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Posted (edited)

ja sam bio ubedjen da je iz 2008. moja greska


a bas mi je bilo cudno da ga niko od vas nije spomeno :) :) :)

Edited by Uruk Hai
Posted (edited)

Taj Earth, The Bees Made Honey... mi jedan od boljih u 08

Više mi se sviđaju od kad su uveli taj western šmek

Jel neko stigao pošteno da presluša novi Mono?

Jako, jako dobar... ima momenata, kao neki... shoegazing Ennio Morricone

Edited by johndoe
ja sam bio ubedjen da je iz 2008. moja greska


a bas mi je bilo cudno da ga niko od vas nije spomeno :) :) :)



Leakovao je 2007, al' zvanično izdat u februaru 2008. :D


Super je taj album.


Jel neko stigao pošteno da presluša novi Mono?

Jako, jako dobar... ima momenata, kao neki... shoegazing Ennio Morricone


Mene malo smorio. :/ Ipak mi je onaj Walking Cloud And Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered And The Sun Shined iz 2004. njihov vrhunac.

Posted (edited)
Leakovao je 2007, al' zvanično izdat u februaru 2008. :D

znaci iz 2008 je nemoj me zbunjivati :) :)


pretpostavio sam da je leakovao 2007, ali je izdanje iz 2008 :P


da ne bude offtopic


The name speaks for itself, this is indeed a Goliath of an Album. Orgone has truly created their own style with their debut CD. The style is very reminiscent of a more technical BTBAM mixed with the dissonant black metal riffage style of Deathspell Omega. In the track "Vomited Hyacinths (First Act Of Beauty)" They explore even to the style of Neurosis and have one of the best ways of ending a extreme metal CD that I've ever heard. They're are touring in June and recording their second album in July, also expect a weekend in New England in the fall if I have my way.





neki prenadrkani ekstremni technical deth sa jos gomilom kojecega... nisam jos preslusao detaljno...

Edited by Uruk Hai
Posted (edited)

Taj Golijat je strashan album. Vredi samo tako.


Sada sam poslusaho Lights out Asia , ovja novi. Hahahhaha znam kasnim ali odusevljen sam albumom.


1971 here we come again:




Can - Tago Mago

Genre Ambient/Experimental/Post-Rock/Progressive Rock


Track List


1 Paperhouse

2 Mushroom

3 Oh Yeah

4 Halleluhwah 5 Aumgn

5 Aumgn

6 Peking O

7 Bring Me Coffee or Tea


Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/33051793/1971_CAN_Tago_Mago.zip


and 1972 too:






password : farao25


1. "Pinch" – 9:28

2. "Sing Swan Song" – 4:49

3. "One More Night" – 5:35

1. "Vitamin C" – 3:34

2. "Soup" – 10:25

3. "I'm So Green" – 3:03

4. "Spoon" – 3:03


Edited by Lunar

- Release Info -------------------------------------------------------------- -

Artist: Omar Rodriguez-Lopez
Album: Megaritual
Label: Willie Anderson Recordings
Playtime: 39:07 min
Genre: Psychedelic Rock
URL: http://www.myspace.com/willieandersonrecordings
Rip date: 2009-02-11
Street date: 2009-01-30
Size: 58.59 MB
Type: Normal
Quality: 199 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo

- Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------------- -

Megaritual does not appear in the dictionary, nor on wikipedia. The concept,
however, is gaining momentum amongst conspiracy theorists and those
fascinated by the social, political, and other real-world consequences of
events that, at face value, seem too massive in scope to be the result of
design. However, as religious fundamentalists find proof of "intelligent
design" abundant in the world around them, so too do those who acknowledge
the idea of the megaritual as inherent to the society we live in and, indeed,
the universe we occupy. There comes a time when coincidence, happenstance and
the arbitrary nature of "chaos" simply do not provide adequate explanation
for the myriad spokes of the web we inhabit. When the concept is applied to
nature and the rhythms of the planet, the cosmos, and the vast, uncharted
depths of the human subconscious, it would seem that viewed in a certain
light, every aspect of our physical and psychological realities is

