blondie`s friend Posted June 26, 2002 Report Posted June 26, 2002 Pa nadam se da sam makar malo pomogao . Yeah, thanks! Quote
lamegirl Posted June 27, 2002 Report Posted June 27, 2002 Mozete da pricate sta hotjete, ali rammstein su veoma originalni, i ne vidim razlog zasto ih ne gotive. A sto se nacizma tiche, nemaju veze s tim! Quote
Guest 7thSONofA7thSON Posted June 28, 2002 Report Posted June 28, 2002 ej lamegirl dobra ti je slichica imash +100 points expirience-a za nju:) Quote
ATILA Posted June 28, 2002 Report Posted June 28, 2002 Moracu malo da te razocaram,lame,oni jesu nazi,ma sta ti mislila o tome.Jesi li vidjela frizuru,kod onog za klavijaturamana dodjeli mtv nagrada? Quote
lamegirl Posted June 28, 2002 Report Posted June 28, 2002 Moracu malo da te razocaram,lame,oni jesu nazi,ma sta ti mislila o tome.Jesi li vidjela frizuru,kod onog za klavijaturamana dodjeli mtv nagrada?U svakom slucaju, cak i da jesu, meni se svidja njihova muzika Quote
lamegirl Posted June 28, 2002 Report Posted June 28, 2002 ej lamegirl dobra ti je slichica imash +100 points expirience-a za nju:) thx Quote
rammgirl Posted June 29, 2002 Report Posted June 29, 2002 Ja sam im verovatno jedan od najvernijih fanova, sve vase optuzbe se potpuno neosnovane.Nazi look je samo fazon a nikako iskaz onog kako razmisljaju.Jedno je stage a drugo licni zivot.To se barem na njihovom primeru da zakljuciti.Na sceni veliki egzibicionisti,van nje obicni porodicni ljudi.Sto se tice muzike,zasluzuju svake pohvale.Nemacki sam pocela da ucim zbog njihovih pesama Toliko za sad.. Quote
lamegirl Posted June 29, 2002 Report Posted June 29, 2002 Slazem se s tobom u potpunosti!!! a: a: a: a: a: Quote
ATILA Posted July 1, 2002 Report Posted July 1, 2002 Uplasene?Ma ne bojte se,nece vama nista veliki nazi Rammstein.Samo ih slusajte i nista ne brinite,ne propagiraju ideje kroz textove.A kako ih propagiraju,skontace onaj ko zna dovoljno o njima. Quote
blondie`s friend Posted July 4, 2002 Report Posted July 4, 2002 Jesu, nisu,je**ga...ovako ja to gledam:music is all that matters! Da sam ja uvek gledao ko sta fura, izjavljume, propagira, pa pola bendova ne bih slusao danas!!! Bitno je da me `pokrecu`... Quote
rammgirl Posted July 5, 2002 Report Posted July 5, 2002 Naravno,sta mislite o pesmi Halleluja? I da,ste bili na Rammstein vece u kst-u? Quote
!BEAST! Posted July 6, 2002 Report Posted July 6, 2002 E oni su stvarno super, pogotovo onaj nemachki na kome pevaju. Mrzeo sam nemachki dok nisam njih chuo, jer sirovost nemachkog + njihova muzika = jebanje keve! Svaka im chast, a za nacizam ne znam... Quote
Thule Posted July 7, 2002 Report Posted July 7, 2002 Akoas zanima o cemu Rammstein pjeva, uzmite prevod pjesme Heirate Mich da vidite sta je morbidnost i bolestina . Quote
rammgirl Posted July 8, 2002 Report Posted July 8, 2002 Oni koji slusaju Rammstein sasvim dobro znaju kakvi su im tesktovi :roll: Naravno SJAJNI!! Dein weisses Fleisch erregt mich so ich bin doch nur ein Gigolo dein weisses Fleisch erleuchtet mich (Your white flesh excites me so I am just a gigolo your white flesh enlightens me) :oops: Quote
Thule Posted July 8, 2002 Report Posted July 8, 2002 Pa ja slusam Rammstein i textovi su im puno perverzniji od toga texta tu . A i morbidnost im je na zavidnom nivou. Meni se svidja kako je tekst pjesme Rammstein ukomponovan sa muzikom. Quote
rammgirl Posted July 9, 2002 Report Posted July 9, 2002 Pa ne mora ono sto je tebi morbidno i meni biti i obratno. :roll: U 'Heirate mich' ne nalazim nista neobicno.Covek tuguje za voljenom osobom koju je izgubio...Pa sad,svako ima svoje shvatanje smrti...Zasto da nisu moguce razne interpretacije? Isti slucaj za 'Spieluhr'.Interesantne metafore i alegorije,zasto ne,sasvim dobra ideja! Zakljucak: ne samo da tekst odlicno pristaje muzici u odredjenoj numeri vec je i krajnje interesantan i provokativan! Quote
Thule Posted July 9, 2002 Report Posted July 9, 2002 A tebi pesma Heitrate mich ne zvuci bolesno? Ajde evo sada cu iskucati prevod pa procitajte. You see him creeping around the church he has been alone for a year The sadness took away all of his senses he sleeps every night by her grave There, by the bells sleeps a stone and I alone can read it and on the fence, the red rooster who was your heart at that time The fear has been skewered on this fence I now go digging every night to see what still remains of the face that smiled for me There by the bells I spend the night there between snails, a lonely animal during the day I run after the night you escape me for the second time Marry me with my hands I dig deep to find what I missed so much and under the moon in its most beautiful dress I have kissed your cold mouth I take you tenderly by the arm but your skin rips like paper and parts fall off of you you escape me for the second time Marry me So I take what still remains the night is hot and we are naked according to the curse the rooster greets the morning so I hacked off his head Ne znam, meni ovo zvuci veoma bolesno. Narocito zato sto je pjesma u nekrofil fazonu. Ali bez obzira na to ja ih volim slusati, i svidjaju mi se u cjelini. Quote
