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Reviews for Destroy Erase Improve (1996)


Destroy and Erase This Album - 20%

Written by Symphony_Of_Terror on March 12th, 2003



I don't understand why people like these guys, all this album is, is a bunch of dudes trying to act tuff and play heavy music as heavy as they can forgetting that good song writing is needed to make good music. I mean, don't get me wrong, if these guys were in a tuff guy contest, they would win, I mean there so tuff! Just listen to their music, they are so tuff they don't even need to learn how to play their instruments well, learn how to write songs, play melodies, riffs, solo's, drum fills, and bass lines! Oh and I almost forgot....they don't even need to learn how to sing they are so tuff, they can just scream into the microphone because they are tuff guys and no one is going to tell them they are horrible mucisians.


Serisoly though, this album is quite horrible, perhaps Meshuggah (what a stupid band name) has gotten better since this recording, as of now I haven't heard their new stuff. The first thing that is horrible on this album is perhaps the biggest problem, is the songwriting. Most every song starts out with this crappy noise, then some powercord guitar repeated over and over again, their is practically no structure to be found on this album. I heard maybe one or two solo's. The band sounds like they are all playing different songs at the same time, very in choherant and unstructured.


The guitars are just repeated power cords, no riffs, few solo's, and way to distorted, they sound like noise most of the time. Then other times Meshuggah attemps to be melodic, but that just sucks....they do do that better though.


The vocals sound like the singer is panicing, or being tortured and screaming nonsense, absolutly horrible. The vocals are by far the worst sounding part of this album, and thats saying alot since the guitars are quite horrible and its hard to imagine whats worse than them.


The drums are random as hell, no sctructure to them, and often sound like they have nothing to do with the rest of the music and songs. Is there a bass?????


This is defintaly the worst heavy/metalcore album I have ever heard. The only advice I can give to these guys is to destroy and erase this album, and Improve your sound. I pity all those who like this and own this album. I would give this album a zero, but there are one or two parts which it redeems itself for about 3 seconds, so I will give it some points.






Kako neki ljudi nemaju pojma...

Posted (edited)

I heard maybe one or two solo's.

ovaj deo dovoljno govori koliki je lik retard.

neke od najboljih pesama ikad su napisane bez ikakvih soloa.

Edited by slowdiver
ovaj deo dovoljno govori koliki je lik retard.

neke od najboljih pesama ikad su napisane bez ikakvih soloa.

Yay, pa kako ne znaš? Pesma nije pesma ako nema tonu solaža? icon_smile.gif


Kada ste već krenuli sa citatima, imam jedan review koncerta Meshuggah/Tool koji će verovatno iznervirati mnoge (nadam se da ga nisam slao ranije):







this is from Toolshed.down.net. Flame this man... [/bg



Review written by: Deus ([email protected])

Review posted on: 11/03/02 14:43:29 ET


(This was this reviewer's 2nd Tool show )


First off, Meshuggah sucked. All fans lauding their

muscianship, and basically praising them as creative pariahs

need to have their heads checked - different time signatures

does not a good band make, as Meshuggah proved.

Derivitive to exhaustion, they played maybe two nice riffs

(the rest was typical for a band who seemed to be trying too

much to exemplify "hardcore",) were completely unenjoyable

and seemed a noisy distraction to an otherwise powerful

night. Screams of "Shut the hell up" echoed throughout

their set, but the plastic machismo droned on for what

seemed like an entire week - throughout all of which, not

one intelligent thing was said, nor was any actual music



Stupid choice for an opener, especially considering how

violent and riled up the crowd was - which, going into tool,

isn't a great thing.


But that hour-and-a-half (god, it seemed so much longer)

ended, and you could feel the staticy buzz of excitement

pervade the arena. Tool was on point tonight, I loved the

extra bridges during songs that fans believe they know so

well - and as always the visuals were unbelievable. I was

happy to see more attention payed to the 3d visuals - the

tapestrys, atom-balls, the giant geometrical patterns - and

their integration into the show.


This show blew away any previous performance, of any band,

I have ever watched. Dwarfing their show at Walnut Creek,

the highlights to me were watching Maynard make nearly

everyone in the venue conform to his ideals ("Now you all

repeat after me...") and then basically laughing at their

willingness to be sheep by telling them not to repeat what

other people say, think, or do. (Following in anyone's

footsteps, even a free-thinker, is still following.)


I enjoyed seeing Maynard not face the crowd, standing on a

giant monitor, watching the videos and letting the visual and

aural art dictate how he preformed. It is certainly a breath

of fresh air to see someone who cares that much about the

art, instead of putting on a rock-star persona and strutting

around stage like some mannequin looking for a way to

help his ego.


Third Eye was amazing, especially with the footage of Leary,

coupled with the sample of his speech. Parabol/Parabola, H.

and The Grudge were examples of how to use metal in an

intelligent, emotional way (unlike Messhuggah's tired act)

and D/R/T really strecthed me out...


The highlight might well have been Triad, an extended

version, with Messuggah's drummer (good for one thing

after all: helping with music that far surpasses his own) that

really blew me away, it convoluted its way through peaks and

valleys, finally exploding at a climatic conclusion; Maynard

still was not facing the crowd.


Many of the songs had added instrumental bridges, and

really helped add an air of unpredictability to the night. The

new riffs seemed more experimental, all of which seemed to

help the night come to an emotional head: I sat,

dumbfound, not in a concert - but in another world.


Everything, right down to the lighting - with its psychadelic

lights, circles, and iradescent wires - was perfect. This is how

concerts should be.


Now if only Tool had played all three hours, and not the joke

that was Messugah.



Meshuggah je dobar (najbolji) bend iz svakog pogleda. biggrin.gif


riffovi, ritmovi, bubanj, solo gitara, produkcija, vokal, atmosfera, scenski nastup, live zvuk, itd itd itd...



innovators of the north.


rekao mi je basista iz Into Eternity (koji je nosio Meshuggah dux) da kad su bili sa Naglafarom na turneji pricali su im kako dele prostoriju za vezbanje sa Meshuggom...i da je to kao obdaniste...da su Meshuggah kao drogirani klinci i da ne znas sta ce sledece uraditi.


zasto jadnici kao Naglafar imaju tu cast a Draconic nema? no.gif



Meshuggah je dobar (najbolji) bend iz svakog pogleda.  biggrin.gif


riffovi, ritmovi, bubanj, solo gitara, produkcija, vokal, atmosfera, scenski nastup, live zvuk, itd itd itd...

eh, vokal...

jedini razlog zbog kog ne slusam meshugu.

Yay, pa kako ne znaš? Pesma nije pesma ako nema tonu solaža? icon_smile.gif

Pa nego sta. Kako mozes da kazes da je neki bend metal, ako nema soloe?

a najgore je sto DEI ima bas dosta solaza.


mazda lik nije provalio.

nisam mislio na meshuggu posto oni njihovi 'soloi' i nisu pravi soloi, odnosno oni soloi na koje je onaj retard sto je pisao recenziju mislio, a ocekivao ih.


jedan od retkih soloa u metalu na koji sam stvarno otkinuo je onaj iz Opeth - Deliverance (pred prelaz na akusticni/radiohead vokalni deo gde peva 'deliverance/thrown back at me/laughing at me') i kad sam ga pustio blEQ-u prokomentarisao je da je solo (prstored) skinut od Gimour-a. toliko o mom metal soloing worshipu..

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