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Guest [Independor]

Novi Amon Amarth je dobar ali malo bi tekstovi well you know...

  • 3 weeks later...

Keva bend!Nekako mi je Crusher najlosiji i u stvari jedini "los " album.

Ovo ostalo razvaljuje!!!

Najjaci su mi ipak prva dva albuma tu su skroz true i ono kao pokidali su.

Svidja mi se sto je njima za razliku od ostalih omiljenih mi bendova, zvuk i na novom albumu ostao otprilike isti i sto nema clean vokala kao npr. Opeth,Amorphis, In flames, Sentenced....

Sve u svem ludilo od benda. icon_rockdevil.gif ( he bas volim da stavljam ovog gistro smajlija)

  • 7 months later...

kako je ovo przachki bend!!!!!!kad sam ih prvi put videla na Metropolisu onako plave i krupne , rekoh sebi "Vesna , ovo je bend za tebe" icon_smile.gif...ne slusham death ali mi se ovakav zvuk mnogo dopada, melodichni su ali ne na ljigav i komercijalan nachin na koji je melodichan shvedski death ...imaju snagu i brutalnost ,a opet , nije neko naporno i smorno krljanje...kakav ritam , kakva atmosfera wallbash.gifwallbash.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif...


AMON AMARTH will play at the Live Music Hall in Cologne on August the 16th as part of their summer mini tour. This is set to be a very special event, as the show will be filmed for the first official DVD release ever in the band's career. There will be a full pyro show and many other special effects in true viking style. This will simply be a once in a lifetime event with a unique set list that will satisfy any Amon Amarth fan and something you simply cannot miss!


Make sure to secure tickets in advance, be there and you might even see your ugly face on the DVD, which has its release scheduled for late 2005!



Ko je isao na ovo, picka li mu materina srecna.


Bice dobar DVD.


Red je da kazem nesto na ovoj temi, skoro sam ih gledao uzivo, razbili su dole u Zadru! Zaista extra nastup, nema govora. Upravo bend idealan za live koncerte, a pokazali su kako pravi metal bend treba da izgleda i zvuci sa bine...


Valkyries Ride! icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

Chek ipak su svirali u Zadru? Zar taj fest nije bio prso?


Inache..jel gledao neko onaj spotic sa Wackena od proshle godine? Mocna pojava su uzivo icon_rockdevil.gif

Fest jeste prs'o, ali Amoni su ipak svirali kao jedini headlineri icon_rockdevil.gif


Savrsena bina, atmosfera uopste, i letnja lokacija...


I zato je podrska bila neverovatna, a i sam njihov nastup, jer nisu imali ravnih te veceri u zescem metal zanru... although, slovenacka Noctiferia je razbila!



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

AMON AMARTH To Enter Studio In May


Sweden's AMON AMARTH have posted the following message on their official web site:


"During the past four weeks we've been working on new material for our upcoming album. In an unusual fashion — well, for us anyway — we've been working virtually every day of January to write new material. If everything goes to plan, we will enter the studio in May to record the new album. The release date is, however, not set yet."


AMON AMARTH's latest album, "Fate of Norns", is available on Metal Blade Records. The band have been confirmed for this year's Wacken Open Air festival, set to take place August 3-5 in Wacken, Germany.

AMON AMARTH To Enter Studio In May


Sweden's AMON AMARTH have posted the following message on their official web site:


"During the past four weeks we've been working on new material for our upcoming album. In an unusual fashion — well, for us anyway — we've been working virtually every day of January to write new material. If everything goes to plan, we will enter the studio in May to record the new album. The release date is, however, not set yet."

Tjah, momci ne izbijaju iz studija. Nisu se oni meni bas proslavili sa poslednjim albumom, bilo bi lepo da se isprave.

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