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LED ZEPPELIN has kicked off its much-anticipated reunion concert at the O2 arena in London, England. And what did they open with? Tonight's first song — and the first song ZEPPELIN has played in public in 19 years — is "Good Times, Bad Times".


According to NME.com, the reunion concert started with a clip from "The Song Remains The Same" DVD with an American news clip telling of they broke THE BEATLES' attendance record for a gig in 1973 in California. Simple stage set, video screen behind the band.


01. Good Times, Bad Times

02. Ramble On

03. Black Dog

04. In My Time Of Dying

05. For Your Life

06. Trampled Under Foot

07. Nobody's Fault But Mine




Cenim da ne postoji gluplji nachin da se "prati" koncert. Chekash da dopunjuju setlistu :) :)


Šta kaže Ben Ward iz Orange Golbin-a o koncertu:


I had mixed feelings going to the show last night as I was really worried that it might suck but thankfully, I had no need to worry. Led Zeppelin fucking ruled last night! There is a real certain kind of magic that they create playing together. Roberts voice was, for the most part, perfect. Jimmy Page was everything he should be, killer tone that improved as the set wore on. John Paul Jones is just solid and one of the most under-rated musicians in the world. Jason Bonham was, well, let's just say he done what he had to do. He didn't let them down but he is not his dad and the few times he tried to be he fell way short! The highligts for me were No Quarter, Kashmir and Rock & Roll but every song intro was a definite goosebump moment that I will never forget. I don't know whether it was the hype surrounding the show or just the magic of Led Zep but it was a really amazing atmosphere in there. I got to sit through the whole show next to David Gilmour too which was fun, especially when he was heckling Paul Rodgers before Zeppelin and calling him a twat for not playing All Right Now!


PS - Dave Grohl was fucking hammered and running about like an excited schoolboy before the show, grabbing Steve Crobar in a headlock and screaming 'Are You Ready!!!!!?'


Everybody in the whole arena stood up for the entire performance. There was no pit or anything but there were patches of long-hairs scattered around headbanging!


ja sam nasla:


black dog

dazed and confused

good times bad times


ramble on

since i've been loving you

stairway to heaven

the song remains the same

whole lotta love (iz 2 ugla)


+taj intervju sa page-om :da:

+slike -www.ledzeppelinpics.com-


Mozemo samo da zavidimo ovima sto su ih gledali i da se nadamo da ce ipak raditi turneju i da ce ih nasi organizatori dovesti.

Sve u svemu pojavio se bootleg (8 mp3, 126 fotki i devet video snimaka). Kvalitet je daleko od pristojnog ali i pored toga se vidi da je koncert bio fenomenalan.

Sigh... :(


eeeh :)

Moj cale je na vreme podavao neke stvari, posle se nije ni trudio da nabavlja, a ni ja iskreno da jurim sad tu ploce i gramofone kad je tehnologija (hvala ljudima) itekako napredovala.


Drago mi je da ce bidne dvd tog poslednjeg koncerta, a i nadam se da nije poslednji bez obzira na sve te silne najave pre certa da je to poslednje okupljanje samo za taj londonski cert.



:wub: :wub: :wub:

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