blondie Posted August 1, 2003 Report Posted August 1, 2003 To je onaj fazon: Utjehu, dajte mi utjehuuu... ha ha... pa dobro, nemojte sad sjebavati tudje snove. Quote
blondie`s friend Posted August 3, 2003 Report Posted August 3, 2003 S Metallicom je sad ko i sa Partizanom: "Umro je umro,umro je on....." Quote
vudun Posted August 3, 2003 Report Posted August 3, 2003 Imam jednu Metalikinu majicu sa albuma "and Justice For All",nakon svega shto su nam priredili,ozbiljno razmisljam da je i ne nosim(vise) Da li bi ste je vi nosili da ste na mom mestu :? ____________ Uxor contenta est,quae bona est uno viro! Quote
lemmy sixx Posted August 3, 2003 Author Report Posted August 3, 2003 Da li ces je ti nositi tvoja stvar.Ja sve moje Metallica majce i dalje nosim,i uvek cu ih nositi. a: Quote
Mr.Torture Posted August 3, 2003 Report Posted August 3, 2003 Poshto je meni Metallica omiljen bend, a u isto vreme mislim da su najveci Heavy Metal bend na svetu, nosio bih je. A mnogo je vishe takvih koji zbog toga sto je izasao pishljivi Stanger ne voli vishe Metallica-u i pljuje je. E sad se ja pitam kako da vam utuvim u glavi da Metallica ima i druge albume sem Stangera i da oni nisu i nece biti izbrisani s planete zemlje... Ma kome ja pricham, uvek ce biti ista pricha... Quote
vudun Posted August 3, 2003 Report Posted August 3, 2003 Ma ja tebe dobro razumem,ali nije mi vishe fazon da nosim Metalikine majice sada kad sve vishe balavaca(koji inache nemaju pojma o metalu) tripuju da slushaju Metaliku,(i josh se usudjuju da nose njihove majice) a u stvari samo su chuli pishljivi St.Anger Inache po ko zna koji put "Ride The LIghtning rules!!!" ___________ Uxor contenta est,quae bona est uno viro! Quote
blondie Posted August 3, 2003 Report Posted August 3, 2003 Imam jednu Metalikinu majicu sa albuma \"and Justice For All\",nakon svega shto su nam priredili,ozbiljno razmisljam da je i ne nosim(vise)Da li bi ste je vi nosili da ste na mom mestu :? ____________ Uxor contenta est,quae bona est uno viro! ja bi je nosila samo ako je ruzicasta, sa cvjetnim bretelama i ako je extra uska. a: Quote
Thorn's essence Posted August 3, 2003 Report Posted August 3, 2003 maniac >>>>Ma ja tebe dobro razumem,ali nije mi vishe fazon da nosim Metalikine majice sada kad sve vishe balavaca(koji inache nemaju pojma o metalu) tripuju da slushaju Metaliku,(i josh se usudjuju da nose njihove majice) a u stvari samo su chuli pishljivi St.Anger Imas li ti sopstveno misljenje,ili ti to neki klinci diktiraju?Gdje oni lijevo,ti desno. Quote
vudun Posted August 5, 2003 Report Posted August 5, 2003 Hm... :roll: Ko sme da se usudi da opovrgne konstataciju da je "Ride The Lightning" njihov NAJMOCNIJI album a: a: Mozda lemmy ___________ Uxor contenta est,quae bona est uno viro! Quote
lemmy sixx Posted August 6, 2003 Author Report Posted August 6, 2003 "Ride..." je jebeno sjajan,ali najmocniji je Black album.U svakom pogledu. a: Quote
Vlaja Buraz Posted August 6, 2003 Report Posted August 6, 2003 Da li bi ste je vi nosili da ste na mom mestu :? NE! Quote
RNA Posted August 7, 2003 Report Posted August 7, 2003 Ma ja tebe dobro razumem,ali nije mi vishe fazon da nosim Metalikine majice sada kad sve vishe balavaca(koji inache nemaju pojma o metalu)tripuju da slushaju Metaliku,(i josh se usudjuju da nose njihove majice) a u stvari samo su chuli pishljivi St.Anger Inache po ko zna koji put \"Ride The Lightning rules!! Ista stvar kod mene. Meni su se oni više smučili, ne toliko što im je muzika očaj, već više kao nule od ljudi u svakom pogledu. Quote