Megaritual is the final album in the series initiated and recorded by Omar
Rodriguez Lopez in Amsterdam. Committed to tape in 2006 and mixed the
following year, the album features nine instrumental tracks performed solely
by Omar and his brother, Marcel. Accomplished multi-instrumentalists, there
are few moments on the album that do not give the impression that the duo are
in fact a "full" band, though perhaps not one as populated as The Mars Volta.
Opener "A Device Imagined to Turn" rocks and rumbles in a similar manner to
that band's anthemic "Goliath"; the somnambulant "Bells at the Slipstream"
and "Good is Repaid with Evil" combine piano and synth melodies in a manner
recalling Vangelis' soundtrack for Blade Runner; album closer "Dead Hisses to
Match Our Own" stomps and wails in psychedelic abandon. Megaritual is another
compelling and unpredictable entry in the growing Rodriguez Lopez canon, sure
to satisfy the casual passerby and the committed fan alike.

- Track List ---------------------------------------------------------------- -

01. A Device Imagined To Turn ( 3:21)
02. Screaming Babies Inside Out ( 3:21)
03. At The Push Of A Button ( 3:21)
04. Bells At The Slipstream ( 3:55)
05. Good Is Repaid With Evil ( 2:30)
06. Panta Section ( 6:50)
07. Hands Vs. Helix ( 3:08)
08. Dispanec Triage ( 7:46)
09. Dead Hisses to Match Our Own ( 4:55)


Posted (edited)

Nema na cemu i drugi put.


Jel barem nije bio ovaj album?



- Release Info -------------------------------------------------------------- -

Artist: Omar Rodriguez-Lopez
Album: Despair
Label: Willie Anderson Recordings
Playtime: 38:52 min
Genre: Ambient
URL: http://www.myspace.com/willieandersonrecordings
Rip date: 2009-02-11
Street date: 2009-01-30
Size: 57.05 MB
Type: Normal
Quality: 193 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo

- Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------------- -

Fans of The Mars Volta will undoubtedly be aware of Omar Rodriguez Lopez's
visit to Israel in 2006, an event with great influence and repercussions on
that band's 2008 album, The Bedlam in Goliath. Returning with a "talking
board" which he presented as a gift to his songwriting partner, Cedric Bixler
Zavala, the pair soon found themselves at the center of a series of strange
and somewhat negative phenomena resulting, as Rodriguez Lopez has insisted,
from the presence of the board as well as the overwhleming darkness of his
life during the post-Israel months. Prior to beginning the studio sessions
for Bedlam..., Rodriguez Lopez recorded Despair, a nihilistic and disturbing
meditation on his experiences in and around Jerusalem culled from field
recordings and studio experimentation. A nightmarish pastiche of drones,
noise, feedback, and unrecognizable audio hallucinations, Rodriguez Lopez
has, appropriately, compared the experience of listening to the album as not
unlike that of a "bad acid trip". Cryptic titles such as "Liebe Ist Kalter
Als Der Tod" and "Angst Vor Der Angst" provide little clue for the non-German
speaker of what the various compositions have in store, an intentional
suggestion of the disorientation and anxiety housed within the record's
grooves. Despair challenges the listener and will no doubt be devisive
amongst Volta fans.

- Track List ---------------------------------------------------------------- -

01. In Einem Jahr Mit 13 Monden ( 2:18)
02. Liebe Ist Kalter Als Der Tod ( 2:28)
03. Satansbraten ( 3:20)
04. Angst Essen Seele Auf ( 2:03)
05. Martha ( 1:16)
06. Rio Das Mortes ( 6:14)
07. Warnung Vor Einer Heilgen Nutte ( 1:56)
08. Chinesisches Roulette (14:37)
09. Lola ( 1:33)
10. Angst Vor Der Angst ( 3:07)





Артист: ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Альбом: The Century Of Self
Год: 2009
Стиль: Alt. Rock | Indie Rock
Размер: 83 MB

1. Giants Causeway
2. Far Pavillions
3. Isis Unveiled
4. Halcyon Days
5. Bells of Creation
6. Fields of Coal
7. Inland Sea
8. Luna Park
9. Pictures of an Only Child
10. Insatiable One
11. Ascending
12. An August Theme
13. Insatiable Two

pass: www.mediaportal.ru

Edited by VoivodBG
Posted (edited)

bio sam nasao neke linkove ali sad vidim da ne rade, izgleda da su pobrisali fajlove sa rapida...


Edited by Uruk Hai

treba mi link za Terminal Function - Measuring the Abstract


kazu da lici na Theory in Practice, a to je poslednji dobar technical death metal band koji se pojavio.



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