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ja i misljah na miliciju.


jebacki album,uvjek sam bjezao od benda zbog infantilnog imena,izgleda da su odrasli

Edited by BLAGOJE

Greek symphonic metallers NIGHTFALL have completed work on their new album, "Cassiopeia", for a January 2013 release through Metal Blade Records. The recordings took place in four different places: vocals and keyboards were laid down in Greece (Soundflakes studios and Cyberia); the drums were tracked in Germany in the Soundlodge studios; and the guitar and bass were recorded in the U.S. in Nashville, Tennessee at Boomcave studios.


According to a press release, "more than on the previous album, 'Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants', in 'Cassiopeia' the spirit of old school heavy metal lurks in almost every riff. Unlike 'Astron Black', there are more fast tempos as well as grindy ones bringing memories back from the mid-'90s times of now-cult release 'Athenian Echoes'. The vocals remain very, very heavy and, thanks to Soundflakes' amazing gear and Jörg Uken's super mixing skills, fit great with the melodic leads, moreover creating a solid wall of sound where vocalist Efthimis comfortably sts and spreads his inner daemons out to the world!"


Commented singer Efthimis Karadimas: "'Cassiopeia' has a specific thesis and though its name is linked to both the constellation and the mythical character of Andromeda's mother, it refers to arrogance as leading characteristic of the human race; the outcome of this and the overweening state of affairs are so popular these harsh days everywhere. The entire world seems to be shifting from its previous position to a new one and all and each one of us that used to feel like masters of our destiny are now starting to wonder about when, where and how this transition will end. It may be a punishment like Cassiopeia and Andromeda who claimed themselves more beautiful even to nereids suffered, or it may be just another change. Time will certainly tell."




jebacki album,uvjek sam bjezao od benda zbog infantilnog imena,izgleda da su odrasli


Мени је вазда име било феноменално. :D


Е, ово је чист блек метал. И овај бенд сам увек баш волео. Вероватно највише због Вилија, који ми је једна од омиљених БМ фигура.


Иначе, кад га већ спомињем, Sektemtum, његов други бенд, је избацио деби албум ове године: Aut Caesar, Aut Nihil. Управо ми се скида, али капирам да не може да не ваља.


Auuuuu, nisi slušao Sektemtum? :haha: Pričalo se o njima ovde ranije, poprilično opičen pristup materiji imaju, samo overi stranicu na fejsu i ovaj spot i sve će ti biti jasno :haha:



Auuuuu, nisi slušao Sektemtum? :haha: Pričalo se o njima ovde ranije, poprilično opičen pristup materiji imaju, samo overi stranicu na fejsu i ovaj spot i sve će ti biti jasno :haha:


Ајао, да, сад ме спот подсети. Тотално сам заборавио. Нисам албум још чуо, али ово ме је одушевило. :D


Феноменално. :haha:


Јеботе, сад се сетих да сам и коментарисао спот (има негде на теми пост, мрзи ме да копам) и исхајповао, баш због Вилија, ненормално. Не знам како сам пропустио да послушам.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Jebote, sećam se da sam taj promo iz 2006. skidao sa njihovog myspace-a svojevremeno. Beše dobar i zarazan materijal sa donekle svemirskom atmosferom. Dosta vremena je prošlo, valjda su ga pametno utrošili na pisanje albuma.


Jeste, taj promo iz 2006. je bio dobar. Poshto je dosta vremena proshlo od tada, nisam ni ochekivao nov materijal, tako da je ovo bilo lepo iznenadjenje. Samo mi je zhao shto neke pesme sa tog iz 2006-te nisu nashle mesto na ovom novom albumu, koji u pogledu produkcije zvuchi naprednije, ali dobro. S druge strane, ima puno novih momenata koji zrache nekom tehnoloshkom, sterilnom hladnocom. Nisu razocharali, shto se mene tiche.

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