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Atmospheric Death Metal with Industrial Influences (early), Melodic Death Metal (later)


Skinuo sam poslednji i svidelo mi se jako,bend je iz Grcke a zove se Inactive Messiah.

Album se zove Sinful Nation,iz dva dela je.Skinite odlican je






Iz recenzije:



Evo nesto starije ali odlicno


Ima li jos ovoga ? :pivopije:


Evo sad sam to vidio, koji kvlt :)

Nego, ja se ko jare po livadi razletio po forumu, imao ban :D


The band was formed back in 2001 under the name “Womb Of Maggots”. Their 1st album “Life Odium” was released under that name but after that the band changed its name to “Inactive Messiah” and the self titled album was released December 2004 by Black Lotus Records.


A year later was the year that the band took its actual shape. After some various line up changes Inactive Messiah entered the studio again for their third studio album (2nd under “Inactive Messiah” name). The recordings took place at the Devilworx studios (Athens/Greece) and Finnvox Studios (Helsinki/Finland).

Znaci da imaju jos jedan album...

Posted (edited)

Podseti me ona vest o Septic Flesh turneji, pa reko' da preporucim onima koji nisu slusali:


Arkan, bend iz Francuske, u pitanju su muslimani inace i sviraju mix death metala i arapske narodne muzike a tekstovi se bave mislima teroriste uoci samoubilackog napada. Sto se mene tice, jedan od najboljih albuma 2008.







Edited by Talvi

The Five Pillars are known in Arabic as ARKAN AL-ISLAM, the five duties incumbent on every Muslim. They are: shahadah , the Muslim profession of faith; salat , or ritual prayer, performed in a prescribed manner five times each day; zakat, the alms tax levied to benefit the poor and the needy; sawm , fasting during the month of Ramadan; and hajj, the major pilgrimage to Mecca._

To these five, the Khawarij sect added a sixth pillar, the jihad or holy war, which, however, was not accepted by the general Muslim community.


Pre bih rekao da je ironija na drugoj strani.


Neaera koja jeebee matericu(bicu toliko slobodan da nekog sutnem u muda ako mi kaze da je ovo metalcore)



Vespers Descent ali album ne ep,album je bolji od epija!
















I da ,ljudi fala ve puno ,ovde imade mnogo ebozovne muzike,mjetalaa!


Klouzer,tribulejshn,aaaaa! m/



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