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Avi Pitchon, Terrorizer magazine


First of all, some order. Obviously Meshuggah have a staple sound and style and you can spot it from miles away as it stampedes towards your general direction. But within that, they have evolved and expanded so much. DEI layed the groundwork, but it was still relatively structured into what remotely resembled songs. Chaosphere was just brutal, feral, scathing - and those damn solos! Nothing was cosmic and groovy (in a sinister way of course). I and Catch 33 see the band go all the way with all of the above distilled into a maelstorming masterpiece of malevolent sound shrapnel, GRAAHHHHHHHHH!!!


Now for some fun - I had the pleasure and privilege of doing the Nothing studio report. We arrived at the studio around 2pm, and were handed beer bottles on the spot. When you were halfway through a bottle, you got a new one immediately. The flow of alcohol did not cease, no matter what.


At some point, around midnight, I couldn't keep up any longer. I had a pint, a shot, and some other shot all lined up in front of me. I don't think I was capable of reaching for it anymore even if I wanted to. Then Jens spotted my situation, turned to me and said: "drink, or I kill you".


When scribes were stumbling back to the hotel at 3am, Jens could still be spotted in the lobby trying to coerce people to join him for - wait for it - DRINKS!


The highlight of my Terrorizer career, most probably. Here's to Swedish hospitality!




Ccc po čemu je on takva elita da mu je potrebna Meshuggah da bi nekome popušio kurac? Is he skilled? Ne dajemo kurčeve na pušenje svakome, y'know. Is he a ninja? Razlog za to pitanje krije se na sledećoj slici:




Kada je handjob tako cool, mogu samo da zamislim kakav je blowjob...

Evo koliko je bilo dobro. Moj drug je sada ponudio da ce popusiti kurac onome ko ih ponovo dovede kod nas.


... da je ponudio da ce da plati par vrhunskih kurvi na desetak sati, garant bi bilo zainteresovanih, a ovako slaba vajda.



U zivotu ih nisam slusao,nego jelte na exitu se potrefim i ono sok uopste mi nije jasno kako popamte one stvari,i u fazonu sam naci najace objasnjenje se desilo na njima,jedino se pevac malo pati inace exit svirka br1 aj mi neko give nesto njizino.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Swedish experimental extreme metallers MESHUGGAH have posted the following message on their official web site:


We regrettably have to inform you that we have been forced to pull out of the November Euro tour with THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN. There are several reasons for this. The main one being the fact that the album recording has taken longer than what was originally planned. As an effect of that — Nuclear Blast Records has moved the album release to January/February of 2008.


"In light of this we choose to not do a tour that could compromise the outcome of the album as well as possibly delaying the release even more.


"Our intention was to have the album out in November and then do this as the first tour in direct support of the release. With this 'album-promotional' aspect of the tour gone, we feel that we should instead focus on the most important thing at hand — the album!


"We realize that this is a big disappointment to everyone who didn't have the opportunity to catch us on the European tour last summer but we will be back in 2008 touring the new album. Tour dates will be posted shortly!


"Our apologies to the other bands on the bill and to all who already bought their tickets as well as those who were about to do so. The tickets are, of course, refundable."






nego jel ima neko onu bonus pesmu sa chaosphere-a sto se pojavljuje samo na japanskoj verziji albuma?

Edited by darthmaul

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