, posebno start. Sa druge strane, "Soar" i "Killbound" su bas bas dosadne...i kad se podvuce crta, nije ovo za vise od 7/10, bla


  • 2 weeks later...

Pošto vidim da ljudi slabo slušaju Sinner, zna li možda neko ko sluša Primal Fear na šta se odnosi tekst pesme Question of Honour? Evo teksta, pa ako je neko gledao film o kome bi mogla da bude reč, neka se javi:


I - I've seen it all before

Heading north the parole

I sit here and watch it all come down

A mile away from hell

Back in a foreign land

But will tomorrow ever come


No regrets, no reason why

Release me, I'm dying


We stood side by side

Everybody's asking why

We had a dream, it ended in screams

They sold us as a question of honour


A flash of a shotgun blast lightens the dark

Dan dies in a pool of blood

A jet's coming close as gas hits my nose

All the prayers came too late


No regrets, no reason why

Release me, I'm dying


We stood side by side

Everybody's asking why

We had a dream, it ended in screams

They sold us as a question of honour


The night has fallen but I'm still awake

My chances at zero

Breath for the last time, help's out of reach

No time for heroes


No regrets, no reason why

Release me, I'm dying


We stood side by side

Everybody's asking why

We had a dream, it ended in screams

They sold us as a question of honour


  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Nabasah na ovaj info:


German Metal masters PRIMAL FEAR are back with a new DVD recorded in various locations between September and November 2009 and a live CD album aptly titled "Live in the USA".


“The main part of the DVD was recorded in Switzerland a the Z7, but there is more footage from headlining show held at the ProgPower festival in Atlanta USA plus footage from Brazil/Sao Paulo, Toyko & Osaka/Japan and more places” explains bassist Mat Sinner. “That's why the DVD is named "16.6 - All Over The World" while the Live CD is titled "Live In The USA" because the live CD was recorded in Atlanta, New York and Los Angeles during the last tour that the we did across the ocean”.


The DVD is filled with loads of extra materials, such as an entire bootleg section with funny moments on the road, some bootleg shots from festivals and other concerts, all Primal Fear latest video clips, plus the making of the band’s last album 16.6 in the recording studio and a brand new interview section about the past & future of Primal Fear.


The last tours unleashed the best Primal Fear performances since the band formed in 1998 - a constant great mix between power, ambition and enthusiasm plus of course great the talent of great players! There is undoubtedly a great value of interesting performances on this DVD and a great sound and the live album offers an incredible string of Metal anthems in their full glory !


If you are a Metal fan you can’t miss this incredible package !



Ralf Scheepers: vocals

Mat Sinner: bass, vocals

Randy Black: drums

Henny Wolter: guitars, vocals

Alex Beyrodt: guitars



Magnus Karlsson, Stefan Liebing: guitars

Pamela Moore: vocals

  • 3 weeks later...

Primal Fear – Live In The USA (2010)




1. Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead

2. Under The Radar

3. Battalions Of Hate

4. Killbound

5. Nuclear Fire

6. Six Times Dead (16.6)

7. Angel In Black

8. Sign Of Fear

9. Fighting The Darkness

10. Riding The Eagle

11. Final Embrace

12. Metal Is Forever

13. Hands Of Time

14. Chainbreaker


Genre: Speed/Power Metal

Country: Germany

320 kBps 165MB


no pass

  • 4 weeks later...

SNOWY SHAW To Lay Down Drums On RALF SCHEEPERS' Debut Solo Album - July 2, 2010


Swedish multi-instrumentalist Snowy Shaw (THERION, DREAM EVIL, KING DIAMOND, MERCYFUL FATE, MEMENTO MORI, NOTRE DAME) will lay down the drum tracks on the first solo album from PRIMAL FEAR frontman Ralf Scheepers.


