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  On 11/27/2009 at 5:52 PM, BLACK said:

A basista?


  On 11/27/2009 at 7:52 PM, Џ.P.K said:

Sta bre basista, pa jel lepo rek'o covek "90`s Swedish Old School Black/Death Metal" :D


Objasni sve covek kratko i jasno, svaka cast. :haha:


Dakle, ovo je postava koja ce sigurno svirati Live - a ako bude basista, jos bolje, mada realno sto manje ljudi - to bolje, jer tako ima manje problema, zvuci manje brljavo, i vise mesta (kako na bini tako i u prevozu) haha.


Vec sad nas ima na sve strane (Beograd, Novi Sad, Banja Luka), tako da mi amo jos fali neki basista iz gornjeg Svrljiga, i to je to. :haha:

  On 11/27/2009 at 5:50 PM, banedeathmetal said:

A stvarno postava je idealna, po meni nije mogla bolja biti, tako ocekujte pravi "90`s Swedish Old School Black/Death Metal"!




The Abyss :rockdevil:


Samo napred!

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/25/2009 at 10:45 AM, Бритни Спирс said:

Само кидање! Само црно јебено кидање! :rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil:




  On 12/25/2009 at 10:55 AM, Infest said:



Hvala Zoki! :pivopije:


  On 12/25/2009 at 11:57 AM, dimmu1 said:

nije ovo lose,ceka se EP!


Cim bude konkretnih novosti oko ovoga, javljam! :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/12/2010 at 11:33 AM, chess said:

Poslusao sam ,odlicno je :da::rockdevil: Bas onako dissection-ovska pesmica :meshuggah:


Drago mi je sto ti se dopada, hvala puno na lepim recima! :pivopije:



Inace, bend se pre par dana pojavio na naslovnoj strani Mutilador e-Zine/Compilation:




Ukoliko neko hoce moze da skine casopis (pdf format) i/ili kompilaciju (MP3 format):


Casopis (interview) - http://www.mediafire.com/?m3jakmxzqm2

Kompilacija (pesma) - http://www.mediafire.com/?jq0mmzmnh25



A ukoliko neko zeli samo interview da procita (bez download-a):



Posted (edited)
  On 1/22/2010 at 12:29 PM, Шöне Мики said:


Tako se to radi,reklama po UG oglasivacima,a ne samo po forumima!Tnx za pominjanje :pivopije:


Hvala (jos jednom) na podrsci hehe, i nema na cemu - zasluzeno! ;)


Inace, uskoro konacno konkretnih novosti sto se tice EP-a...

Edited by banedeathmetal
Posted (edited)

BANE signs with Victory by Fire Records, Satanic Deathcult Productions & Alatir Promotions!


BANE`s long awaited new EP entitled “Misanthropia” will be released on:






Underground Label from The Netherlands will release the new material on CD-r, strictly limited to 66 hand-numbered copies.


The EP shall contain one bonus track, which will be produced by Nocturnal of Shadowdream.


The cover design/layout will be black & white, and will not be re-used on any other (re)-release. It will be done by Lord Nemethor of “Design Studio Nemet”.



This is a very limited release, so if you are interested in purchasing your own copy, better be quick & write a message to: http://www.myspace.com/victorybyfirerecords









Underground Label from Denmark will release it on cult MC format as a 2-Way Split release with another band (TBA - no submissions for this are accepted).


The artwork will also be taken care by Lord Nemethor from “Design Studio Nemet”.


The Tape Version will also include the same bonus track that will be produced by Nocturnal of Shadowdream.



For pre-orders of this Tape, or any of the following albums on cassette:


Rex Satanachia – “First Legion Of Hell” (Limited Edition feat. Rare B-sides)

The Stone – “Umro” – (Latest opus of Serbian Elite Black Metal on MC)



Write to: http://www.myspace.com/sdp666









The EP will also be part of a 4-Way Split CD that will be released by UG Macedonian Label Alatir Promotions.


Front cover artwork by legendary Christophe Szpajdel.


This will be a pure Serbian Black Metal Devastation in which will include the following hordes of evil:



(Old School Black/Death Metal)




(Hateful, Raw Black Metal)




(Dark, Progressive Black Metal)

(My Space link to be activated soon)



(Dark Ambient/Black Metal)




For pre-orders, complete distro list & info write to: http://www.myspace.com/alatirkruzok




EP – (CD-r version) RELEASE DATE: 28.03.2010

2-WAY SPLIT – (MC version) RELEASE DATE: March 2010

4-WAY SPLIT – (CD version) RELEASE DATE: TBA (2010)

Edited by banedeathmetal

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