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PAVOR - Furioso (2003)






преносим један цитат:


Every tech death fan's wet dream. The bass is insane, bassplayers will most likely die of heart attack if you show them some Pavor. The album has no weak points though, it's not only the bass that will rip your current perception of technical death metal apart. Saying that it's perfect would be foolish, but it is pretty close.
Posted (edited)



ja ga bas pre neki dan slusao :D, bas sam hteo da ga okacim :)

EDIT: tek sad videh da imaa i link za demo, hvala , njega nisam imao


evo jednog kulta od mene, ovo bas odavno nisam slusao, skidam sad da obnovim gradivo malo :D


Lemming Project - Hate And Despise (1992)



1. Maintain 07:03

2. Lost 05:48

3. Leadership 07:19

4. Brainnight 05:23

5. For All Suckers 04:55

6. Manipulation 06:44

7. Washed 03:41

8. Erdende (In Trauer)... 01:27

9. Judas Billygoats 04:49



Edited by Uruk Hai

Poslao pitanja Kamu, samo je postavljen strog uslov da se ne davi sa Massacre pa sam tu bio skroz limitiran, ipak Bone gnawer ima samo jedan album, ali videcemo kako ce ispasti.

  On 9/29/2009 at 12:19 PM, Ziltoid.need.finest.coffee said:

Ahahahahha DT loveru , ides na Opeth a ? :)


Hatbeak jebeni papagaj peva grind ! KRALJ !



e idem, e. A koja vam je fora, svi imate po petsto naloga :haha:


U! sad naidjoh na ovo, nisam ni preslusao ali sigurno je dobro

respect za ovaj odlican bend, sa kojim je i krenula ova tema


A Tribute To Repulsion






1. GENERAL SURGERY - Maggots In Your Coffin

2. NECROMORPH - Something Dead

3. AFGRUND - Splattered Cadavers

4. FONDLECORPSE - Crypt Of Terror

5. COLDWORKER - Crematorium

6. IMPALED - Helga (Lost Her Head)

7. MINDFLAIR - Repulsion


9. COLLISION - Six Feet Under

10. NASHGUL - Slaughter Of The Innocent

11. GOREGAST - Lurking (The) Fear

12. HAEMORRHAGE - The Stench Of Burning Death

13. CEPHALIC CARNAGE - Decomposed

14. LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER - Driven To Insanity

15. INHUME - Acid Bath

16. BELCHING BEET - House Of Freaks

17. CRETIN - Eaten Alive

18. MACHETAZO - Pestilent Decay

19. BLOCKHEADS - Horrified

20. HAEMOPHAGUS - Excruciation

21. GRIND CRUSHER - Festering Boils

  • 2 weeks later...

Black Force Domain i Conquerors.


Nego, sad da ne duzim, samo cu nabrojati bendove, pa potrazite. Vrijedno je paznje sigurno.


Oppressor, Gorguts, Baphomet,Downlord, Throneum, Agressor,Destruktor, Armoured Angel,Angelcorpse, Hooded Menace, Winter,Coffins,Deathevokation,Nephast,Funerus,Hacavitz,Krabathor, Incrust,Hatespawn, Exruciate,Purgatory,Cenotaph(Hol,Mex),Excoriate,Fondlecorpse, Death Vomit, Disciples Of Mockery.


Dosta za sad, drugi dio ide sutra kad se naspavam :rockdevil: Nadam se da ce se naci za svakog po nesto.

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