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We're very proud to announce Baard Kolstad (Official) as the new permanent drummer of Leprous!


Baard did the entire 2013 Coal tour with us, and those of you who attended the shows knows that he’s an absolutely amazing drummer! His merits are very impressive in such a young age and reach from World Champion in the Roland V-Drums World Championship 2012, to being one of the most renowned street drummers out there (he has more hits on youtube than we can ever dream of), member in bands such as Borknagar, GodSeed and Rendezvous Point, as well as live member in InVain, Solefall and Ihsahn – just to mention a few. Despite looking rather busy, Baard has promised full dedication to Leprous!



Baard has the following to say:


“I've been a big Leprous fan for a very long time, and it was nothing short of amazing being asked to join the band full time. I got the offer to step in during their Coal Tour in 2013, and I remember it like it was yesterday. Taking over after such a unique and incredible dummer like Tobias, is both very scary and inspiring at the same time. I'm really looking forward to the times ahead! “


Tobias has been a very important member of Leprous for quite many years, and has played an important role in shaping Leprous into what we are today. For that we will be forever grateful!


However, It all came to a point where all parts agreed that it would be better for all parts if Baard took over the Leprous drum chair permanently. We’ve lost the count in how many projects Tobias is a part of, and Leprous being a very time challenging band made it quite hard for him to give us the dedication needed. We’re till in very good terms, and don’t be surprised if you see Tobias behind the drumkit on a Leprous show here and there! We wish him only the best for the future!


Tobias’ statement:


“I will no longer be a part of Leprous.

I’m doing a lot of different stuff in my musical career, and since Leprous is a band that needs full attention and dedication I think it’s time to move on. It’s really just a matter of lack of time, and both the band and me felt this was the natural evolution for the band as the situation is now.

I felt we had good connection musically, but sometimes change can be a good thing. Of course it’s sad that I will not be able to be playing \ hanging out that much with good friends, but I wish all the best for the band! “


It's never easy for a band to replace members, but we’re in very good spirit and we got more going than ever!


We’ve already written 21 new sketches for the new album, so the new team works perfectly! Please give Baard a warm welcome!

  • 7 months later...

Slazem se, ali u tome i jeste bila fora, da ih vidimo dok se krecu uzlaznom putanjom u karijeri. Kasnije nece biti sanse da ih nahvatamo. 3 puta ih gledao, dosta mi je za sada, ali naravno, isao bih svaki put kad bi dolazili


Kaže imaju u Norveškoj pomoć od vlade... Ja sam u najboljem slučaju mogao da se ovajdim ako oderemo prokupačku opštinu da nešto organizujemo :haha:

I to naravno ne po zakonu, nego babe stričevi pobratimi korupcija nepotizam rokenrol

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

pa imaju pomoc, ali video si i sam koliko investiraju u svirku ako si bio na koncertu.


svetla svoja nose, mnogo skupu miksetu svoju nose, televizore, oprema, nije da se stede.


ne znam da li bilo koji bend ove vecine toliko investira u sebe, i the ocean su bili slicni kad su krenuli.

Edited by azal
Posted (edited)

Jebeš metal kad je dotle došlo da ti vlada subvencioniše skupe miksete i krpice.

Metal je bunt, oponiranje establišmentu. Odvajkada je tako bilo.


I krv, sperma, sida, govna i strahovi.

Edited by vudun
  • Upvote 2
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Posted (edited)

Norveška vlada je posebna priča, oni su nedavno i Turbonegro-u dali neki luksuzan bus za turneje, a oni su baš sve to što si ti sad nabrojao :haha:

Edited by Talvi

Njih su podmitili zarad mira i političke stabilnosti u zemlji.

A i ko zna čija se mama tu švalerisala sa Stoltenbergom i ekipom. Mi to nikad nećemo znati...

Možda se i obelodani, ali tek kroz 10-20 godina, kad budu aktuelne neke nove depeše Vikiliksa.

  • Downvote 1

blek metal je (uz hip hop) poslednji put da je muzika bila više od života, pre 20+ godina

i gle čuda baš u toj norveškoj

poslednji krik, poslednje zbunjivanje establišmenta, nema više prostora za tako nešto

sve je ovo sada zabava, biznis, umetnost ili kvaziumetnost, generalno i globalno

kakav kurac bunt


gledacemo ih kad budu kao crowbar, annihilator i ostali. za 20 godina, 15 godina nakon kreativnog vrhunca :D

daj ne zezaj nego organizuj :D

ili je bas stvarno zajebana situacija?


Realno ja ni jednu notu ovog benda ne zelim u zivotu drugi put da cujem. Sta je to sto coveka moze da privuce ovom bendu meni nikada nece biti jasno. Dosadno smece pravljeno zbog radi nicega. Ni muzike, niti glasa, niti nekog scenskog nastupa, nekog lepotana ili ekstra ribe. Nista. Jedna velika nula. Od pocetka mislim to o njima, a evo sa vremenom oni nisu mrdnuli ni za milimetar. Na svakoj zivoj temi ih pominjete pa dodjem u iskusenje da poslusam ponovo da vidim da nisam izlapeo, ali opet se zajebem i vidim da jesam. Zaboravim stalno koliko je govno bend.

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Ja nigde veze ne vidim ovde sa nekom koreografijom. Imaju kao neki pokusaj necega. Upalili televizore iza sebe da izgledaju kao moderno ili u nekom fazonu ali meni je to prazna fora kao oni sto su bili predgrupa Orphaned Landu ovde. Neki mucenici boze sacuvaj. Zali boze drljanja lepih instrumenata. Mislim mozda neko ovo voli, ali ja ovde muzike ne vidim. Da me neko pita sta si sinko cuo ovde, ja bik mu odgovorio da nemam blagog pojma. Muzika sigurno bila nije, malo cijukanja pevaca koji i nije tako los, ali opet pesme nigde. Sve ocekujes nesto se se desiti u pesmi, neki vrhinac neki zaplet, a ono samo tera ravno.

  • Downvote 4

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