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To nije traka, to je lasitis i sluzi mu da mu ne ispadne trzalica, posto je venu nahranio heroinom pa ne moze da drzi svojevoljno :mrgreen: A da mu je zaista stalo da bude lep- ne bi valjda svirao ovu gnusobu od gitare. Covek je krajnje praktican nema tu ni trunke estetike. Cist bakar! Ustvari on po celom telu ima takve trake (koji se ne vide od odece) i one mu sluze da se ceo ne raspadne od droge! Sta ti je snaga volje, covek izdrzao ceo koncert, a motivacija mu je bila da ga ceka doza dopa kad zavrsi. Nije fer ni od mene da pricam o njemu ovakve stvari, mozda je vec umro...

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In my hour of need

Ha you're not there

And though I reached out for you

Wouldn't lend a hand


Through the darkest hour

Grace did not shine on me

It feels so cold, very cold

No one cares for me


Did you ever think I get lonely

Did you ever think that I needed love

Did you ever think to stop thinking

You're the only one that I'm thinking of


You'll never know how hard I tried

To find my space and satisfy you too


Things will be better when I'm dead and gone

Don't try to understand, knowing you I'm probably wrong


But oh how I lived my life for you

Still you'd turn away

Now as I die for you

My flesh still crawls as I breathe your name

All these years I thought I was wrong

Now I know it was you

Raise your head raise your face your eyes

Tell me who you think you are, who ?


I walk, I walk alone

Into the promised land

There's a better place for me

But it's far, far away

Everlasting life for me

In a perfect world

But I gotta die first

Please God send me on my way


Time has a way of taking time

Loneliness is not only felt by fools

Alone I call to ease the pain

Yearning to be held by you, alone, so alone, I'm lost

Consumed by the pain

The pain, the pain, the pain


Won't you hold me again

You just laughed, ha, ha, bitch

My whole life is work built on the past

But the time has come when all things shall pass

This good thing passed away


In my darkest hour




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мени није. јбг, укуси су различити. прва два албума обожавам, трећи и четврти ми никако не сметају да их чујем, али остало... па не знам. није ми то то.

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St. Petersburg Times reports that Margaret Priebe is 85 years old and a huge METALLICA fan. She's going to the band's October 3 show at the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida with her son, Jim Priebe.


While Margaret was fighting cancer — and getting chemo — she'd stay up late and listen to METALLICA on her MP3 player, especially the band's live recording with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. She says the heavy metal band got her through the tough times. "I always liked rock music," Priebe said. "I love drums, and I like the way they play."


"I like METALLICA — there's nothing wrong with them," Margaret added. "People think I'm weird. But I'm sorry, I like it loud."



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A pazi sad:


METALLICA played the track "Through The Never" (from the 1991 self-titled album) for the first time in 16 years last night (Saturday, October 3) at the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida.


Fan-filmed video footage of the performance can be viewed below.



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St. Petersburg Times reports that Margaret Priebe is 85 years old and a huge METALLICA fan. She's going to the band's October 3 show at the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida with her son, Jim Priebe.


While Margaret was fighting cancer — and getting chemo — she'd stay up late and listen to METALLICA on her MP3 player, especially the band's live recording with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. She says the heavy metal band got her through the tough times. "I always liked rock music," Priebe said. "I love drums, and I like the way they play."


"I like METALLICA — there's nothing wrong with them," Margaret added. "People think I'm weird. But I'm sorry, I like it loud."




ovu je babetinu (koja je na socijali) Lars potplatio da ovako prica :lol:

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^^Ja ne verujem sta ti ljudi sve izvlace... Mislim da su u poslednjih godinu-dve sa prvih 5 albuma odsvirali maltene sve...


Inace, lista sa te gornje svirke:


That Was Just Your Life

The End Of The Line

Harvester Of Sorrow

Through The Never


Broken, Beat And Scarred


Sad But True

Welcome Home (Sanitarium)

All Nightmare Long

The Day That Never Comes

Master Of Puppets


Nothing Else Matters

Enter Sandman


The Wait

Trapped Under Ice

Seek and Destroy



Bis je svrsh.

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