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"Allright, finally another great serbian old-school Thrash Metalband.Coming from Sid and recommended to me by my friend and contributorDarko, Putrid Blood is a new band in the wave of great Thrash bandsfrom Serbia.This album has an excellent production and is perfectlyplayed, so this is something that anyone that is into Thrash Metal, butalso Metal in general, should not miss.I really hope I will see thisband live some time soon.."



Preuzeto sa: http://audioheaven-a...o.blogspot.com/


Mala izmena, koja se tice svirke u Dvoristu u NS:

Momci iz Inquisitie su prinudjeni da otkazu zbog bolesti pevaca, tako da ce umesto njih nastupiti Scaffold iz Zemuna, upravo potvrdjeno.

Eto :rockdevil:

  On 11/29/2009 at 10:53 PM, Ајлин said:

Samo još da konačno očisti tastaturu


Moja tastatura je cista, mozes provjeriti klikom na link.

Neciji copy/paste ne funkcionise kako treba..:mhihi:

  On 12/6/2009 at 3:57 PM, Dead Man Walking said:



Subota 12.12. klub "Dvorište" Novi Sad.



Putrid Blood (Šid)

Inqusitia (Novi Sad)

Conviction (Novi Sad)



Početak u 22:00.



Vidimo se tamo :pivopije:



Koliko je upad?



Prvo da se zahvalim ljudima iz benda Scaffold, bez kojih se ova svirka verovatno ne bi ni odrzala i koji su sinoc odradili do jaja posao :rockdevil:

Masa mala, ali odabrana.

Bilo je interesantno videti da neki ljudi zapravo znaju nase pesme :D


Atmosfera do jaja, vrat me boli, glasa nemam...


Putrid Blood hail from Serbia, certainly not known for being the home to thrash metal. Although Fire at Will is nothing new or innovative, it is probably my favorite Thrash metal promo/demo I have heard. Terrrific and catchy riffs, pretty melodic, old school feel and strong vocals that have a hardcore punkish feel to them at times. It all works very well for me. Putrid Blood definitely deserve a record deal.


Fire at Will can be downloaded for free at the band's myspace page as of 12/20/09.



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