Fiery Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 Verovatno je posle deset puta izdrkao na sopstvenu recenziju. Quote
Simadin Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 Jes' da nisam bio najprecizniji, ali ajd' ovaj put cu: ne, nisam ja... Quote
Vitamin K Experience Posted April 19, 2005 Report Posted April 19, 2005 Vi drkajte na taj review, a ja ću na spot Shed kada ga izbace. Quote
fiction Posted April 23, 2005 Report Posted April 23, 2005 Ako bude upola genijalan kao spot za New Millenium Cyanide Christ bice vrh...Mikrofon nikad jaci Quote
Vlaja Buraz Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 Quiet Riot singer Kevin Dubrow - "WHO THE FUCK IS MESHUGGAH?" Quote
Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e Posted April 25, 2005 Report Posted April 25, 2005 Totalno iz konteksta Quote
Vitamin K Experience Posted May 9, 2005 Report Posted May 9, 2005 Srbin radio prvu verziju spota Rational Gaze? Quote
azal Posted May 9, 2005 Author Report Posted May 9, 2005 opis novog albuma koji sam danas video na netu. "imagine you are a ball inside a pinball machine... and time slowed down" vrh! Quote
Vitamin K Experience Posted May 10, 2005 Report Posted May 10, 2005 Sinstrel said: 7.Could you suck my dick? 9.Wow, that was great! Where did you learn that? 10.In studio? I knew your music had something gay in it! Am I Right? Totalno si neinformisan. Zato bi ti intervju ispao više nego retardiran. Quote
Jaymz Posted May 10, 2005 Report Posted May 10, 2005 E ljudi moje misljenje o njima je da su jedno hiljadu godinma bili zatvoreni u neki kavez i sad su pusteni... Eto odprilike tako mi zvuce Quote
ajsha69 Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Jaymz said: E ljudi moje misljenje o njima je da su jedno hiljadu godinma bili zatvoreni u neki kavez i sad su pusteni... Eto odprilike tako mi zvuce U kavezu svojih genijalnih mozgova, možda!!!!! Suckeeeer!!! ... no respect.. Quote
People before Profits Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 a ja mislim da bi ti meni mogla da das taj njihov mp3? Quote
ajsha69 Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Primeval_JAH_Guardian said: a ja mislim da bi ti meni mogla da das taj njihov mp3? I ja isto... ... aj kad se vidimo... mogli smo na tool-u.. jbga... Quote
Sinstrel Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Ladno mi Lazar obrisao postove! Ajsho69Eyes takvo preterivanje ne prlici jednoj goticarki! Quote
Kent Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 sramota, brise zivu istinu, a ostavlja tako debilne teme kakve su avangardne ribe, filmovi, droge i statiznamvec Quote
ajsha69 Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Sinstrel said: Ajsho69Eyes takvo preterivanje ne prlici jednoj goticarki! Jedino gothic u vezi mene je to nesrećno 69!!... A dobro je da je Laza brisao, jer ti skroz gledam kroz prste na ovoj temi,.. bre! ... Quote
azal Posted May 11, 2005 Author Report Posted May 11, 2005 ako imas nesto un-retardirano da kazes..reci, necu da brisem. Quote
Sinstrel Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 @Kent Ja bih rekao da je ovo jedina tema koja se i moderise na ovom forumu. @ajsha69 Pa sta imas da mi gledas kroz prste... stvar ukusa zar ne? @azal Da retardirano je kada se nesto kaze sto se tebi i drugarima ne dopada. Quote
Kent Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 evo jedne objektivne recenzije Meshuggah - _Catch 33_ (Nuclear Blast, 2005) by: Jackie Smit (7 out of 10) Maybe it's just me, but it seems as though Meshuggah have grown rapidly less interesting in almost direct correlation to the increase in their commercial profile. Don't get me wrong -- I like this band, and to this day remain enamored by the post-thrash stylings of _Destroy Erase Improve_; but as much as the Johnny-come-latelies of the music industry would have one believe differently, Meshuggah (in my humble opinion at least) have been slipping. _Chaosphere_ signaled the start of the decline; a frustrating listen if ever there was one, made all the more so by the fact that "The Mouth Licking What You've Bled" was one of that year's finest songs, yet the rest of the album was virtually intolerable. Then came _Nothing_, similarly disappointing in its monotonously chugging style, showcasing moments of utter brilliance on rare occasions that only served to underline what could have been. As my score would suggest, _Catch 33_ still doesn't have me entirely convinced, although it should be said that on a whole it does represent a marked improvement. Essentially one track, spanning just a tad over three quarters of an hour and divided into thirteen sections, _Catch 33_ opens with Meshuggah doing what they do very well: grinding the hell out of their heavily detuned eight-string guitars and creating a groove deep enough to cause an earthquake. By the time the record hits "Re-inanimate" however, it's back to Dullsville, _Nothing_-style; which is great news for some, and not so great for those of us who knew the band before Jack Osbourne labelled them a "death metal band from Norway". What _Catch 33_ can confidently boast however is an album finale that far exceeds anything the band have produced thus far. "Sum" is "Future Breed Machine"'s uglier, darker brother, and truth be told, if the rest of the album had sounded this good, _Catch 33_ could have been a contender for the best record of the year. Quote
