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Ovaj Hell United sam komotno mogao i na death metal da bacim, skroz su u noviji Behemoth fazon otišli. Ali ono, i na prošlom su bili negde na pola puta, black/death, bar koliko me sećanje služi.


Је л' вреди скидати или је албум за два слушања?


Гојко, ниси ми прокоментарисао оно што сам ти оставио на зиду на ФБ, а баш ме занима да ли си приметио исто што и ја.


Pa onako, nije ništa revolucionarno niti može da se meri sa Behemothom ali je slušljivo svakako, baš dosta liči. E da, ima i obrada "The Return Of The Darkness And Evil".


Italy's OPERA IX has inked a deal with Agonia Records for the release of the band's new album, "Strix Maledictae In Aeternum". Due in November, the CD — which is described in a press release as "a great opera dedicated to the dark ages of medieval witchcraft" — was recorded at the Occultum studios, owned by the OPERA IX guitarist Ossian, and was mastered at the Necromorbus Studio in Alvik, Sweden.. The artwork was created by Kris Verwimp.


"Strix Maledictae In Aeternum" will be released as a digipack CD and on limited vinyl. A promotional video clip for the song "Mandragora" was recently completed and will make its online debut in the fall.


Kultni NSBM bend Velimor (imaju split s Krodom, pesmu o Srbiji, članove iz BlazeBirth Halla, DJUR-a itd)


Велимор - Наш Мир (2011)





2.Новый Рассвет



5.Памяти Героев

6.Последняя Битва




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Ta pesma o Srbiji bi trebalo da je obrada Warhead-a, nije da slušam nešto, ali Srbija mi zapala za oči pa sam poslušao, klasično, da izvinete, preseravanje, sama pesma ne bi ni bila tako loša... da je instrumental :D Klasična neonazi propaganda, zanimljiva muzikica, pitka, zarazna, čisto da se pokupi nešto zatupljene omladine u društvo :mhihi: Vidim sad da su obradili i Honor, pesmu Rudolf Hess, koja bi bila odlična, opet, da to nije Honor :bigblue:


Sve mi je bilo jasno kada sam video omot. Smeće.


Knjiga se ne sudi po koricama, isto tako ni album po omotu...

Što je najzanimljivije najpoznatija pesma ovog benda ni nije Black Metal nego obrada sountracka filma Romper Stomper (pesma "Pulling on the Boots"), u njihovoj verziji "Kolovrat Russia".

Posted (edited)

Knjiga se ne sudi po koricama, isto tako ni album po omotu...

Što je najzanimljivije najpoznatija pesma ovog benda ni nije Black Metal nego obrada sountracka filma Romper Stomper (pesma "Pulling on the Boots"), u njihovoj verziji "Kolovrat Russia".


Ni to nije njihova pesma :D Tu je pesmu na ruskom prvi obradio Kolovrat čini mi se. Jbt za jednog nepoznavaoca scene dobro se razumem u muziku koja me ne zanima :D Izgleda sam čuo baš neke ključne informacije :mhihi:


EDIT: Svastika na omotu se može tolerisati samo u slučaju da ispred nje piše 'Skyf' a iza nje 'rger' :rockdevil:

Edited by Stolet

Ova pesma se našla na albumu Tribute to Kolovrat ali ne znam baš da li postoji Kolovratova verzija te pesme, mislim da je ta sama pesma tribute Kolovratu (a ne obrada ako kapiraš šta mislim)

Btw. Ovo je Slavenska svastika, zašto ti to smeta? to bi mogao da koristi i ne-NS bend.


Smeta zato što znam da je Velimor NS bend, dok npr. Skyforger to nije :) Ima i Kolovrat pesmu Kolovrat Russia, samo je malo sporija od Velimorove obrade.


Norwegian black metal act THRONE OF KATARSIS will release its new album, "Ved Graven", on October 24 in Europe and November 1 in the U.S. via Candlelight Records.


According to a press release, "the album title 'Ved Graven' can be translated to 'At the Grave', and is by far the darkest material written by the band to this date.


"Cold, raw, and with the bizarre aura of an everlasting funeral, THRONE OF KATARSIS delivers their requiem in honor of the final darkness. During three long nights the seven rites of this album was recorded. The séance was done in darkness and with poisoned minds, and with a dedication closer to a possession rather than anything else. All instruments and vocal were recorded live in the studio, in order to capture the aura the band creates during their convocations. A couple of guitar leads were added to the mix, and also church organ — recorded at nighttime at a local church during a highly blasphemic ceremony.


"To complete the vision, Njard drawed the cover art, and Stein Sund assisted the mixing and mastering of the album. This is their third studio album, and continues the march towards the funeral."

After seven years as a "demonic duo," THRONE OF KATARSIS is now a quartet, consisting of Infamroth (voice, guitar and church organ), Skinndød (guitar), Sanrabb (bass) and Vardalv (drums).


"Ved Graven" track listing:


01. Profetens Siste Vandring

02. Helvete Kaller

03. Av Dypets Kulde

04. The Holy Remains The Weak

05. Mesterens Tilbakekomst

06. Åpne Alle Sår

07. The Ultimate Shrine



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