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October 11, 2009:

As you surely know, we have no new releases after 1995, some links below may not work due to dispersed activities of former band members.


The bad news is that we've recently encountered several illegal and bootlegged releases of our old records, such as this, this and that. Our concern is not only the copyright issue, but above all deceiving of our faithful fans by those demanding money for unauthorised records and merchandises. First, we'd never use such awful colour combination and tasteless decoration; second, the song titles, lyrics and other printed informations contain factual mistakes; third, the sound quality is worse than original.


The good news is that Master's Hammer is now in studio working on a new album after 14 years.


We'll be back soon. Franta, Vlasta, Necrocock, Monster and Silenthell.




October 15, 2009:

Some bloggers around wonder why hit the studio after so many years and whether M. H. will play live? Instead of answering personally, I think this can be useful for many. We, old members of a non-existing band, are having meetings sometimes, mostly in pubs, and nowadays we have our own occupations for living. We've never earned money from music, and this is not likely to change even with the new album. Necrocock, Monster and me have their own one-man projects doing noise of our own taste. We are dependent only on the strength of inspiration, which can catch you and us equally without warning, and may result in creation. Let us be surprised. One thing needs to be said frankly: we're not at war with Osmose or with anybody. Yes, there are issues to make clear on both (or three) sides, but no reason for hassle. Anyone can reach me at stormtype(at)gmail.com, which is my valid address published for years on www.stormtype.com. Please only sane mails.

Concerts? According to our age and incompetence, we will never play live anymore.






Uzeh ovih dana malo da slusam cehoslovacke kultove - Master's Hammer, Root, Asgard, Entrails... "Jama Pekel" je neprejebiva pesma, bez obzira ko joj sta uradi i kako je obradi. :da:


Ja bih vise volio nesto poput Jilemnice Occultist, al nema sanse. Odlican ce bit i neki ala Ritual album, samo da se ne ugledaju na Slagry :haha:

Inace sve najbolje za ovaj bend, potpuno su mi u tom nekom alhemijsko/okultnom tripu kojim odise i grad Prag. U vrlo tijesnoj konkurenciju, meni najmiliji ceski bend.


The release date of the new album is still unclear, but is approaching. At the moment we can only say that it's going to be produced by ourselves, and sold by Stormtype.com. The production package will include 8-track vinyl with 13-track CD. We're still not sure whether you'll like it more as bundle or separately. Any suggestion welcomed.

We'll post some mp3 samples here at the day of release.

Stay tuned.



Postavljene su i slike članova u studiju, pred snimanje albuma:




ауууу, какви су... ко би рекао да ови људи свирају Блек Метал. можда звучи мало плитко, али њихов изглед не обећава нови Ритуал.

  On 10/29/2009 at 10:20 AM, Talvi said:

Kakvi carevi, jbt. :D Ako oni ovakvi snime nesto u fazonu "Ritual"-a zakopace svu black klincadiju ovog sveta. :D


apsolutno saglasan. :da: i siguran sam da omanuti nece...


November 5.:

Done. The recording and mixing sessions have been finished. Today, me and Vlasta are going to vinyl/CD factory to pass the work for pressing and printing. The good news is that we squeezed the total of nine tracks onto vinyl, but it might cause some additional mastering difficulties. The CD will definitely contain previously announced 13 hits. Even with a couple more days needed on sound adjusting, you shall get the new Master's Hammer album by the end of November.

  • 4 weeks later...

Jbt, pa ovo veoma dobro zvuci. :D Matorci ce da pokidaju, cini mi se. :da: Cak je i omot odlican, skroz atipican i razlicit od ovih danasnjih "black'n'white" stereotipa. :da:


Ali kako zvuci nova verzija "Jama Pekel"... :haha: Ludaci. :haha:

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