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All material for the next The Wretched End album is written... and sounding great! Making plans for recording, video, etc.


fap fap fap


Torture Division - Through The Eyes Of A Dead [demo] (2011)


Jörgen Sandström - Vocals, Bass (Corpse, Putrefaction, Grave, The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Krux, Vicious Art, Entombed, Death Breath (Live Guest))

Lord K (Kenth) Philipson - Guitar (The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Dark Funeral, God Among Insects, House of Usher, Leukemia, Misery, Odyssey, Habitat)

Tobias Gustafsson - Drums (Syrus, God Among Insects, Vomitory, Timothy Griffiths’ Psychedelic Sunrise)


Videh temu, baš ću da overim sada.


Torture Division - Through The Eyes Of A Dead [demo] (2011)


Jörgen Sandström - Vocals, Bass (Corpse, Putrefaction, Grave, The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Krux, Vicious Art, Entombed, Death Breath (Live Guest))

Lord K (Kenth) Philipson - Guitar (The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Dark Funeral, God Among Insects, House of Usher, Leukemia, Misery, Odyssey, Habitat)

Tobias Gustafsson - Drums (Syrus, God Among Insects, Vomitory, Timothy Griffiths’ Psychedelic Sunrise)

Sad slušam - koliko je materijal jebački, toliko je naziv dema retardiran, ne kontam ljude koji nakon silnih godina u poslu ne umeju da barem provere gramatičku ispravnost nečega, ako već sami ne znaju.


Aj neka neko baci link za ovaj Agoraphopbic Nosebleed split sa Despise You sto je izasao, ako ima, ja ne mogah da nadjem, a trazio sam, nije da nisam, cela 2,5-3 minuta.


Stiglo mi je nešto jako zanimljivo od Season Of Mist.


NADER SADEK je Egipćanin koji je kao vizuelni umetnik sarađivao sa Mayhem (izrađuje im scenografiju za koncerte od 2009. godine) i Sunn O))), a sad je izdao album u death metal fazonu, ali na koji fazon - paz'te ekipu koju je okupio:


Steve Tucker (Ex-Morbid Angel) - Vocals

Rune Eriksen (Ex-Mayhem/Aura Noir/Ava Inferi) - Guitars

Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy) - Drums

Nader Sadek - concepts and direction


Album "In The Flesh" izlazi 16. maja i na njemu pored ove ekipe odozgo gostuju i: Attila Csihar (MAYHEM), Travis Ryan (CATTLE DECAPITATION), Tony Norman (MONSTROSITY), Descructhor (MORBID ANGEL), and Nick McMaster (KRALLICE). Haos. Evo vam spot (instrumental, doduše) da provalite kako zvuči:




Inače, ovaj album jebe milosne majke božije. Kao Morbidi sa Tucker-om uz malo finti u fazonu srednjeg perioda Death diskografije (Grobe, kreni da fapuješ). Blasphemer ubio kakve rifove i tonove izvlači, Tucker peva kao da je juče snimio MA albume... Nema šanse da će novi Morbidi biti bolji od ovoga, bolje čekajte ovo.

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