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uf, ne znam sta da kazem, mene kupili vec na prvo slusanje albuma.

za fanove stoner/psihodelicnog heavy metala, tradicionalnog doom-a i sl.

odlican psihodelicni vokal, gitere onako bas izmedju nekog cvsceg roka i heavy metala,stonerske bash, ma ceo bend je super



imaju dva albuma, Danava i UnonoU, ja sam slusao drugi i vrlp mi se dojmio


"Epic sludge riffage and hallucinatory fervor..." - Entertainment Weekly


"The progressive modulation of hard rock penetrates your eardrums like an Ampeg hurled at you from a sixth floor balcony" - Anthem


"Darkly hypnotic...a chaotic psychmetal brew." - Guitar World

take sabbath, queen, styx, a 1975 chevy van with wall to wall carpeting, load a 3 chamber bong with some golden cheeba and a lot of cool whip - that might give you something close to Danava. Apparently, God was bored with all of the new music... so he reached back into 1970 something and created Danava. They are literally one of the top ten bands from the 1970's that never existed.














haha, taman sam hteo da izhejtujem ljude na ovom (pod)forumu jer se sem moderatora koji je dosao da kaze da ce da premesti temu i bota niko nije javio. srecom pa me je starshooter demantovao


@invictus: ti si moderator tako da kako hoces, temi mozda jeste mnogo vise mesto na rocku nego na metalu, ali cenim da ce se ovaj bend mnogo pre dopasti ljudima koji postuju na ovom ili doom podforumu nego na rocku tako da bih te iz tog razloga molio da je ostavis ovde ukoliko je moguce, a bend po mom misljenju ima stoner/heavy zvuka u sebi, no kako hoces ti si moderator ;)

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