After Ralf and his collaborators spent the last three years writing material for the effort, the recording sessions for the CD will finally begin this coming weekend with PRIMAL FEAR's Mat Sinner playing bass on the entire LP and producing. An "impressive list of some very prominent guests" will appear on the as-yet-untitled album, which will feature "a killer concept and strong songs," according to Scheepers.


In a June 2010 interview with Metal Assault, Scheepers stated about the musical direction of his forthcoming solo CD, "It's more diverse [than PRIMAL FEAR], you can say."


He added, "In the beginning I had those ballads that we couldn't use for PRIMAL FEAR because they might be too mellow, but now we've started to write together on it. Basically, it's my ideas on it, but I have a great team, with Mat and Magnus [Karlsson; PRIMAL FEAR, STARBREAKER, LAST TRIBE] and some other members — Sander [Gommans], the ex-AFTER FOREVER guitarist, helped me a lot.


"It's a good variety — from the hardest to the softest tones."

  • 2 months later...

MAGNUS KARLSSON Lays Down Guitar Tracks On RALF SCHEEPERS Solo Album - Sep. 3, 2010


Swedish guitarist Magnus Karlsson (PRIMAL FEAR, STARBREAKER, LAST TRIBE) has finished laying down his parts for the forthcoming solo album from Ralf Scheepers of German power metallers PRIMAL FEAR. According to a posting on the PRIMAL FEAR web site, "Magnus delivered his guitar parts on some songs of the album and did a killer job as always. Just some more lead guitars are missing by some other great players and we're ready to mix the album after the forthcoming [PRIMAL FEAR] European tour!"


As previously reported, owerhouse American vocalist Tim "Ripper" Owens (HAIL!, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, BEYOND FEAR, JUDAS PRIEST, ICED EARTH) will make a guest appearance on Scheepers' forthcoming CD. Owens will be heard dueting with Scheepers in the track "Remission Of Sin". Other guest musicians expected to appear on the album include Swedish multi-instrumentalist Snowy Shaw (THERION, DREAM EVIL, KING DIAMOND, MERCYFUL FATE, MEMENTO MORI, NOTRE DAME) on drums, Sander Gommans (AFTER FOREVER, HDK) on guitar and PRIMAL FEAR's Mat Sinner playing bass on the entire LP and producing. A photo shoot with Alex Kühr for the CD's cover took place in early July in Germany.


In a recent interview with the "Metalzone" radio show (web site) with Kostas Purevil Kyriakakis and Helena Mihailidou, Scheepers revealed that his upcoming solo album will include two cover versions — "Saints Of Rock" from Scheepers' pre-PRIMAL FEAR band TYRAN PACE and "Before The Dawn' from JUDAS PRIEST. "'Saints Of Rock' is gonna be, of course, a little bit more modern than it was [when the original version was recorded] in 1986," he explained. "I mean, right now we have much more possibilities to make songs sound a little bit more modern, starting with the drum sound and the bass sounds — having a much more distorted sound." He added, "I think 'Before The Dawn' pretty much is a [straight] cover — [there's] just a little more orchestral things going on, I have more strings in the song compared to the JUDAS PRIEST [original]. Back then there wasn't much strings going on. I think they even have a piano [in the original version], which I don't have. I have strings and I have this atmosphere stuff going on. Vocal-wise, I just added a harmony at the last bridge before last chorus, I added a harmony which is not on the original, but that's the basic difference."


Kul. Before The Dawn je jedna od najboljih JP balada. Kad album leakuje prvo pustam pesmu sa Ripperom :rockdevil:

  • 1 month later...

Pa je l' su oni ovaj live snimali u studiju ili sta? :haha: Ne znam kakvi su inace, ali ovde dobar deo snimka zvuce kao da imaju gitaru manjka live. Bas mrtav osecaj...bend OK, atmosfera nistavna, setlista za live mogla slobodno i duza da bude, ne znam sto se waspovase...

Nista sa Seven Sealsa (doduse vidim da ima naslovne sa istog na DVDu) isto...

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