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Od Ihsahna nisam ocekivao nista manje od genijalnosti, vrtim album bez prestanka 10 dana i jos ga varim i analiziram.




Ovo neki Amorphis diss? Fail, jer su oni bili jedni od prvih avangardnih bendova metala, i njihovoj fazi do Elegy mozes da zahvalis sto mnoge stvari u metalu danas jesu prihvacene. A to sto su izabrali danas da rade albume sa po 10 pesama cije melodije i rifove bi mnogi bendovi koristili po 10 godina, nije nimalo lose.


Prvo odnosio se na poslednji album koji su izbacili, kao drugo nije nikakav diss. Vec jednostavo Talvi asocira dosta na taj bend(da je Gojko verovatno bi rekao In flames, posto su danas veoma slichne grupe, i Gojko ih slusa), pa mi je on prvi pao na pamet, a novi album je cist klishe sto se tiche strukture, i pevljivih refrena. I sta je tachno avangardno kod ranijih radova Amorphisa? Progresivnost Elegya? Stoner osecaj Tuonele?....



Hm, pa ne bih baš rekao da je uticaj Bohren-a i Kilimanjaro-a (u ovu jednačinu slobodno možemo da ubacimo i Mount Fuji DoomJazz Corporation) toliko veliki, ali jeste prisutan. Pre bih rekao da Ihsahn daje neku svoju viziju njihovog zvuka kada bi ovi bili na nekim žestoko ubrzavajućim drogama :smile: Lično bih voleo da na narednim albumima Ihsahn još povuče na mračnu stranu jazz-a, da se još više približi pomenutim sastavima.


Pa naravno nisam ni mislio da je odradio copy/past ali inspirisan tim bendovima hteo je da napravi zvuk koji bi bio fuzija njih i prog black metala. I stvarno je t ogenijalno odradio.


Inache, izgleda onaj cover sa krstom je bio samo za promose, jel gledam ni jedan disk nema taj cover, vec ova dva.





Posted (edited)

I sta je tachno avangardno kod ranijih radova Amorphisa?


Na primer, nacin na koji su na "Tales"-u spojili melodicni death, doom i rock '70-tih, nesto kao sto Enslaved danas rade sa black metalom? Uostalom, cinjenica da se do dana danasnjeg nije pojavio bend koji je uspeo da iskopira taj stil bi trebala da govori dovoljno, ali ovo mozemo da nastavimo i na Amorphis temi... ;)

Edited by Talvi

Pa naravno nisam ni mislio da je odradio copy/past ali inspirisan tim bendovima hteo je da napravi zvuk koji bi bio fuzija njih i prog black metala. I stvarno je t ogenijalno odradio.


Hm, sasvim su različite stvari kada kažeš "ogroman uticaj",s jedne strane, i kada je neko "inspirisan" određenim bendovima, s druge strane. Ihsahn-ovi saksofoni su furiozni i divlji, za razliku od, recimo, Bohren-a, gde su više u slow fazonu, čak vrlo ambijentalni. Ista stvar je i sa TKDE, tako da teško možeš da kažeš da je uočljiv "ogroman uticaj" tih bendova na Ihsahn-a. Posredni uticaji postoje, ali ništa značajno. Postojala bi jaka veza kada bi Ihsahn bio sporiji ili kada bi Bohren i TKDE bili brži, ovako... :smile:



Ihsahn - live at Rockefeller, Oslo, Norway 10 March 2009*





*Audio-rip of bonus-dvd to album “After” (2010)



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jebem vam mater!!!JS&%$&*&*AVB*GYV%$&


Svaka tebi čast kad te ne mrzi da postuješ na obe teme :haha:


Ma to ja zbog pluseva :haha:


Unfortunately right now our servers are overloaded and we have no more download slots left for non-members. Of course you can also try again later.



jebem vam mater!!!JS&%$&*&*AVB*GYV%$&

nemoj meni :violent::bigblue:

Posted (edited)

ja ne vidim neku preveliku vezu izmedju BCOG i TKDJE sa Ihsahn-om, eventualno na sporijim delovima, ali opet ne neki bas, bas uticaj vise slicnost, i to mozda najvise sto eto sva tri imaju atmosfericne delove odsvirane na sax-u

Bohren sviraju mracni spori jazz, a TKDJE su mix jazza, drone-a i post-rocka, a ni jednog ni drugog nema previse u slicnom obliku na ovom albumu. slicniji mi je sa Yakuzom i Ephel Duathom ako cemo iskreno, oni imaju tako ta agresivnija/progresivna idrkavanja na saksofonu, a Yakuza ima i te atmosfericne delove pa ovaj album zalici malko na njih :D


album ubiva inace, na repeat mi je vec dva dana, kako mi je do jaja kad uletovi prog delovi sa fusion jazz uticajima :D

Edited by Uruk Hai

George Pacheco of the Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner recently conducted an interview with former EMPEROR frontman Ihsahn (real name: Vegard Sverre Tveitan). A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.


Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner: Do you feel this album ["After"] could open up your solo career to those who either haven't heard, or have been slow-moving in checking it out since the demise of EMPEROR?


Ihsahn: I guess I haven't been giving that too much thought, so to speak, because I'm usually far too focused whenever I'm creating an album. I also wear many hats — from writing and producing to recording — so I don't have much time to think of it from a promotional standpoint, but yeah, I think the feeling has evolved into something which might appeal perhaps to a wider audience of the more experimental fans of the traditional black metal form.


Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner: Did you ever feel boxed-in within that black metal genre prior to starting your solo career? Struggling with pre-conceptions of what you could do as an artist?


Ihsahn: There are, of course, very conservative ideas within the traditional black metal sense, and sometimes it's been irritating. I've been doing this for twenty years now, and at times it's a bit frustrating to hear that some people think I did my best work at seventeen! (laughs) If I thought that, there would be no reason to continue, so I always think that the best is yet to come. I've also grown much more confident, and have come to terms with EMPEROR as a phenomenon, living a life of its own. The rest of my career will probably live in the shadow of my own creation, in a way, but I'm still here doing what I love, and that's the only way I can honor that: doing my absolute best, in the most truthful way I can.


Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner: When comparing "After" to your prior albums, "Angl" and "The Adversary", what did you think was done differently, and do you feel this best encapsulates what you've always wanted to do? Are you most satisfied with this record?


Ihsahn: I'm very pleased. I don't measure each album; they're all a new experience for me, and very much where I'm at — on many levels — at the time I'm making them. I definitely feel that this is way up there, though, with regards to my own work. I changed the parameters, especially with the type of atmospheres I wanted to express. The idea of doing a trilogy first become involved when I was doing "The Adversary", which — as the title implies — is very personal, confrontational and Nietzsche-inspired. "Angl" is the other side of the coin: still very direct and referring to this solitary, Luciferian figure. Ending this trilogy, I wanted something a bit more abstract; going a bit beyond the contemporary conflict thing, and seeking out more underlying and lasting inspirational sources. I feel I've touch more on the things which have been inspirational to me all along.


Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner: Musically speaking, do you feel this unleashes your inner prog-rocker, so to speak? For me, this is the most progressive route I think your music has taken. I hear a lot of '70s, GENTLE GIANT-esque prog within a lot of these songs.


Ihsahn: That's the thing a lot of people ask about: my prog influences. In that sense, I feel almost like [an outsider]. Speaking to Mikael [Åkerfeldt] or Per [Wilberg] from OPETH; they're like encyclopedias of the prog scene. Of course, I know KING CRIMSON, RUSH, YES and DREAM THEATER, but I don't come from that background. The progressive parts in my music I feel is the result of using more traditional compositional techniques. When I started in my teens with EMPEROR, it was more about getting all of these riffs together in a sensible way and convention, whereas now I start with a main theme or motif, and listen for what needs to come next. Afterwards, I'll twist and turn those elements in a more traditional compositional style; transfer the melody lines, themes or riffs and work the arrangement in a different way. I'm not trying to have all these different themes and riffs sticking together in one song; I'd rather explore fewer ideas, and make the most of that.


Read the entire interview from Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner.


Nakon slusanja albuma: Za sve koji se loze na saksofone, izvol'te gospodo malo Van Der Graaf Generator slusajte :da:


Nisu definitivno Ihsahnovi I radovi za mene, drzacu se E. A Grave Inversed je jedina fina, zvuci k'o SYL feat Emperor.


Nakon slusanja albuma: Za sve koji se loze na saksofone, izvol'te gospodo malo Van Der Graaf Generator slusajte :da:


Nisu definitivno Ihsahnovi I radovi za mene, drzacu se E. A Grave Inversed je jedina fina, zvuci k'o SYL feat Emperor.




И ја сам месец дана покушавао да сварим овај албум, као и прошла два што сам дрндао, али не вреди. Не свиђа ми се. И Ишан крешти превише.


И Ишан крешти превише.


I ti previše kreštiš pa nam se sviđaš. Srsly. :haha:



Dobro, nije album za slušanje po kući. Mora da se sluša. Ali daleko od toga da je neslušljiv.

Posted (edited)

Ni ti poentu mog posta.


edit: da ne bude da serinjam,obrazlozicu.


Poenta mog posta je da ne vidim poentu uporedjivanjem sa Generatorom. Parafraziracu: " Kome se slusa saksofon ,neka slusa VDGG (Ihsahn-a nema potrebe da slusate)". Jer je saksofonista bolji u VDGG? Zato sam naveo Bonhama kao primjer jednog od bubnjara koji je postavio standarde i vazi za jednog od najboljih u rock istoriji. Po toj logici mogli bismo da ne slusamo Metaliku,npr.


Ukoliko sam ja promasio poentu,izvinjavam se.

Edited by In The Flesh
Posted (edited)

Ma kompleksniji si od Ihsahna


Editom na edit: Smesno mi je bilo lozenje na saksofon, posebno jer zvuci izdrkavajuce i k'o da je tu u elementu saksofon radi saksofona, i cenih da ako se vec ljudima tol'ko svidja nek uzmu da daju sansu VdgGu za koji verovatno nisu imali prilike da cuju pa deder da cuju pravu stvar.

Edited by Angelystor
Posted (edited)

Editovao sam post,objasnio sam svoju kompleksnost. Ti objasni svoju ironiju.


Ne bih se slozio da je tu izdrkavanje sa saksofonom. Odnosno,jeste na drugu stvar. Ne ide mi nikako. Dok na Undercurrent i On The Shores ne vidim koji instrument bi bolje lezao.

A i preporucivanje Generatora na black forumu...really? ;)

Edited by In The Flesh
  • 1 month later...

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