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Zavisi..ako ne volish thrash metal mozda su ti i bolji Load i Reload..ako me shvatash na sta ciljam..


ali da i ja mislim da su slabijeg kvaliteta od prva 4 iako obozavam Loadove


Нису ми бољи од првих 5, али то не значи да су лоши, пошто је сваки албум изузетно квалитетан.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft.


ali knjiga se zove "The Call of Cthulhu"


Moguce da je metallica napravila igru reci,izgovara se potpuno isto.Predpostavljam da je po tome dobila ime pesma,ako se ne varam.Ili nije,sad eksperti javite i linkujte sa nekim tekstom ako može,tj ako nije problem.




The song "The Call Of Ktulu" was Metallica's first instrumental song on which all band members played together



Ride The Lightning



The S&M info:

On CD1 and in the booklet of the "S&M" album the song is entitled "The Call Of The Ktulu" instead of just "The Call Of Ktulu".



The song live:

The first time the song "The Call Of Ktulu" was performed live was in the "Country Club" in Reseda, CA on august 30 in '83. Metallica also performed its full version live on their gigs with symphony orchestras in 1999. Although the full and regular version with no orchestra was performed live for the last time in Minneapolis, Minnesota in "The First Avenue" on februray 6 in '85 the song "The Call Of Ktulu" was played live a few times as a part of the bass or guitar solo in between '92-'93. On the "The Garage Remains The Same" tour in '99 Metallica put the regular and full version of "The Call of Ktulu" back on their setlist for two concerts.



The demo:

The work in progress name for the song "The Call of Ktulu" was called "When Hell Freezes Over".



The Grammy Award nomination:

Metallica won a Grammy Award in 2001 (February 21st) in the category "The Best Rock Instrumental Performance" for the song "The Call Of Ktulu" ("S&M" version). This is Metallica's 6th Grammy.



The inspiration:

The idea of the song "The Call Of Ktulu" is based upon H.P. Lovecraft's sole book "The Shadow over Innsmouth" which was first introduced to the rest of the band by Cliff Burton. The spark of beeing fascinated by the book began quickly spreading over the rest of the band. The song's name was taken from one of H.P. Lovecraft's main story featuring Cthulhu "The Call of Cthulhu" which has been written in 1928 for the magazine "Weird Tales". The name "Ktulu" is originally written "Cthulhu" by H.P. Lovecraft.



See details of the Cthulhu sketch

Cthulhu originally sketched

by H.P. Lovecraft


"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die."

- H.P. Lovecraft


"Not dead which eternal lie stranger eons death may die"

- Metallica (The Thing That Should Not Be)


Ktulu and Cthulhu:

"Cthulhu" is the original writing style which had been used by Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Maybe Metallica wrote on purpose "Cthulhu" in another way to honour the author. Because in some of his stories it is written, that the ordinary mortals aren't allowed neither to spell out his name nor to write it down because his name would call him. Metallica probably used the name "Ktulu" instead of "Cthulhu" because they were afraid "Cthulhu" would be copyrighted.


Klulu and Ktulu:

However in his later works H.P. Lovecraft also used the spelling "Ktulu" as well as "Klulu" for "Cthulhu". The name Klulu was supposed to be pronounced something like "Kuh-LOO-loo".







a mustaine je originalno tu umjesao svoje prste..

(eh, da mi je cuti Dyers Eve :wub: )

Ima na YouTube neki snimak kad je sviraju, ne da mi se sad kopati.

Fali cirka oko 60% udaraca bas bubnja.

Hetfild štedi glas maksimalno.

Merhameta nema nigdje.

Ako je tako uvijek sviraju, onda bolje da ne čuješ.




Elem, danas iz zajebancije pustim neki DVD iz 2006, Seul, pro-shot, kruži okolo, da vidim na šta sve to liči.


Ogavno. :)

Zakonom im treba zabraniti da se skidaju na koncertima.

Džejms je prvu trećinu koncerta zamalo pa silan, ali onda počinje kalkulisanje.

Kirk ne zna da li bi radije bio Santana ili Hendriks, ali je problem što bi to trebao biti (thrash) metal bend.

Rob, basista, se čuje kao preko telefona. U svakom trenutku očekujem da ću ugledati Pastorijusa.

Lars je seksualno zakinut patuljak.


Ali, još uvijek želim da nabavim St. Anger original. Ne znam zašto. :)


E, a onda se sjetim Testamenta i skontam, jebote, pa ja sam nabavio onaj Low original, gdje mi je diskmen... :)


Ууууу, ја желим тај Low већ 100 година, то је најбољи албум Testament-a. Ал' зато имам St. Anger ориђинал.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft.ali knjiga se zove "The Call of Cthulhu"
To nije knjiga nego kratka prica ;)
Moguce da je metallica napravila igru reci,izgovara se potpuno isto.Predpostavljam da je po tome dobila ime pesma,ako se ne varam.Ili nije,sad eksperti javite i linkujte sa nekim tekstom ako može,tj ako nije problem. Hvala!
Nema veze sa igrom rechi, nego jednostavno sa autorskim pravima :) Nisu smeli da ga napisu u originalu ak se ne varam..il su smeli al za pare..ma razumete.
Uh to je jedna od najacih knjiga svih vremena...lovecraft bog
:da: :da: :da:
Posted (edited)

Koliko se secam, koncert u Bg-u je trajao od 21:30 do 00:00. Ali, bilo je tu oko 2:10 ciste svirke.I bio je nikad jaci dozivljaj!! Sad se samo ceka njihov ponovni dolazak...A sa ovakvim set listama, Hetfildovim boljim pevanjem, i normalnim zvukom bubnjeva, bilo bi jos jace!!




And justice for all, live, Bilbao 2007


Edited by GROM

Bilo fino sinoc u Becu, Ride The Lightning, And Justice For All, Orion...mada publika je ocaj, mnogo mi je bolji provod bio u Bg-u, mada je sad setlista bila zakon! Black Sabbath svirao samo 40-tak minuta tako da mi nisu ostavili neki utisak iako ih mnogo volim, organizacija je bila mnogo dobra, sve je pocelo tacno u minut, niko te ne gura, sve na finjaka :), bio sam(kao i u Bg-u) u wave breaker zoni, kako su je nazvali i mogu reci da je zvuk bio nesto losiji nego kod nas, mada je neki vetar stalno duvao...

Izuzetna je glupost da H&H otvara za Metaliku, moze da pricha ko shta hoce...ali velika glupost.


mogu ja da ne volim mnogo blek sabat, ali zna se ko je veci i stariji bend

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