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Sad sam pročitao intervju sa Marisom Martinez (Cretin), she used to be Dan Martinez (talk about Freakery haha), rek'o što ne bi pustio ja to...

Holy testical tuesday, kako dobar album, verovatno ste svi čuli bend ali eto i meni je trebalo nešto da me podseti. Biće ove godine i novi album za Relapse.

Oldschool grindcore band. Raw, fast and riotous like the grandfathers of grind did it. Highly recommended for fans of Repulsion, Terrorizer, and early Napalm Death.




Freakery Interview






Pa da, dobiješ sise i prvo ih pokažeš. Mada, kontam da bi žene u obrnutoj situaciji mahale okolo kurčevima. :D


Ladno ostala tema, predstavljajuci bend Grob kaze "Glavni baja benda je Dan Martinez,na vokalu i gitari,inace,prava americka rednecina" haha. Dobra picka ova Marissa.


Nimalo sjeban (bivši) lik. Sjebano je kada ne shvatiš takve stvari na vreme i kada pod uticajem sredine potiskuješ svoj seksualni identitet.


Pa cela situacija kroz koju je prosao tj prosla, tranzicija sigurno nije bila laka.


Initially I would go out on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights and drink like crazy. The weekends usually consisted of me dressing up really slutty and going to a bar and not paying for alcohol. There have been orgies, threesomes, chicks making out…rock and roll!


A ovo me podseca na epizodu South parka kad Garrison promeni pol :lol:

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Pa, sudeći po intervjuu, promenu je ukupno odlično podnela, budući da priprema i oporavak obično traju nekoliko godina. ;)


A ovo za Gerisona... :haha: "Scissors!"


Ladno ostala tema, predstavljajuci bend Grob kaze "Glavni baja benda je Dan Martinez,na vokalu i gitari,inace,prava americka rednecina" haha. Dobra picka ova Marissa.









ima neke veze...uzeo sam disk na standu rex-a na sajmu kniga 2004te...neki oridjidji disk...znam da je bio taj bend,Monstrosity,lowbrow...izgubi sam disk na moru...dobra bila kompilacija..."the plague" se zvala...


i sad sam naso link...






Evo o onom old skul fenomenu


As far as trends are concerned, 2011 hasn't really shown it's hand yet. Three years ago, we were plagued with birth brees of deathcore. Two years ago, re-thrash movement hit it's peak. (Both are now reviled--or at least passively derided--by many.) And last year, one of the cheapest fads reared it's head: Old-school death metal. In comparison to the other two examples, the influx of OSDM should've been equally criticized. However, it's getting a free pass while the counterparts are getting lashed. This is a bit puzzling. Despite deathcore's inherent shittiness, at least it was new. And as far as the thrashin' rehashin' is concerned? Lest we forget, before we got all Hedberg-on-pancakes with the movement, we were clamoring for a legitimate re-injection of thrash metal for ages. But this latest influx of old-school corpse-manipulation is not only (mostly) pointless, it's borderline cowardly.


Why is it pointless? Because the classics of death metal still hold up. The production values are still revered (hence the tribute acts' rabid replication of the aesthetic), the songs are still iconic (The Rack and Like an Everflowing Stream remain supreme), and, honestly, there really hadn't been any real demand for a new wave of oldness. Long story short, the originals still sound vital as hell, rendering most of the current purveyors irrelevant by default.


Why is it cowardly? Because many of these acts seem to think that they are somehow immune to criticism. And in a way, they are, but only because we're afraid to call them on their bullshit. Retread acts in this vein are consistently softballed. How many reviews of Ibex Moon releases have you read that contain a line like, "Well, they aren't reinventing the wheel here, but if you like your death metal firmly rooted in the old-school and want to bang your fucking head, you certainly could do a lot worse." It's death metal tee-ball. "Oh, you wanna play? Okay, everyone gets a chance to bat, but only take one base at a time." In 2011, perception of cred and inherent metalness (once standard practice, but now elements seemingly worthy of congratulation) will always get you to first base.


I've actually received hate mail from a musician that was grossly offended by the fact that I thought his band sounded (obviously unintentionally) more like God Dethroned than the litany of classic bands that he had cited as influences in Myspace's left-hand margin. While the screed wasn't as outrageous as the time the singer from The Autumn Offering offered to piss in my girlfriend's asshole, dude was clearly livid that I failed to recognize him as the poseur-slaying, Autopsy-worshipping, cunt-destroying God of the Old-School he was touted as in his press release. And therein lies the problem; many of these acts are merely wrapping themselves in the flags of their forebears and coasting along on cliquish sentiment. Which is fine, if your goal is to be king shit of your regional bar scene. But in a world where Krisiun roams, our standards should be higher.


This segmentation and clannishness is not only confined to the old-school trend. It also creeps into the increasingly tech-y, widdly brands of DM, threatening to weaken the subgenre as a whole. As it stands, death metal is one of the least exciting arenas in all of metal right now, and I'm pining for a new breed of meat-and-potatoes asskickers to come along and shake the shit out of it. Or, at least, have Akercocke come out of hibernation to class up the joint a bit...


meni samo nije jasno kako je to uopste krenulo? jasno mi je kad neko krene da kopira neki nov(invetivan) bend, npr. skroz mi je logicna navala Meshugahh klonova, ali mi nije jasno kako je sad odjednom krenulo ovo lozenje na Autopsy, Grave, itd., to su bendovi koji imaju podugacku karijeru iza sebe, zasto sad krece taj worhip talas? ili kao sto Grob lepo rece, gde su bile te Incantation majice pre deset godina?

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