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90ies meshuga mi je bila raznovrsnija, bilo je tu thrash uticaja, industrial nabadanja, jeste bilo kompleksno al na drugaciji nacin koji mi je lezao....ali da, nije mi to to, mislim kul mi je mogu da slusam cisto zato sto je impresivan taj tehnicki aspekt i ima nabadanja al ne radi me kao stara meshuga

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ma, bili su i ranije precizni nije to sporno nego sada bukvalno samo mehanika, ranije je zvuk imao neku dusu sad mi zvuci previse robotski, kao isprogramirano nekako nemam pojma, fraze slicne, talambasanje radi talambasanja



evo za jareta, ovo ce jos vise da skonta kapiram


ovo k'o voivod da slušam :D


što se prve rečenice tiče, to je meni problem kod benda, kao da slušam jebene mašine kako drljaju


Jare, si sluso DEI? :o

To bi moralo nekom logikom da ti se svidi, jebem li ga :D


nisam ništa pre nothinga slušao :D mislio sam da su od početka bili plastični i sintetički :D


ali ću sad svakako da obratim dosta pažnje na prva tri

  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

So...we had to send our interdimensional Kazoospecialist Dr Thordendal on a mission to explore some interesting stuff. He's been asking for this assignment for quite a while and it seems now is the time to realize his aspirations. This would however leave the rest of us unable to deliver our usual tonal obscenities for quite some time... and obviously we can't have that!


So we put our five blocks of wood together and came up with a brilliant plan that we thought would be productive, intelligent and artistically mature.



We took some rolls of duct tape, a black hood, a sock with a cue ball and some rope and drove north from Stockholm in a sketchy van to fetch ourselves the prey we wanted, to fill the Kazoospot for a while. We won't get into the messy details but we can now proudly present our interim Lead Kazooist for the duration of "The Thords" hiatus: PER NILSSON!!


MAN he knows how to Kazoo!! You will meet him first time on our summer run in North America with Megadeth and be all the better for it!! Honestly, we could just send Per by himself but we decided the rest of us will tag along for moral support


*End of transmission*




da neće novi Special Defects?


znam to, ali je opet bedno.


jens, fredrik, marten, tomas - to je meshuggah od 92-93.


isto kao kad bi neko svirao drugu gitaru umesto brenta na turneji mastodona. glupo je.


a dobro, idealizuješ previše :)

mene čak i svrbi kako bi se neko uklopio u tu priču xD


naravno što se tiče creative inputa, samo or'ginal.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

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