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prvo, uopste nema veze sa Angantyrom. Angantyr svira mnogo brzi black metal, ovo je dosta ambijentalno i sporije. Angantyr bih pre uporedio sa Taake.

drugo, posle preslusanog Nasheima, razocaran sam. Sve je to fino upakovano ali mi nesto fali. Dacu mu jos jednu sansu veceras ali mislim da se misljenje nece promeniti.


na prvo slušanje sjajan. skroz haotična svirka. jedino su možda mogli za nijansu čistije da odrade gitare

Ako si skinuo sa Talvijevog linka, to je neki skrnav rip, sačekaj sa zaključcima o zvuku. ;) Davajte bolji rip.


On May 23rd (May 27th in North America), Season of Mist will release a special compilation entitled ‘One And All, Together, For Home’. Initiated by DRUDKH main man Roman Sayenko, this project consists of established bands from the metal world recording folk and mostly acoustic songs.

Here is the list of bands which will appear on ‘One And All, Together, For Home’:


DRUDKH (Ukraine)

AVA INFERI (Portugal)

KAMPFAR (Norway)


HÄIVE (Finland)


MONDVOLLAND (Netherlands)

Every band recorded one to three tracks, all exclusive and previously unreleased. While most of them are renditions of traditional tunes from their respective countries, some of them are genuinely personal material. Song titles, cover artwork and available formats will be unveiled later.




Transmission: Vibrating from the centre of a dead sun and manifested in the terrible shadow cast by the sect's debut offering, Flesh Cathedral, The Synthesis of Whore and Beast presents two apocalyptic hymns of blinding illumination and iconoclastic orgasms, tantric mantras to end all flesh.


1. Venus Illegitima

2. Impotent Solar Phallus


Total playtime : 16.27 min


Artwork by Timo Ketola and David Glomba. Produced by Stephen Lockhart at Emissary Studio.


Manifested as 45 rpm 12" and CD on Walpurgisnacht, the 30th of April via Terratur Possessions and Daemon Worship Productions.



The upcoming Death Wolf 7" has been mastered and layout is currently being assembled. We here bring you the track list. The ep turned out to be vocally performed in Swedish language, but that will not be the case on the coming full-length album. So here is the track list. Layout and release info will be unveiled shortly...


1. Sotdöd/Soot death

2. Svart Solsken/Black Sunlight

3. Liksjöns drickare/Drinker Of The Corpse Lake



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