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Heard it last night at the listening party over at NRG Studios. Many notables there including Gene Hoglan and Raymond Herrera. The later was paying very close attention to the entire album, every beat, as was I. The album is remarkable overall, with more dynamics overall. Still once past the 1/2 mark it's evident they delve into the more Nothing based vibes, but it's clean and mean, with much less hypnotic repetitions as in Catch 33 or I. Still there was an I vibe to the production, mixed with DEI. Excellent tones and great balance of everything, along with DEI the best production, which Marten agreed with. I chatted with him for quite some time about the 8 strings and how they got used to the new ones Ibanez made for them, etc. Also chatted a bit with Tomas, the only other band member there. It was a true honor to meet those guys and they were uber nice and forthcoming with info and enthusiasm about the new CD.


Here's a track list:


1. Combustion

2. Electric Red

3. Bleed

4. Lethargica

5. Obzened

6. The Spiteful Snake

7. Pineal Gland Optics

8. Pravus

9. Dancers To A Discordant System


There are more brutal parts in the mix contrasting the prodding and "lethargic" tracks. Again, there's more variety in this effort and I welcome it!!


kao chovek koga izuzetno zabole dal su koristili debele, srednje ili tanke zice, kosinuse, kotangense ili koji su logoritmi i kvadratni koreni "sachinili" zvuk njine nove pesme mogu da kazem da pjesma gruva i svidza mi se i drago mi je shto je i taj lik ozgo reko

...delve into the more Nothing based vibes...
...with much less hypnotic repetitions as in Catch 33 or I...
jer je nothing kul, a ovo drugo izdrkavanje, ako ste realni i ako u isto vreme upadate u 97% populacije koja blage veze nema sa tim "loodilima" koja se, kao, deshavaju dok ovi sviraju... uuuuu...


omot viche > cao, ja sam merlin menson i obrijao sam se fino ali sam usput posekao obe shake jer nisam lepo mogao da dohvatim one dlake na potiljku pa sam zajebo stvar... molim vas, shshshshsh! (prst prisloni na nos), nemojte nikome da kazete, ali mislim da cu iskrvariti na smrt... malko sam ubledeo...


sve je to lepo, mesh je odlican bend.. mogu da naprave losu pesmu, ali nadam se da jos uvek nisu u stanju da naprave los album..


meni je nothing vrh i bilo bi mi vise po mom ukusu da su nastavili da tegle sa onom lavom od rifova a da druga gitara i noga npr. sviraju nesto ludje


mene thrash u principu smara, kad sam napisao pomalo genericki, mislio sam na mesh a ne na muziku.. isti rif/akord koji traje vise od minut i pevanje koje se nista znacajnije nije promenilo od ranije..


nothing je bio super jer je otisao mnogo dalje od dei i chaosphere.. meni su spasm i rational gaze vrh mesh-a a ova nova stvar me podseca pomalo na my dying bride kad su snimili light at the end of the world.. kao, aj da sviramo nesto sto smo vec svirali pre 10 godina i da ubacimo malo noviteta sa starog.. kao da ih je mrzelo da se vise zezaju.. pomislio bi da je haake sposobniji za vise inventivnosti od nogu ako u slobodno vreme voli toliko da slusa autechre i mars voltu..


ne morate da se slozite naravno, my cup of tea. i 10.000 days je super muzicki, ali je za sam tool pomalo podbacaj..


pesma dobra

malo previshe podsetja na pesmu I

mislim da pesma nije nista spec

dobro je ko i svaka druga pesma od meshugge

ja lichno od meshugge vishe one pesme

sa vishe groove-a

kao npr

Soul Burn

Corridor of Chameleons

New Millennium Cyanide Christ

Organice Shadows



Al chekam novi album

Ipak je to Meshuggah <3


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