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Sadistic Intent is a death metal band from California that has been a staple of the underground since 1987. This is a compilation that contains the "Ancient Black Earth" EP (tracks 1 - 3), the "Resurrection" EP (tracks 6 - 11), and three covers (Slayer, Possessed, Celtic Frost). For fans of Possessed, Morbid Angel, The Chasm, Mortem, Pentacle, Venom, (early) Bathory, (early) Sepultura, Kreator, Sacrifice (can), Slaughter, etc. etc. If you like any of those bands, then Sadistic Intent is definitely right up your alley. Along with Mortem, The Chasm, Arghoslent, Necros Christos, and Pentacle, they have been one of the only death metal bands still around who have been able to recreate the sound and atmosphere of death metal in a unique way that is still heavily indebted to, and has not lost touch with, the true ancient spirit of the music.






Posted (edited)

Evo skidam, pa ću da vidim, valjda je to.

Hvala veliko :pivopije:


EDIT: Evo skidoh... nije to to, mada je dosta slično :) Na ovom linku što si mi dao bonusi za ova 2 EPa su obrade, a na onom koji sam ja tražio su 2 live pesme Eternal Darkness i Ancient Black Earth.

Thanx anyway :pivopije:

Edited by Grobodan
Posted (edited)

Bilo bi lepo da se otovri tema za podcenjene Death kvltove........


kao npr.


Definitivno ova dva albuma spadaju u najbolje prog death albume na sceni a retko ko je za njih cuo:


Apollo Ends (2000) :






The Spear of the Lily Is Aureoled (1998) :






Inache prvi projekat Amera koji su odgovorni za Agaloch. :da:


Izbacili su neki novi album posle 8 godina hiatusa, ali ga nisam josh poslusao ako valja stavljam ovde link .

Edited by Lunar
Posted (edited)

evo potcenjenog kvlta


Disharmonic Orchestra




1 Plus One

2 R.U.S.M.T.S.I.M.

3 Supervision

4 Nine9nine

5 Grit Your Teeth

6 Keep Falling Down

7 Dual Peepholes

8 If This Is It, It Isn't It, Is It?

9 Idiosyncrated

10 The Love I Hate

11 Pain of Existence

12 Mindshaver

13 I.M.S.M.T.S.U.R.




Pleasuredome (1994)

01-I Hyperact

02-Recommended Suicide

03-The Silence I Observe

04-Feel Like Fever

05-The Sick Deep Under

06-Getting Me Nowhere


08-Stuck In Something

09-Fall Colours' Fall

10-Overwhelming Tranquility

11-Where Can I Park My Horse?

12-Off The Ground

13-Sunday Mood




Not To Be Undimensional Conscious (1992)


1. Perishing Passion

2. A Mental Sequence

3. Addicted Seas of Missing Pleasure

4. The Return of the Living Beat

5. Groove

6. Idiosyncrasy

7. Like Madness From Above

8. Time Frame

9. Mind Seduction



Expositionsprophylaxe [re-release] (2003)




01. Introphylaxe

02. Inexorable logic

03. Life disintegrating

04. Sick dishonourableness

05. Successive substitution

06. Accelerated evolution

07. Psychoanalysis

08. Quintessentially unnecessary institution

09. Hypophysis

10. Disappeared with hermaphrodite choirs

11. Disharmonisation

12. The unequalled visual response mechanism

13. Onset of serious problems

14. Dehuminoid

15. Interposition

16. Shreded illusion

17. Dehumanoid

18. Distorted mind

19. Putrid stench

20. Shreded illusion

21. Compulsorily screaming

22. Interposition

23. Animal suffocati



Edited by Uruk Hai

ako mislis na oldskul od novih Hail of bullets(imas temu), Evoken, od starih Nocturnus, Repulsion i imas na prvoj stranici onaj Rebaeliun mislim da ce ti se svideti, i poslednji Altar-Red Harvest ti je death-melodicni thrash... mislim da ce ti se ovi svideti, mada opet ovo su poznati bendovi pa mene bi cudiolo i da si ih sve slushao :) :)

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