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Posted (edited)

the evens sam postovao vec.

planes mistaken for stars takodje valjda ima negde..

i ovaj zadnji.


sta je uopste album broja?

nabavljaju ovi u platou rocksound ali mi je mnogo skup.


aj da pocnem.. ovo je robert pollard


link radi, sad skidam. samo sam morao da refreshujem jedno 10 puta :no:


edit: i to za najbolji caspopis.. mamu im jebem, uvrnuli su me za one pare, nikad im necu oprostiti. ....enemy in this world and worlds to come.


i edit2: sendspace je postao sranje preko noci... sad su svi tamo poceli da kace i treba pola sata da se jebes da krene dowload..

Edited by KRANG

Kazem ja da je sendspace gnjida.


E, gledajte Conana, Borat gostuje, a Mastodon sviraju za desetak minuta. Holy crap, to ce da bude havarija. Linkirace Kragn to valjda posle.


Ajd, skidam ovo sto ste postavili, pa da vidimo...


To drugo je nema metalcina, melodeath ili tako nesto, ali trebalo bi da je dobro. Across Tundras sam skinuo preko torrenta i zvuci bas dobro, ali Krang rece da ima link koji ce postaviti kad se vrati sa Sinemanije.


Mastodon na Conanu





par linkova na koje sam naleteo..


1. novi "the magic numbers" album.


Those the Brokes [2006] EMI/Heavenly



password: brmb



2. The Prostitutes - Get Me Out Of Here




i kao sto sam rekao, moj upload across tundras albuma:





(sendspace je najlaksi za uploadovanje, jer ima status bar pa mogu da gledam i uzivam dok upload napreduje.. ne kao ono sranje kad ne znam da li je na pocetku, pri kraju ili je zaglavio)


Mračna romantika. :rockdevil:


Inače, skidoh ovaj Apse, sad ću da proverim kakav je album.


Marcomane, čudo si našao vremena za upload pored igranja NWN2? ;)

Posted (edited)

izgleda da sam jedini magarac ovde...



mada imam novi solefald i illdisposed i dead man from reno i blut aus nord i electro quarterstaff i tako to...



e, krang, nadji novi crystalium... zove se Doxa O revelatioN...

Edited by Out Of Time
Posted (edited)

pa ne bas.. imaju potencijala, ali album nije nista posebno dobar.

i ne vidim poetu uploadovanja necega sto svi imaju. i to u boljem kvalitetu. moja verzija ima skoro 100 Mb.


ovako.. nisam nasao linkove za ova 2, pa cu vam dati da birate.


uploadovacu jedan.


1. [ADVANCE] Pineapple Thief - Little Man [2006/Cyclops/MP3/V0 (VBR)]

novi pineapple thief!


1 Word..... Outstanding!, 17 Oct 2006

Reviewer: Richard Brown "www.rdbrown.me.uk" (Norwich, UK)


I've been a huge fan of these guys since their last release 10 Stories Down, which saw the band reach new heights with soaring anthems and dreamy scapes embracing highs and decadently absorbing lows.


I've been lucky enough to get hold of a promo copy of the new album Little Man and I have to say... after a few listens, things are edgyer yet more polished this time around. The album just flows then crashes like wild rapids. You can hear the suffering from tracks Dead in the Water and the title track Little Man, but the main highlights for me are God Bless the Child & Wilting Violet, these tracks will rip through you with crashing beats and electronic fuelled ear candy. One track I cannot go without mentioning would be Snowdrops, 6 minutes of beautiful acoustics, strings & enchanting clapping apparently sampled from their US tour... purely intoxicating and magical!


Bruce Swoords vocals are improving all the time, sounding both earie and piercing yet powerful. There's so much to be heard on this album, it's almost a different experience each time i've played it. 11 tracks totalling 56mins leaves no room for complacency or dud tracks.


If you've not had the pleasure of experiencing Pineapple Thief before, this is a very good place to start, I can't think of particuarly close comparison but put me on the spot I'd say think Radiohead crossed with Elbow.


2. [ADVANCE] Songs of Green Pheasant - Aerial Days [2006/Fat Cat/LAME --aps/170 (VBR)]

II album ovog cara. onaj iz prosle godine (isto za fat cat) je bio totalna genijalstina.

Songs Of Green Pheasant is the work of Duncan Sumpner, a 30-year-old artist / teacher from Oughtibridge in Sheffield. His self-titled debut album was released on FatCat in August 2005, and drew widespread praise, gaining admiration from Devendra Banhart, Múm, and Vetiver, and making many people’s lists as an outsider ‘album of the year’. What emerged on that record was something fragile, yet coherent and utterly charming. With a warm cloudy depth, sweet melodies and some gorgeous vocal harmonising, it was a set of simply beautiful, beautifully sung and played songs.





Where ’Songs Of Green Pheasant’ was tagged as yet another outsider / neo- folk release, its sphere of reference lay closer to an uneven lineage of artists like Butterfly Child, Talk Talk / Mark Hollis, Pan American, Simon and Garfunkel, Flying Saucer Attack, Jewelled Antler Collective, Richard Youngs, and Galaxie 500. Whilst certain of these tracks retain the feel of that album, others hint at the future, and musically SOGP has clearly moved on. The newer tracks (recorded now in 8-track) show a richer, more sparkling production, and overall it isnt anywhere near as folky as before.

obavezno nabaviti i taj s/t iz 2005, a i ovo..




dakle, birajte jedan za danas.

poetna ovoga je da na uploadujem dzabe nesto ako svi imaju, ili ako neko nadje vec gotov link.

oba albuma su jebeno genijalna, i ako se ne nadje link ni za jedan, dizem drugi sutra.

Edited by KRANG

jos jedna stvar..

gledao sam shortbus (zajebano dobar film, ako ste osetljivi na gej scene - nemojte gledati), i neverovatno me odusevila muzika u filmu. posle, kad sam video ko je sve svirao, shvatio sam i zasto.

sad sam nasao i soundtrack.

vecina pesama je eksluzivna za ovo izdanje.


Various Artists / Shortbus

Label: Team Love

Year: 2006

Track Title

1. Upside Down -- Scott Matthew

2. If You Fall -- Azure Ray

3. Wizard's Sleeve -- Yo La Tengo

4. Winter's Love -- Animal Collective

5. Surgery -- Scott Matthew

6. Beautiful -- Lee & LeBlanc

7. It's Not Safe -- Gentleman Reg

8. Kids -- John LaMonica

9. Language -- Scott Matthew

10. Soda Shop -- Jay Brannan

11. Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby -- Anita O'Day

12. Kolla Kolla -- The Ark

13. This House -- Jasper James & The JetSet

14. This Piece Of Poetry Is Meant To Do Harm -- The Ark

15. Boys Of Melody -- The Hidden Cameras

16. Little Bird -- Scott Matthew

17. In The End -- Justin Bond & The Hungry March Band

18. In The End -- Scott Matthew



i da, ima neko link za hidden cameras - awoo?

trazim ga vec duze vreme, a ova jedna pesma je fenomenalna (i nema je na albumu).

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