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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@einar_solberg is available for vocal / composition lessons the next couple of weeks.

Cekaj, ovaj nudi casove ili trazi casove 🙂 ?

  • 4 weeks later...

Solidni su bili i Bilateral i Coal.

Bilo je dosta problema sa miksom - nekada se gitare nisu dobro cule, nekada bas...bilo je delova gde se Toro uopste nije cuo, ali zato Einar uvek jeste. I sasvim solidno je covek otpevao.

Mene je najvise zanimalo kako ce Waste of Air i Cryptogenic Desires da zvuce i skroz su ih korektno izveli.

Sa Bilaterala mi se najvise svideo Thorn. Odlicno je sto se Ihsahn pojavio i ovde i na Contaminate Me (koja je takodje zvucala fenomenalno, pre svega zbog violoncela).

Cak je i bis bio dobar - Slave i najvece iznenadjenje The Passing. Einar je ovo otpevao u crvenim, koznim zvoncarama koje je nosio tokom te faze.

Inace, bas su djubrad ovi sa Munina. Platis 2 koncerta preko 30e i imas 2 dana da ih pogledas. Morao sam da snimam ekran da bih nekako sacuvao koncerte :).

  • 1 month later...



"We had no plans to start with a new album, then came Covid. "Aphelion" is a very different album. It's intuitive and spontaneous. We've experimented with many completely different ways of writing music and explored new ways to work. There has been no room for overthinking, exaggerated perfectionism or carefully planned songs. I believe this is one of the strengths of this album. It feels alive, it feels free and it does not come across as too calculated. The album was recorded in three different studios, and a few of the songs were actually recorded in all three studios, Ghost Ward Studios, Ocean Sound Recordings and Cederberg Studios. The aphelion is the point in the orbit of an object where it is farthest from the sun, and it has a symbolic value which I will leave to your own interpretation." - Einar Solberg

  • 2 weeks later...

Evo spota. Svega ima osim dobre pesme i rifa, meni ovo baš dosadno, mogao bih da slušam kao neki kritičar izolovane delove pesme, ali kao običan slušalac ništa me ovo kao celina ne radi. Sudeći po ovome, nastavlja se propadanje u pitfall, no daćemo šansu albumu kao celini.


Posted (edited)

Ja nikad nisam povezivao Leprous sa dobrim riffovima.

Dosadno, i ide mi na kurac ovo Einarovo pojanje. Sredina pesme baš ima zadnji SW vibe.

Edited by Angelystor
  • Upvote 1
  • 1 month later...

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