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Amon Amarth


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Očekujte intervju online za koji dan :pivopije:


Samo jedan deo moram odmah da postavim, toliko je legendaran :)


Any final message for your fans in Serbia?


Yeah! We’re sorry that the festival – Castle festival, right? – was cancelled, we were really looking forward to playing in front of Serbian fans for the first time... We were really sorry about that! And also because we were looking forward to drinking some great Serbian beer!


Who told you about that?!


I don’t really remember anymore, but we heard about it from different bands. So rest assured that we will visit you in the near future!



Edited by Gojko

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Očekujte intervju online za koji dan :pivopije:


Samo jedan deo moram odmah da postavim, toliko je legendaran :)


Any final message for your fans in Serbia?


Yeah! We’re sorry that the festival – Castle festival, right? – was cancelled, we were really looking forward to playing in front of Serbian fans for the first time... We were really sorry about that! And also because we were looking forward to drinking some great Serbian beer!


Who told you about that?!


I don’t really remember anymore, but we heard about it from different bands. So rest assured that we will visit you in the near future!

ako budu dosli ono kao sto su u Americi sa Ensiferumom ja sam najsrecniji covek na svetu :D

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Pa dobro, čovek je rekao da bi voleo da dođe što se njih tiče, naravno da je sve ostalo pre svega na našim organizatorima. Iskreno, vrlo me je iznenadilo što je zapamtio i ime festivala i sve, a tek kad mi reče za pivo :)

Edited by Gojko

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Ne, to će biti Satyricon.


To cemo da vidimo kad bude izasao.Za sad zna se,Scar Symmetry :)

Mada po mom ukusu mnogo UG bendova je izdalo genijalne albume kojima gomila ovih poznatih ni pod tackom razno ne mogu da prismrde.Mislite o tome.

Edited by Josif Visarionovič

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