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jebeno je shto su sve rapidshareovi pa mora da se cheka plus imaju tendenciju da ispare posle par dana tako da skidanjac mora da padne shto prije... svakako je jedan od naj blogova around... obratite paznju i na postove ekipe koja tu zalazi jer stavljaju linkove nekih albuma koji se posle tu ni ne pojave..


kako otkida ovaj eyehategod tribute...ovo cekam bash dugo poshto mi je to jedan od omiljenih bendova...byzantine,ozenza,minsk,brutal truth,ragging spedhorn pogotovo jebu kevu sa njihovim obradama...skidajte ovo obavezno.

Posted (edited)

pojavio se novi type o negative na netu (bez voiceovera)...josh nema direkt download linkova...bar ne na engleskim sajtovima...

Edited by darthmaul

Meni se čini da su samo za trejler stavili pesmu NIN-a. I to ne baš mnogo svežu — Just Like You Imagined iz 1999. — a sredinom aprila izdaje novi album koji nema nikakve veze sa filmom „300“. Sorry :icon_ne:


Probao sam danas da se registrujem na oink.me.uk i videh da mi treba invitation :rolleyes:


Verujem da je dosta vas registrovano pa ako bi neko mogao da mi prosledi tu pozivnicu bilo bi super :pivopije:






It’s definitely encouraging to experience a new band with a strong sense of songwriting and talent that pg.lost have exhibited on Yes I Am. The group should undoubtedly be mentioned with other young acts like This Will Destroy You and Caspian as heirs to the EitS/Mono throne in the instrumental rock kingdom. Let’s hope a label snatches these Swedes up soon and forces a full length out of them. My top 5 of the year list is waiting...




Posted (edited)

reagujte brzo, jer će ovo uskoro nestati:


direktan link:

65daysofstatic - WOXY Session 2007 NEW SONGS! [2007/MP3/192]


1. Intro

2. The Distant & Mechanised Glow of Eastern European Dance Parties

3. A Failsafe

4. Interview

5. When We Were Younger And Better

6. These Things You Can't Unlearn

7. Outro


ovo je transkodovano na 192, jer je snimljena internet radio sesija, pa kvalitet je krš, ali kao preview je skroz kul.

opak album će da bude.

Edited by hand banana
reagujte brzo, jer će ovo uskoro nestati:


direktan link:

65daysofstatic - WOXY Session 2007 NEW SONGS! [2007/MP3/192]


1. Intro

2. The Distant & Mechanised Glow of Eastern European Dance Parties

3. A Failsafe

4. Interview

5. When We Were Younger And Better

6. These Things You Can't Unlearn

7. Outro


ovo je transkodovano na 192, jer je snimljena internet radio sesija, pa kvalitet je krš, ali kao preview je skroz kul.

opak album će da bude.







KUBICHEK! are a Newcastle-based outfit formed from the wreckage of their former band, Parklandsway, who strive to put their mutual love of bands like Idlewild, Mogwai, Fugazi and Sigur Ros to take-notice effect.


Not Enough Night, their debut album, certainly ensures that attention will be focused on them – and in a good way.


The long-player is comprised of 12 punchy tracks that combine a DIY punk jitter with some New Wave guitars, not to mention plenty of melodic sass.


meni je ovo malo overrated (playlouder 4, DiS 9) ali trebalo bi da se svidi svima koji vole npr editorse, novi bloc party čak i coldplay



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