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dobra lista http://www.worshipmetal.com/features/20-under-appreciated-classics-of-90s-american-death-metal/?fbclid=IwAR3O7xEyWTLc9S9ACPQCev8brQS5-RcoN_PkSi4WTU8Awgs68_n2u8a5uWs

  On 8/23/2019 at 1:04 PM, HUMAN said:

Kliknuo na ovo, procitao za Asphyxov Last one on earth


The debut album by Dutch slow-cookers Asphyx definitely sounds like a first album 


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  • Upvote 1

Super ta lista Grobe, mogli su i Pyrexia-u da ubace, Sermon of mockery klasik.

Nisam ranije čuo za Horror of Horrors, super su, ali su me oduvali ovi Epidemic, deathrash rasturačina jebena, fazon Solstice na spidu:rockdevil:

Ostalo provereni klasici, fala kurcu da se neko setio..

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

E ovo je kult...


This is a prison band, their demo was recorded in jail via a prison musical development center. Fortunately the tape was released before the warden was aware of its content. After learning of the albums violent lyrics, they were banned from the program, thus preventing a second release.

Their charges, in case you're curious:
Rick Desroisier : 2nd Degree Murder
Sebran "Mike" Shagoury: 2nd Degree Murder
P.J. Fredricks: Armed Robbery (out on parole)
Gerald Fitzpatrick: Armed Robbery (out on parole)

Što je najgore, muzika je dobra, ali je zvuk takav kakav je. Šteta.


Ceo demo.

Ima i intervju iz 1998.

  • Upvote 2
  On 11/13/2019 at 1:02 PM, Talvi said:

može i na crust i ovde ali neka ga ovde, zbog boljeg reach-a:


zamislite neki crusty Asphyx na češkom i tu ste otprilike


Odlicna americka lista

Licno mi nedostaju Hellwitch szyzigial miscreancy i Solstice istoimeni a kad je mogao Death thrash Ripping corpse trebalo je i prvi Morbid Saint 

Kerrang lista fina poseban plus za cause of death human like an everflowing stream

  • 1 month later...

Vole probaj ovo..


Još je kod mene ortakova ploča Excrucitate/Epitaph, koliko samo masnije i teže zvuči nego ova ytube verzija..

  • 1 month later...
  On 6/4/2020 at 9:12 PM, Kumodraski Vo said:

Moguce da je bilo, skroz konkretan novitet za kultadzije



Pa i nije baš za kultadžije, taj fazon baš postao populare ovih godina sa Gatecreeper-om, Tomb Mold-om i ovima na čelu, taj neki prljavi Swedeath u kombinaciji sa Bolt Thrower-om.

  • 2 weeks later...

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