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Inace, ja sam nestrpljenjem ocekujem Grave Ritual - Euphoric Hymns From the Altar of Death. 



Znaci ide i album, odlicno, demo je stvarno skroz mocan, evo jednog benda iz te novije ekipe, posle dosta dobrog EP-a, stize i album In Putrescence.

Consisting of veterans of Tribulation and Repugnant...Swedish Death Metal with some influences / similarities to EUCHARIST and GROTESQUE.




Stench (Swe) - In Putrescence 2010


Novi Father B. je fino sumiran u ove 2 recenice iz recenzije sa MA koju sam skoro kacio.


"The music is oppressive, bleak, doomed, ominous, claustrophobic, jagged, intense, hopeless, grinding, serpentine, ponderous, funereal, black, crushing, and ugly. At times, it's also furious, razor-edged, insectile, shrill, vicious, harrowing, paranoid, and explosive."


Na prvo slusanje sam bas zadovoljan. Doduse, ovo je (kao sto se i dalo pretpostavit) jedan deja vu, nesto sto smo vec do sad imali prilike da cujemo. Ali ga je zato F.B. odradio bas dobro - produciran kako treba, dobro odsviran, prepun varijacija i jebackih momenata.. ko tumaranje mracnim katakombama pakla. Strukturno je album bas fino koncipiran, nije me ni na sekund smorio. Vidi se da su vodili racuna i tome.. Preporuka!


Kao i sve od njih, valja. Uh, kolko je dobra ova zavrsna stvar sa poslednjeg albuma, vrlo mocan chant.


Hm, ladno sam preskocio taj njihvo 2010 EP. Download..


E da, Grobe - ovjeri Witchrist obavezno. Sakralni death/black.


Kad smo vec kod ovakve muzike, probajte i ovaj holokaust.


Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn



US death/black rasturanje.

Pete Helmkamp - Bass, Vocals (Order From Chaos, Revenge (Can), Terror Organ, Angelcorpse, Feldgrau)

J. Read - Session Drums (Axis of Advance, Conqueror (Can), Cremation (Can), Arkhon Infaustus, Revenge (Can), Blood Revolt))




E da, Grobe - ovjeri Witchrist obavezno. Sakralni death/black.


Završio se FB dl, sad to ide ;)



Kad smo vec kod ovakve muzike, probajte i ovaj holokaust.


Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn



US death/black rasturanje.

Pete Helmkamp - Bass, Vocals (Order From Chaos, Revenge (Can), Terror Organ, Angelcorpse, Feldgrau)

J. Read - Session Drums (Axis of Advance, Conqueror (Can), Cremation (Can), Arkhon Infaustus, Revenge (Can), Blood Revolt))




Ostavljao ja link za to, već su crkli. Šteta, dobar je EP.

Posted (edited)

Nisam vidio. Kad prije crkli :lol: Dobra ekipa, dobro izdanje.


Al ce bit ovih dana da se slusa, poskidao sam pun kurac muzike (prvenstveno ovakve rasturancije). Sad mi je na redu Bastard Priest, ono sto sam nakratko cuo mi je razgalilo dusu. A sinoc sam pustao onaj Adversarial, heh.


edit: jes da nije death, al me ceka i novi Weapon u toku dana. Jesi slusao? Dobro dodju ovi kisni dani, ne znam kad bih stigao sve to da predjem.. pobrisem osrednja i usrana izdanja, pa onda kasnije slusam to sto valja do besvjesti.

Edited by morbid god

Izaso novi pogani otac, aa, znao sam, bio sam u pljanjenju dva dana, ne znam de sam, Morbide novi Weapon razbio, as far as i'm concerned.


Ali novi Hail Of Bullets, kakav biznis!




Dobar Father befouled, baš kako Onwards to Golgotha pravila nalažu. Cela ta ekipa - FB, Decrepitaph, Encoffination, Prosanctus Inferi... je vredna pažnje finih ljudi sa ove teme. Nego vidim da onaj ludi bubnjar svira i u Tombstones a peva niko drugi do Stevo iz Impetigo, vratio se ćaća gore metala, evo albuma!