rammgirl Posted July 9, 2002 Report Posted July 9, 2002 ok, a koja ti se pesma onda svidja? :roll: Quote
rammgirl Posted July 9, 2002 Report Posted July 9, 2002 A moja nova slicica? Jedva sam nasla da bude dovoljno mala :roll: Quote
Thule Posted July 9, 2002 Report Posted July 9, 2002 ok, a koja ti se pesma onda svidja? :roll: Ne, ne, pogresno me shvatas. Meni se ova pjesma svidja. Ja samo kazem da je bolesna, ali nisam rekao da mi se ne svidja . Uostalom svidja mi se masu pjesama. Skoro sve ako cemo iskreno . Ali favoriti su mi: Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen, Asche zu Asche, Seemann (jedna od najboljih), Rammstein, Sehnsucht, Engel, Tier, Du Hast (standardno), Klavier, Mein Herz Brennt, Sonne, Ich Will, Mutter, Adios. Bas sam se nabrojao. Ima sigurno jos koja koju bi stavio u vrh, ali za sada ovoliko. A evo vam i prevod pjesme Zwitter (Hermafrodit ). Lud text. Hermaphrodite I have stolen a kiss from her she wanted to get it back I have not let her go again we melted into one piece it is just too right for me I am a beautiful bisexual two souls under my chest two genders, one lust Hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite Hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite I go differently through the day I am the most beautiful person of all I see marvelous things that were not apparent to me before I can make myself happy everyday I can send myself roses there is no second and no third one and one that is the same Hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite I am so in love Hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite I am so in love with myself One for me one for you is there not one for me One for me one for you one and one that's me I am alone but not alone I can be together with myself Early I kiss my reflection And at night I fall asleep with myself When the others searched for girls I could already fertilize myself I am not even downhearted then When one tells me "fuck yourself" Hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite I am so in love Hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite I am so in love with myself Quote
mirror Posted July 10, 2002 Report Posted July 10, 2002 khm...khm...dobar text,definitivno....opet malo bolestan,ali vrlo slusham ramstein neshto posebno,ali volim da ih cujem...svidja mi se sto je muzika vrlo kompeksna,glas savrsheno odgovara nemackom jeziku,textovi intrigirajuci.... Quote
blondie`s friend Posted July 10, 2002 Report Posted July 10, 2002 Brrrrrr......shaljite jos prevoda - MEIN HERZ BRENNT, RAMMSTEIN -ako je neko(chitaj NEPHILIM) raspolozen-dokon Quote
Thule Posted July 10, 2002 Report Posted July 10, 2002 Mein Herz Brennt My Heart Burns Now, dear children, pay attention I am the voice from the pillow I have brought you something I ripped it from my chest With this heart I have the power to blackmail the eyelids I sing until the day awakes a bright light on the heavens my heart burns They come to you in the night demons, ghosts, black fairies they creep out of the cellar shaft and will look under your bedding Now, dear children, pay attention I am the voice from the pillow I have brought you something a bright light on the heavens my heart burns They come to you in the night and steal your small hot tears they wait until the moon awakes and put them in my cold veins Now, dear children, pay attention I am the voice from the pillow I sing until the day awakes a bright light on the heavens my heart burns My heart burns Rammstein Rammstein A man is burning Rammstein The smell of flesh lies in the air Rammstein A child is dying Rammstein The sun is shining Rammstein A sea of flames Rammstein Blood is coagulating on the asphalt Rammstein Mothers are screaming Rammstein The sun is shining Rammstein A mass grave Rammstein No escape Rammstein No birds are singing anymore Rammstein The sun is shining I cisto da se zna. Nephilim nije dokon . Quote
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