vudun Posted August 7, 2003 Report Posted August 7, 2003 Ma za sve je kriv onaj seronja Lars Ulrich, James i Kirk su ga oduvek pokorno sa strahoposhtovanjem slushali,njima je on isprao mozak, od Jamesa je napravio pedera aod Kirka nevidjenog pozera...btw.neshto sasvim lichno...danas sam bash skinuo jebenu melodiju St.Anger-a sa 2255 Bash me je interesovalo koliko se razlikovalo....a razlika je vishe nego ochigledna...onaj jedini rif je nemoguce identifikovati...od nakaze su napravili josh vecu nakazu ___________ FEMINEO nunquam de sexu prava loquaris Quote
lemmy sixx Posted August 8, 2003 Author Report Posted August 8, 2003 I ja mislim da je za trenutnu muzicku situaciju u kojoj se bend nalazi kriv Lars.Ali za "Load" i "ReLoad" je jedini "krivac" James.I svaka mu cast na tome!!! a: Quote
Mr.Torture Posted August 8, 2003 Report Posted August 8, 2003 Ma da, Lars je uvek bio najveci seronja u bendu. A James je svakako najvise uticao za rad na Loadu i Realoadu. Da nije bilo Larsa oni bi bili josh veci bend. Em sto je seronja, em sto ne zna da svira. Da je u Metallica-i svirao Menza ili Lombardo...uh Quote
Mr.Torture Posted August 8, 2003 Report Posted August 8, 2003 I nemojte da dajete izjave "Da nije bilo Larsa ne bi bilo Metallica-e" Shvatate poentu... Quote
Kai Hansen Posted August 8, 2003 Report Posted August 8, 2003 Misljenje newsteda o st.angeru : When asked for his opinion of the new Metallica album, "St. Anger", Newsted said, "As a fan, it's pretty hard to listen to, tonality-wise. I think it's not very pleasing to the human ear. There's other albums that sound better, production-wise. Songwriting-wise, it's not bad. But I think that it could have been a lot more pleasant to listen to. If the [bonus] DVD would not have been [included] in the album, they would have been screwed. They redeemed themselves by putting in that DVD and showing that Lars [ulrich] can actually play double-bass drums and stuff like that. Because I know, myself, as a fan, and a lot of other fans have questioned that for awhile the actual abilities of the band anymore. So I'm really glad, as fan, that they put that DVD in." Quote
lemmy sixx Posted August 9, 2003 Author Report Posted August 9, 2003 Ma da, Lars je uvek bio najveci seronja u bendu.A James je svakako najvise uticao za rad na Loadu i Realoadu. Da nije bilo Larsa oni bi bili josh veci bend. Em sto je seronja, em sto ne zna da svira. Da je u Metallica-i svirao Menza ili Lombardo...uh Sa svim se otprilike slazem,ali da Lars ne zna vec seres! Quote
vudun Posted August 9, 2003 Report Posted August 9, 2003 Dabome da sere,lepo si mu rekao, Lars je jebeno dobro "odbubnjario" sve albume do ovog zadnjeg usranog,narochito Black album. Ali opet je za mene ostao pozer(shatirani) brbljivac, nevidjeni ,koji je imao najvishe uticaja na sve chlanove benda. Josh se usudio da kaze:" Da je Cliff ziv mi bismo mnogo ranije snimili album kao shto je Load" Quote
Nowitzki Posted August 9, 2003 Report Posted August 9, 2003 To za Cliffa i Load nije rekao Lars vec James.A to da je seronja i ego mani- jak to jeste.Ali da ne zna da svira sa tim se vec ne bih slozio. Quote
lemmy sixx Posted August 9, 2003 Author Report Posted August 9, 2003 Dabome da sere,lepo si mu rekao, Lars je jebeno dobro \"odbubnjario\" sve albume do ovog zadnjeg usranog,narochito Black album.Ali opet je za mene ostao pozer(shatirani) brbljivac, nevidjeni ,koji je imao najvishe uticaja na sve chlanove benda. Josh se usudio da kaze:\" Da je Cliff ziv mi bismo mnogo ranije snimili album kao shto je Load\" Pa pazi,i ovaj novi nije lose odsviran sto se tice bubnjeva.Samo sto je zvuk jadan.A onaj ko tvrdi da je Lars los bubnjar,treba da poslusa Black album. Quote