The Dead (Aus) - Ritual Executions 2009 (remastered 2010)




Comparisons have been made by some reviewers with the dank, doomy, crypt-like death metal of early Incantation,

or the quicker moments of legendary gut-wrenchers Disembowelment. Apparently the remastering has been made by Aphotic,

the guitarist of the experimental black metal act Portal, who contributed in highlighting the avantgarde shades of the sound.

There are enough fuzzed-out and groovy moments to push this album into sludge territory, in such way that, beside Rameses,

Hooded Menace, Coffins and Claws, even “Church of Misery playing death metal” have been invoked!


Inace, Hooded i Coffins izbacise split, al ga nema jos nidje.





Ma da :D taman mislim da malo iskuliram...kad ono uvek nesto naleti, idem da slusam neku elektroniku


Zaboravio na Autopsy, preslusao 3-4 puta, svaka im cast!




MARTYR To Debut New Material At Upcoming Shows - Oct. 1, 2010

French-Canadian technical death masters MARTYR are working on material for the follow-up to 2006's "Feeding The Abscess", tentatively due next year. Two brand new songs will be performed during the band's upcoming shows:


Oct. 02 - St-Hyacinthe, QC - Bar le thrash

Oct. 16 - Trois-Rivières, QC - Bâtisse industrielle (Trois-Rivieres Metalfest)

Oct. 22 - Moncton, NB - Manhattan

Oct. 23 - Halifax, NB - Coconut Groove (Halifax Pop Explosion)


MARTYR's "Havoc in Quebec City" DVD can be viewed below. The set was filmed on April 6, 2007 at Imperial de Quebec in Quebec City, Quebec and is available from the band's official web site.


MARTYR's third studio album, "Feeding the Abscess", was released on October 31, 2006 via Galy Records. The CD was recorded and mixed by Pierre Rémillard (ANVIL, GORGUTS, CRYPTOPSY, KRISIUN) and was mastered by Alan Douches. MARTYR's back catalog was also reissued through Galy Records. The "Hopeless Hopes" (1997) album was re-released with a stunning new booklet, while both "Hopeless Hopes" and "Warp Zone" (2000) were remastered by Yannick St-Amand and contain four bonus tracks.



Jel ima linkova za ovo? Zvanicno izaslo 1. okotbra. Kakav kult u najavi.


Diocletian - War of All Against All


1. Black Dominion 04:00

2. Desolate Earth 01:13

3. All Against All 02:58

4. Might is Right 04:31

5. Kingdom of Rats 03:52

6. Death Tyrant 04:41

7. Nuclear Vomited 03:02

8. Blood Aeon 01:16

9. Infernos 03:12

10. Fortress of the Unconquerable 16:13

Total playing time 44:58




Nocturnal Blood - Invocation of Spirits

EP (2010)



Americki black/death, u stilu Teitanblood isl. ekipe (jos jedan Incantation worship, doh). Ovo je inace one man band lika iz Nuclear Desecration.. dvije stvari, klasicno jebanje po pitchi sa dosta 11111111, i na kraju obrada Hellhammer (Reaper). Preporucujem i njihov prethodni EP i demo.




Inace, ovo je izaslo pocetkom godine, mozda je neko kacio vec al nebitno. Dobrim dijelom sam ga ubacio kao najavu za njihov prvi LP-a koji izlazi krajem okotbra: Devastated Graves - The Morbid Celebration.



Bice tu finih izdanja do kraja godine, novi Diocletian je vec izasao i cekaju se linkovi, snimljen je i Grave Ritual-Euphoric Hymns From the Altar of Death (ciji je demo razbio). Ne znam jel treba ocekivat jos nesto dobro u skorijem periodu, procitah da je za pocetak 2011e najavljen novi Blasphemophagher.

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