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E vidis tada sam prvi put i cuo za njih, kada je album izasao, i nije mi se dopao, nije mi nista bilo jasno zasto kog vraga ljudi krljaju (mladost ludost :redface: ).

Buddho fala vi na preporuci, DEI kida. :opusteno:

Sada cu da iscekujem ovaj I ili Catch 33...


ma mislim krajnje zastrasujuce, i samim tim sto nije skolovan poakzuje se samo koliko razume muziku i to sto se desava oko njega dok svira.


Pa vidi, da je Haake završio školu za bubanj sigurno ne bi postao to što jeste. Škola otvara vidike ali i zatvara u izvesnom smilu. Da je završio muzičku školu/akademiju whatever, verovatno bi sedeo kući i pokušavao da svira double-bass što brže ili neki drugi loš trip koji imaju šupci iz škole.

Pa vidi, da je Haake završio školu za bubanj sigurno ne bi postao to što jeste. Škola otvara vidike ali i zatvara u izvesnom smilu. Da je završio muzičku školu/akademiju whatever, verovatno bi sedeo kući i pokušavao da svira double-bass što brže ili neki drugi loš trip koji imaju šupci iz škole.



ovo mi se taaaaaaako svidelo

zvuchi tako tr000000

a verotano je i chovek u pravu :)

There seem to be two divergent schools of thought on MESHUGGAH: those people whose perspective was permanently altered by the band's revolutionary "Destroy Erase Improve" and "Chaosphere" albums, and who've been unable to warm up to what the band's been up to since then, and those who discovered them around "Catch Thirty-Three" and are more enamored of this decade's output from the band. With "ObZen", though, it's time for the old-school fans to come in out of the cold (well, maybe not that prick yelling "Abnegating Cecity"!! in the back of the club) and join the movement again — "ObZen" is the most streamlined, urgent, grab-you-by-the-throat record MESHUGGAH has made since "Destroy Erase Improve", if not ever.


For one thing, "ObZen" is practically catchy, by MESHUGGAH standards — "Combustion" is about as straight-ahead as these guys get, with a solo that seems built more on feeling than jagged angles, and some riffing that largely skips the oddball time signatures and just sets about with some head-down frantic rocking. Sure, it's still hellishly syncopated, heavier than a lead coffin lid, and overseen by the frenzied bark of Jens Kidman, but it's more a call to arms than a flowchart, and it's like a jolt of caffeine.


That directness infuses the whole of "ObZen", even when the band does get more tricky later on — while it's still very much trademark MESHUGGAH, from the guitar and bass tone to the staccato beats to Kidman's exhortations, it seems more focused on grabbing the listener's attention, creating a tension but then releasing it in simpler, more cathartic payoff rather than creating a more murky and overtly challenging soundscape. The end result is accessible without losing any of the essence of what makes MESHUGGAH who they are. And it's a testament to the band's prowess that even when they get positively rudimentary, as on the simplistic but seething "Bleed", the results are still as harrowing and heart-stopping, and the sound still as instantly identifiable, as when the music requires charts and diagrams (and fear not, by chorus time the song gets all crazy again).


There's a danger in proclaiming a record as a group's return to form, or calling it accessible — big red flags to longtime fans. But this is no case of your favorite band wussing out. If anything, MESHUGGAH's new dose of clarity has only made their lethal prog/thrash fusion that much more lethally focused, and their sound even more brutal and compelling. "ObZen" isn't really even that much simpler than MESHUGGAH's past works – they're just so goddamn good by now that they make it sound easy and effortless. This is a distillation of the band's last fifteen years of mindfucking into a defining statement so cleverly-crafted, it manages to come across as monolithic and opaque even with a million skittering moving parts. Pure MESHUGGAH, pure chaos, pure control.


recenizja sa blabbermouth.com


Band: Meshuggah

Country: Sweden

Size: 250,32 Mb

Video: AVC/H264, 480 x 272, Average bitrate 909 kbps

Audio: eAAC+, 44,1 Mhz, Average bitrate 30 kbps

Running Time: 36:21.520





01 - Stengah

02 - Rational Gaze

03 - Sickering

04 - Sane

05 - Closed Eye Visuals

06 - Nebulous



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