RNA Posted August 10, 2003 Report Posted August 10, 2003 Ja prvi neću nikako reći da je Lars loš bubnjar, naprotiv. Čak i nije ceo zvuk bubnjeva toliko loš. Samo doboš zvuči k'o kanta, ovo ostalo je super urađeno, naročito bas bubnjevi. Ali, džabe kad su pesme loše. Quote
RNA Posted August 10, 2003 Report Posted August 10, 2003 Evo i moje recenzije u kompletu, na engleskom (tako će ići i u fanzin): METALLICA St. Anger Universal 2003 Could this be the lowest point in Metallica’s career? I doubt it. Somehow I fear there are far worse things to come, but “St. Anger” is certainly a downfall from the mediocrity of “Load” and “Re-Load”. Somewhere along the road I stopped impatiently anticipating the new Metallica albums (I believe it was in 1996), but I still wanted to be open minded about this album and see if all those words about them going back to their roots were true. They weren’t!!! Expecting Metallica in year 2003 to go back to what they played 15 and more years ago sounds just plain silly. Why would they do that? For whose sake? For the sake of those people that worshiped them when they used to deliver good music and were down-to-Earth guys? If that’s the case with you, I think you’re missing to see what is Metallica about today. For all those who expected something truly refreshing and angry from this once great band, it is only fair to do this review. They still have that powerful name that used to mean something, and it still symbolizes metal for the people that don’t listen to it (at least here it does). They didn’t even bother to warm up the hopes of those who still expected that ‘something’ to happen. No, they shattered them to pieces from the very start. The brief guitar intro suggested that the only kind of guitar sounds you’ll be able to hear here would be those similar to Slipknot, Papa Roach, P.O.D, or I don’t know what other nu-metal band. On the previous twosome of studio albums they managed to keep somewhat metallic sound. Even if they managed to play truly powerful headbanging riffs, here they would have sounded totally awkward. Though Lars had some shiny moments and he was trying, the sound of the drum kit is the worst bit on “St. Anger”, production-wise. The snare drum sounds like Lars was hitting an empty metal barrel or some tin cans. This can get very irritating since production is done in such manner that drums cover all other instruments and you can’t hear them clearly. Once angry James Hatfield with his trademark rough vocals turned into a – pussy. Yeah, you heard me right. Kirk’s solos are nowhere to be found and song last 7 minutes average. For such long songs you’d expect at least as much solo guitar-work as on “…And Justice For All”. They didn’t even try to abridge that element with riff versatility (what kind of riffs are we talking about?), but rather threw in insipid bass lines courtesy of their producer Bob Rock (Rob Trujillo joined after the album was finished). The only thing I slightly like and that remotely comes near anything that Metallica has done in the past is “My World”. It actually has some good riffs and rhythms to it, as does its follow-up “Shoot Me Again”, but they somehow managed to ruin every good idea they had. Not to mention that the good parts in those songs are like stolen from System of A Down. I will conclude the review with a single statement that summarizes everything I said before – this album is simply OBSOLETE! (2/10) RNA Quote
vudun Posted August 10, 2003 Report Posted August 10, 2003 Elokventno nema shta, i poshteno si ga ocenio.... ___________ Uxor contenta est,quae bona est uno viro! Quote
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