Kent Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 a sada i dve neobjektivne Meshuggah - Catch 33 So say the very least, this album is incredible. Basically, it's one song divided into 13 parts, and is just as much of a mindfuck to listen to as 2004's "I". As stated in the press release, "Catch 33" is kind of the musical opposite of the aforementioned EP, which was a thrashing, thunderously heavy effort from this amazing band. Beginning with "Autonomy Lost", the midpaced intro to the album, you can already tell this is a Meshuggah album, given that the beat is staggered, and the 8 string guitars are just as jagged, yet atmospheric as heard on their previous albums. The next two tracks follow the same kind of blueprint as this song, before changing in the middle of "The Paradoxial Spiral", which has one guitar playing a droning low riff, over an opposing single note being speedpicked. Sound confusing? That's because it's Meshuggah. The album takes another turn on "Mind's Mirrors", which begins with the already ridiculously low guitars being manipulated by whammy bars, and then chiming ominously until the chaos returns for "In Death - Is Life". The next track is probably my favorite portion of the album, where the riff becomes more and more complex, and Fredrik Thorendal throws down one of his signature dissonant, yet incredible solos. About 3 minutes into the song, the band locks into a melody (gasp!!) which can only described as BADASS. Just do yourself a favor, and listen to the 13 minutes of glory, and you'll be just as floored as I am. Once the spacey chords of "In Death - Is Death" have cleared, "Shed" opens with another throat shredding scream from Jens Kidman, and eventually flows into "Dehumanization", which is a little more like their previous EP, in the sense that the Thomas Haake's drums are relatively fast, and the guitars follow suit. As the album grinds to it's seven minute closer "Sum", once again we are greeted by a melody of sorts about a minute or so in, before quietly coming to a close with the off-kilter dissonance the band has kind of become known for. So does it live up to the hype its been receiving? Absolutely. This album is overwhelmingly heavy; moreso than most albums that will come out this year. I can't think of too many faults for it, other than I wish there was more, even though there's already 47 minutes to enjoy. Meshuggah fans, rejoice- the band has once again put out an album that completely pushes the boundaries of not only metal, but music itself. Meshuggah - Catch 33 An almost laughable release from Sweden’s Meshuggah, “Catch 33” may catch the ear of about 33 people across the world as something enjoyable to listen to – that’s if they’re lucky. Under the guise of a single composition, “Catch 33” drags on with an intense song structure that certainly has lowered the bar for the band tenfold for speed and excitement. Alternative Press may dub them “The most important band in metal”, but such comments of blatant ignorance should first be ignored, and then reexamined after giving “Catch 33” a listen. Since the awe-inspiring “Destroy, Erase, Improve”, and the exceptional “Chaosphere”, Meshuggah have managed to travel with Ozzfest (in 2002), and capture the attention of many whilst providing covering fire for Tool. Well…those days may as well mean as much as my daily bowel movements with the amount of boredom and frustration felt while waiting for something worthwhile to happen whilst listening to this disc. To be brutally honest, it forced me to drink – heavily. For those listening close enough, you will find the almost exact same riffs (albeit slightly rehashed) in track one (“Autonomy Lost”), as you do in the closing tune (“Sum”). In between the start and finish of this 47 minute, 15 second bore fest, purchasers can also find a sweet selection of repetitive riffs, out of place electronic programming, and that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside as if someone just robbed you of an hour or more of your life - as well as your hard earned cash. Backwards lettering on the CD cover slip unfortunately cannot hide something so musically banal and unentertaining. In retrospect, I would like to retract my previous opening statement of “Catch 33” being “almost laughable”. Praise and thanks can be given to track 5 – “Mind’s Mirrors” – because after about a minute or so of this little ditty, I was almost in tears of laughter and disbelief. There is, if the listener can believe it, an inexplicable, ill placed, Ibiza-esque voice, which was probably stolen from a Ministry of Sound dance CD, that whitters on about who knows what. After a labored intro, which is a blatant rip off from Tool’s ‘Prison Sex’, this magical, ecstasy fueled, shemale drone all of a sudden pops up reading what appears to be either high school grade poetry, or a deviant narration which is subtly insulting the listener via means of hidden messages…I’m still not quite sure which. Regardless, this mindless drivel will surely baffle even the most hardcore of Meshuggah fans upon first, or even tenth listen. In regards to Meshuggah’s efforts to trying something different, I do applaud that, but from this point on I’d rather listen to a day full of my local cable TV evangelist than have to withstand “Catch 33” in its entirety one more time…Rating: 2/10Website: Nuclear Blast Records Quote
azal Posted May 11, 2005 Author Report Posted May 11, 2005 azzo, nisi nista rekao...postovao si glupe slike i neke glupe prozivke o nekom pederisanju. ja kad sam pisao zajebantska pitanja za To-Die-For...jesam ih ismejavao..ali ima i tu cinjenica...jer jesu bend trece klase koji prodaje albume zbog obrada dobrih bendova. zao mi je ako te je to povredilo. za ako nije volela Nothing..cudo i da je 7 dala...mada...ribe i metal recenzije.... Quote
ajsha69 Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Azza the Goth said: Pa sta imas da mi gledas kroz prste... stvar ukusa zar ne? Pa da... Meni se eto više svidjao tvoj stari nick... Quote
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