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Сјајно је што човек није говорио само о музици, него и о оваквим стварима:


I think that’s the thing that keeps me coming back to them and makes me think that even though their records certainly aren’t as good as they were in the past, that on a certain level they’re still the same dudes. Like when they did that full day Metallica 30th anniversary party in San Francisco and they had Death Angel and Armored Saint playing with them and Biff from Saxon coming out and singing “Motorcycle Man” with the band and stuff like that. Y’know what? That’s cool. They’ve got billions of dollars and whatever the fuck else, but at some level they’re the same dudes who hung out at Lars Ulrich’s mom’s house listening to records after playing their set of covers. They still do cool shit. When the Black Album came out, they played right up the street from my first apartment and they caused a humongous traffic jam in San Jose because they played for free in the parking lot of a Tower Records. And when the Oakland Raiders had the AFC championship game in Oakland, they just showed up in the parking lot and played. Who does that? You don’t see the Rolling Stones do that. Or even to a certain extent you don’t see Megadeth or Slayer doing that. They just do shit because they think it’s cool.



Fuck you because without Metallica no one would have ever heard of Diamond Head, Holocaust or any of those bands. There would be like three dorks with their patch jackets and record collections talking about how great it was. But thanks to them, those bands… I’m sure those dudes bought cars with the money they got.

I’ve talked to people who’ve interviewed and/or hung out with them and the guys from those bands made a shitload of money because of Metallica. King Diamond and Hank Sherman made tons of money because of those King Diamond covers. It’s pretty awesome because not only do they do it effectively musically, but they give back to the community. I’m sure Kevin from Angelwitch is like, “C’mon dudes, can’t you just do ‘Sweet Danger’? I really need a fucking car! Budgie? Really?! Dammit!”


I’m sure Kevin from Angelwitch is like, “C’mon dudes, can’t you just do ‘Sweet Danger’? I really need a fucking car! Budgie? Really?! Dammit!”


Ovo mi je najjače :haha:


што рече метална песница: "I kad je Metallica slavila 30 godina mogla je dovesti U2, Lady Gagu, Baraka Obamu ili ko zna koji kurac, oni doveli Saxon, Mercyful Fate i svoje ortake. Tako se to radi".


realno,dzastis je objektivno najbolje napisano parce muzike ikada,ako vec idemo u krajnju iskrenost.


Prvi njihov album koji sam cuo...Nemam vise tu staru kasetu,al mi je jednom Blondi poklonila istu.Omiljeni album definitivno.


A sto se tice teksta,svaka mu se pozlatila....realnoi da nije bilo Mjetlica,za pola grupa koje sam do sada preslusao bi me bol'o kurac.Jebe mi se sta sad rade i sta snimaju,odrastao sam s njihovom mjuzom koja je pravila istoriju




..realnoi da nije bilo Mjetlica,za pola grupa koje sam do sada preslusao bi me bol'o kurac.


Kojih pola jarane, sve. Metallica je direktni krivac što sam sad metalno čudovište, '94 i MoP, ništa nije bilo isto nikad.



Prvi njihov album koji sam cuo...Nemam vise tu staru kasetu,al mi je jednom Blondi poklonila istu.Omiljeni album definitivno.


A sto se tice teksta,svaka mu se pozlatila....realnoi da nije bilo Mjetlica,za pola grupa koje sam do sada preslusao bi me bol'o kurac.Jebe mi se sta sad rade i sta snimaju,odrastao sam s njihovom mjuzom koja je pravila istoriju




priznajem samo metalce podojene pgp-ovom kasetom,za ostale me zabolje kurac

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a da...vi iz OŠ David Mastejnović Plačipičkovski ste svi za odlican dovoljan supeh dobili po vokmen, pa ste mogli odma' da slusate.

pa da, za razliku od prosecnog Metalika fana ciji intelektualni kapaciteti ne podrazumevaju ideju da za slusanje kaseta moras da imas kasetofon.

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